24 or 48hrs Of Darkness Before I Chop Her Down


Well-Known Member
I would just do 24hrs to get the last bit of THC. make sure that you cut them before the lights come on to keep everything in the roots. (it makes better bud)

Mr. Skunk

Well-Known Member
Everyone has their own opinion on this subject, but I agree with motoracer, I would go with 24 hours darkness before you start chopping.


Well-Known Member
you could but it wont do much of anything because when you turn the lights off the plant kinda drains most of the fluid back down to the base.

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Flush one final time about 2-3 days prior to harvest, then dont water your plants for the next couple days till harvest. By letting your medium get dry, this will make the lady go into over-drive in resin production. I'd keep her in 16-24hrs of darkness before harvesting her in the dark.


Well-Known Member
Flush one final time about 2-3 days prior to harvest, then dont water your plants for the next couple days till harvest. By letting your medium get dry, this will make the lady go into over-drive in resin production. I'd keep her in 16-24hrs of darkness before harvesting her in the dark.
OKAY, THIS IS F-ING BS. why do so many people on here thing that changing the plants favorite environment will make the plant react in some amazing resin producing spree that will make your bud better?:wall: the last 2 months is what is important, not the day or 2 before you chop. and don't water them only if you want a faster drying time, otherwise you are just starving them. and 24-48hrs darkness? c'mon, this doesn't even make sense. take away the food source and the energy source, and this is supposed to help the plant. this is a ridiculous notion. just like boiling the roots. as many of us know the additional thc gets squeezed out of the plant matter during curing and it takes time.

just a side note, resin is not a defense, it assists in pollination. late

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
OKAY, THIS IS F-ING BS. why do so many people on here thing that changing the plants favorite environment will make the plant react in some amazing resin producing spree that will make your bud better?:wall: the last 2 months is what is important, not the day or 2 before you chop. and don't water them only if you want a faster drying time, otherwise you are just starving them. and 24-48hrs darkness? c'mon, this doesn't even make sense. take away the food source and the energy source, and this is supposed to help the plant. this is a ridiculous notion. just like boiling the roots. as many of us know the additional thc gets squeezed out of the plant matter during curing and it takes time.

just a side note, resin is not a defense, it assists in pollination. late

I love a healthy discussion :) I like how you say FAVORITE enviroment...how can a plant that grows all over Asian, mountains, and valleys, in the desert, all over Africa can be grown outdoors in every corner of the US, South America, Central America have a FAVORITE enviroment? It has ideal enviroments, but it is a very adaptable plant to nearly every enviroment...will it grow best is all enviroments? No, but is still grows. People flush their plants, no nuts just water. The nuts are the food source. By flushing people are removing the food source, so flushing must not work. I personally add a form of raw dark sugar cane called Sucanat while flushing this gives the plants just enough to continue growing. Resin ACTUALLY is a defense! Marijuana has a huge UV-resistance, why do you think it can be spotted by UV-sensitive aerial equitment? Putting a plant into dryness will active its natural defenses, and that is more resin production so that that the buds dont become sun burnt while in this dry state. Yes the dark period matters. Is 48hrs over kill? Yes it is I wouldnt go longer then 24hours, 12-24hours is long enough to make sure any nuts left in the plant from the flush drain to the root system.

Peace and big buds,

Mr. Skunk

Well-Known Member
I love a healthy discussion :) I like how you say FAVORITE enviroment...how can a plant that grows all over Asian, mountains, and valleys, in the desert, all over Africa can be grown outdoors in every corner of the US, South America, Central America have a FAVORITE enviroment? It has ideal enviroments, but it is a very adaptable plant to nearly every enviroment...will it grow best is all enviroments? No, but is still grows. People flush their plants, no nuts just water. The nuts are the food source. By flushing people are removing the food source, so flushing must not work. I personally add a form of raw dark sugar cane called Sucanat while flushing this gives the plants just enough to continue growing. Resin ACTUALLY is a defense! Marijuana has a huge UV-resistance, why do you think it can be spotted by UV-sensitive aerial equitment? Putting a plant into dryness will active its natural defenses, and that is more resin production so that that the buds dont become sun burnt while in this dry state. Yes the dark period matters. Is 48hrs over kill? Yes it is I wouldnt go longer then 24hours, 12-24hours is long enough to make sure any nuts left in the plant from the flush drain to the root system.

