First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
Edit of seed choices:

This sounds to be a more exotic array of plants and big yielder's as well..... and so to the list-

Neville's Haze- 700 g/m2 indoors
- 1200 g/ outdoors

Millennium- 600 g/m2 indoors
- 800-1200 g/ outdoors

El Nino- 400-700g/m2 indoors
- 900 g/ outdoors

And of course the Feminized White Widow (Those are the free ones you get when you order)

I'll get 12 seeds each pack for 20 bucks each pack. So that's 48 seeds for 60 bucks..... I'll be orderin from never had a prob with them before and now they got a sale goin on- good deal!

I'll probably put 6 of each outside just to up my chances of survival, and then maybe 2 or 3 of each inside so I can sample them sooner and know which ones I wanna keep alive....
I'll be startin ALL of them indoors, then the ones I'm puttin outside I'll just move after the last frost. That way they already have some established growth goin on with them.......


Well-Known Member
nice dude, good to go with the huge yeild factor cuz its always best. i know what u mean man about the smoking/drawing thing, im pretty much the same but i feel the need atleast once a day, i dont smoke allot...maybe a bowl a week and a blunt a day? so small is perfect for me. That papaya shit sounds GoooooD! hoping my little shiva comes out fruity and tasty. as for all your other plans, good luck man! hope the fem seeds go female, im busy germing 4bagseeds at the moment that i got from my chronic dealer and he asures me that its good shit and ones already been put into soil after it opened up last nite and grew it root so hloding thumbs!


Well-Known Member
nice dude, good to go with the huge yeild factor cuz its always best. i know what u mean man about the smoking/drawing thing, im pretty much the same but i feel the need atleast once a day, i dont smoke allot...maybe a bowl a week and a blunt a day? so small is perfect for me. That papaya shit sounds GoooooD! hoping my little shiva comes out fruity and tasty. as for all your other plans, good luck man! hope the fem seeds go female, im busy germing 4bagseeds at the moment that i got from my chronic dealer and he asures me that its good shit and ones already been put into soil after it opened up last nite and grew it root so hloding thumbs!

I got a decent yield the last time I grew outdoors...... I got 1.2 pounds off of one bagseed- then I found one growin on the side of the road that I took home- but it turned out male. So If I can get that off a bagseed, the conditions being WAY better here where I'm at than where I was- I should be decent!
I looked all the seeds up that they had, and tried to get the most exotic soundin ones that gave the best yield and that's what I came up with........

Oh- My Vit Gurl is officially Vit GUY! but that's cool with me, cuz the others haven't showed sex yet- FEMALES! Hopefully........ But I'm gunna use his juice to give to my Big Gurl and get some decent seeds out of her- Not pollinatin the whole plant just a few buds dependin on how many she gets- probably just a few lower buds........

Also- went out and got 4 more CFL's to throw on them while flowerin- they are 13 watt- 40 watt equiv on the red spec---- so hopefully I'll get more and better buds off of them.........


Well-Known Member
very nice dude...sorry to hear about Vgir..i mean Vboy, the pollonation this is always a good idea, keeps a strain alive or may even create a new one and gives u allota seeds to do it with. and dude i dont think iv ever even seen 1.2 POUNDS of weed before, that sounds insane! outdoors are awesome bt it just sux having to wait all year round and all the bugs and mites that get stuck up in the buds and shit, must take allot of care. the Shiva Shanti seeds i got to grow my 2babies at the moment came from my outdoor wich i harvested ages ago, the thing was, it callapsed at one point and grew almost lst style outta the ground on its huge trunk like stem so it was very close to the ground and the weed i got from it had sand and spidermites in it. shes still alive...surprisingly. after she budded i cut most of her branches off bt now shes growing new ones where they should hav grown before and little new buds are forming. hopefully ill be able to keep her forever and hopefully she'll just keep reproducing.


Well-Known Member
** Manik **

Yea- VBoy is gettin crazy with his sack production already! The top already looks like a big ass ball! He's got good characteristics for sure!Good healthy strong growth, good node spacing, nice stank on him, and good sack production- he's def a good father figure- especially for my big gurl (still hopin she's a gurl- no sex signs yet- more than likely she is cuz I know the fems mature later than the guys) But those two should produce some nice babies! And hell, they may produce some even nicer babies!
I'm in no way set up to get clones or even start breeding- but if I can get seeds at least when I do get set up for it- I'll have the seeds to start from........ ahhhhhh the future's so bright- I gotta wear shades!


Well-Known Member
hahahaha!!! i love it dude, great plan. im doing exacly the same thing, just gonna take my pollon from my Mango plant and cross it with my shivas and just get some really good seeds to keep growing from then eventually clone when the times right. All thats really needed is just one good strain in a good healthy plant to be a mother and then the rest is practice.