Peace and big buds,
Looks like we need to get the rollitup boxing gloves out

sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
12-24hrs darkness will be enough to makes sure all the remaining nuts have drained from your plant into the root system. 48hrs is honestly over kill.


Well-Known Member
ok sounds good man well i have to wait an extra 10 more days until harvest so i will remember when it comes to the night before harvest+rep


Well-Known Member
+rep? this is ridiculous. when i say favorite environment, i mean light and water. food and energy, not the desert or the Himalayas. lights off for 24 takes away the energy, and without that the plant slows down, it doesnt make a last attempt at living and puke up a bunch of resin. do some research about the plant resin and plant propagation (real research, not internet forums), also look into wheat and hops (related to cannabis) and how they reproduce before you spit your BS on someones thread...resin is sticky to catch pollen from the male, this sticky resin carries the pollen to the inside of the calyxes where the magic happens. let me repeat THE LAST 2 MONTHS ARE THE IMPORTANT PART, NOT THE DAY BEFORE YOU CHOP. with that out of the way, flushing...this is done to clean the chems out of the plants system, which is necessary for a good smoke. and FYI this does not take the food away from the plants, i have seen many very nice grows that use tap water and no nutes. my argument was not against flushing, it was against not watering them at all and letting them dry out. also, UV resistance? "marijuana has a huge UV-resistance, why do you think it can be spotted with UV sensitive aerial equipment?"<------this doesn't even make sense. what the fuck did he say?it is a green plant, that green stuff is called chlorophyll, this stuff helps transfer the uv (sunlight) into energy for the plant. ever notice that weak lights create weak plants. the only really sun resistant plants are found on the floor of the rain forests, these plants have a red color instead of green.
and finally, the copters with the IR cam are searching for people with that cam or (after obtaining a warrant for its use) indoor grows that produce heat from the lights, not the plants. yes it can be said that weed plants hold more heat than trees and grass, but there has to be at least a 5-10 degree difference for the IR to even pick it up, this is not the case. they are easy to spot with the naked eye from the sky, they don't use IR cams for this. and as far as the sugar you use, this is a carbohydrate for the plant and can be used or not but should be used in the final 2 weeks. any questions.

ps...dont go 24 dark.


sUpA nOvA D9

Well-Known Member
Great comment at the end I actually had some respect for a fellow grower, but thats gone like the smoke from my blunt.
Light, and water are factors IN an enviroment. An enviroment is comprised of all living (plants), and non-living things (water, nutrients, light) within an area. I gave examples of enviroments, that dont have the PERFECT food, light, and water that you speak of...yet by some miricale our plants can still grow, hmmmm...
Just a little FYI I wasn't saying that going longer without lights would (as you so eloquently put it) "puke-up" resin, I was saying letting the medium get dry (there in the humidity within the room goes down), or drop a dehumidifier into your room to make the air within more dry will help with resin production due to the plants natural response to protect itself from dryness, and hot conditions (find Best of HT : Edition January, 09, then go to page 42). Ive yet to see a "nice" grow that only uses tap water, chlorine, and other chemicals within must do the plants loads of good without proper nutrients. I also am not saying let the plant go without water for months, the plant will NOT shrivle up, and die if it goes a few days without water. By the way water is not considered food or energy. "Water is an essential part of all process of plants. Through water, necessary minerals are moved from the roots to the parts of the plants that require them. Water moves chemicals from one part of the plant to another. It is also required for photosynthesis and for metabolism. It also helps cool plant surfaces (through transpiration).
Plants not receiving enough water will be lower in production of fruit, seed, roots and flowers. Without enough water, plants will close their stomates. This will result in leaf curling and rolling, reducing leaf and stem growth and fruit yield."- http://desertwaterwisegardens.suite101.com/article.cfm/how_plants_use_water
. To dumb it down water is NOT considered food, it is the way for "food" to be moved from the soil to the roots then to the rest of the plant. Yes its TRUE that the lack of water will slow in production (bud size), seeds (not looking for these), roots(its getting cut down in 1-2 days), and flowers (doesn't matter). If the "LAST 2 MONTHS ARE THE IMPORTANT TIME, NOT THE DAY BEFORE" then stopping water won't effect it either way then (except in resin production), cause I think that chopping the stem from the roots will slow these productions indefinately....
As for your UV-resistance comment... :) Ill post this link to actual research (read the "Enviromental Influence"), but since its on the internet (by regarded Cannabis writers) you will probably push it off as non-sence because it goes against your idea's...Here's the link, the arrows should help you find it>>>> http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/2159.html <<<<