Well-Known Member
Hell yea! That's it right there!
I'm gettin ready to upload some pics Of V Boy here in a few minutes- Keep in mind that this production is from only a week and a half of flower time!
Kickin ass and takin names!
I'll throw those up in a few minutes!


Well-Known Member
Ok here's the pics- I went ahead and took some of the others too- cuz damn if the aint lookin good! Still no sex on the other 3, so I'm def thinkin females!

But the pollen sack production on my V BOY is sick! After a week and a half he's goin crazy! This is def my daddy plant!

V Boy is in photos 1-4
Big Gurl is in photos 5 & 6 (** Note** Big Gurl has roughly 5 colas goin on her, and they are gettin bigger by the day)
Lil Gurl in 7 (** Note** Lil Gurl has 3 colas on her)
and Struggler is in 8 (** Note** Struggler has seemed to gotten some life to her over the last week or so, she might turn out alright after all.)



Well-Known Member
looking very nice man! so no signs of female sex yet...damn, they leave u hanging on til the last minute almost bt im sure ull be seeing plently of hairs soon on those ladies cuz it takes up to 2weeks tops i think so hold in there. Keep it up dude and best of luck!


Well-Known Member
taggin along! good luck.
How long was that veg?
I only vegged them for 3 weeks- shoulda went a lil longer- but oh well- this was only a test run for me so I can work out kinks and what not- see what works for me and what doesn't...... thanks for stoppin by!


Well-Known Member
looking very nice man! so no signs of female sex yet...damn, they leave u hanging on til the last minute almost bt im sure ull be seeing plently of hairs soon on those ladies cuz it takes up to 2weeks tops i think so hold in there. Keep it up dude and best of luck!

Yea, still no sex yet- this Thursday will be week two of flowering.... so maybe I'll see somethin in the next 2 days.... BUT, my big gurl has finally got a stank on her- I don't remember if I mentioned anything about her not smellin- but through her whole growth she never had a smell until now.........STANK!

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Sexing is so frustrating.

I'm getting nervous about my biggy. She is also starting to smell, and little bulbs(or possibly balls :[ ) are popping out where the preflowers should. They are still way too small to tell what gender, and could go either way. There are no hairs as of right now though.

Keep them fingers twisted.


Well-Known Member
Sexing is so frustrating.

I'm getting nervous about my biggy. She is also starting to smell, and little bulbs(or possibly balls :[ ) are popping out where the preflowers should. They are still way too small to tell what gender, and could go either way. There are no hairs as of right now though.

Keep them fingers twisted.
Mine don't even have any real signs of preflowers- crazy I know right!?!?!
No bulbs- but she finally started to stink......
3 no sex plants and one def full blown male!
Maybe If my Big gurl turns out to be a gurl then I can get the early flowerin trait from my male and breed it into my female- get their babies to show sex a lil sooner........
I mean the male showed his sex less than a week into flowerin- so maybe just maybe-

Fingers are def twisted tight right now!


Well-Known Member
Nice grow just stoppin in to say goodluck with the last couple plants... maybe youll have a nice xmas present if they turn out female.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow just stoppin in to say goodluck with the last couple plants... maybe youll have a nice xmas present if they turn out female.

Thanks for stoppin by- they are in their second week of flower now- Thursday will be 2 full weeks.......
So maybe a Valentines day present-

But I think I get what ur sayin- maybe I'll know what the other 3 are by Christmas- and I'll just have to wait to open it-hahaha!


Well-Known Member
haha yea its like oh heres your gift: a female, but wait 7-8 weeks to open it.

i just read that they are just starting to smell? i dont know why but my 2 plants have stunk up my whole room since like the 2nd week into veg and they seem to be getting stronger... smells great but a little conspicuous when people come over :lol:

Ill be watching to see how things go, goodluck


Well-Known Member
""""haha yea its like oh heres your gift: a female, but wait 7-8 weeks to open it.

i just read that they are just starting to smell? i dont know why but my 2 plants have stunk up my whole room since like the 2nd week into veg and they seem to be getting stronger... smells great but a little conspicuous when people come over :lol:

Ill be watching to see how things go, goodluck""""

Hahahaha- yea that's it exactly!

Actually three of my plants smelled liked crazy from the 2nd week of veg- except my big gurl.. it took her until now to start stinkin- but believe me- I don't mind the delay cuz her smell was well worth the wait!


Well-Known Member
hmmmm...hopefully soon ill also be smelling sum stank, i put my shiva into flowering today at 2pm so lites will come on tomorow at 2pm and then 12/12 will begin. iv got sum new pics up of how her fim is looking, check it out.