Now to dumb it down for you...In area's of higher altitudes (these are the Himalayas), and equatorial areas (sunlight is strongest here) THC potency is noticably higher, this means that the resin (has the THC) is in higher amounts...why might this be? Because there is more light intensity, and more UV light in these areas. The more UV the more resin, so that must mean that the resin is in higher amounts to protect the plant from the UV light (this is UV-resistance...how UV-sensitive equitment is used to find plants that are hidden below forrests, or olive trees). I think you were thinking of them looking in open fields for the cannabis plants, but that would be dumb (oh wait who are we talking to here).
Here's an article from Ed Rosenthal ( http://www.cannabisculture.com/v2/articles/4351.html ) stating resin as a defense from UV light making it a very UV-resistance plant.
Here is an article from a veteran grower stating his use of MH lights (which product more UV-light then HPS) and how the potency is increased with UV-lights. It is againt stated how areas of higher consentrations of UV light (mountains, equatorial areas) offer higher potency levels of cannabis. >>>> http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/2696.html <<<<

"the only really sun resistant plants are found on the floor of the rain forests, these plants have a red color instead of green."

HAHA you mean the rain forest floor that very light light penatrates? Have you ever notice the colors of the leaves changing? All plants have the red, yellow, orange, ect. colors in them, so saying that a red plant on the floor of the rain forest is the only sun resistant plant is nieve.
"and as far as the sugar you use, this is a carbohydrate for the plant and can be used or not but should be used in the final 2 weeks."

Very good Sucanat is a carbohydrate. Why only the final 2 weeks? Have you actually used this to know that it should only be used in the final 2 weeks? It is fine to use this or other "boosters" such as Sweet during the flowering stage just as long as you take into account the extra PPm that these will add with the rest of your nutrients. So if you have the ability to back the nutrients off +/-100 PPM roughly your PPM will stay fine with adding these at the recommended levels.

"ps...dont go 24 dark."

No he suggests harvesting in the middle of your lights on cycle. ;) Just kidding. Don't make a dumb...or more accuratly a slew of dumb comments without expecting a response. All the links I posted are backed by ACTUAL research, its not my research because I dont have the resources to test all of these things stated, but others do, and the information is legit. Believe it or don't it will help someone else out there not too arogant.

Class is out.

Regards to the O.P., and RUI Admin:
Sorry for posting all this in this thread but I felt it would be better posted for others to have their opinions instead of it being sent through PM to "deaf ears". If you would like to split this into a different thread that would be greatly appreciated.

Peace, Love, and Big Buds.


Well-Known Member
not much of what you just wrote supports what you were previously stating, and fyi, ed rosenthal states there is a slightly higher thc content in buds grow with just MH, i was a strict MH grower for a few years. but this is due to the difference in uv rays, see there is UVA and UVB light. this is what makes the plant respond better to MH lights, resin is not sunscreen. this quote from your Ed Rosenthal link in your comment "THC, or a derivative from it, should be studied to see if it does afford UVB protection and if it is a viable means of providing it." indicates that this is just an idea not a fact.see this huge article you just wrote holds little weight because it is a gross misinterpretation of the information set before you, and you preach it like it is gospel (it sucks that you spent so much time on it...but hey, you got some good links in ther, way to go). also you have forgotten what helps make a one plant grow better than another...light. see when you have more UVB light the plant grows better and produces more resin, kind of like a bodybuilder taking supplements. the plants that get more UVB radiation do not have more resin to protect themselves, they have more resin because they are receiving optimal lighting conditions. unlike you, i have tested MH against HPS before in identical set ups and tested the results, this was over a year ago if you check my threads and comments you will find it.

so...to "dumb it up" for you...you are not as helpful as you might think you are. these people n here are working hard to grow a good crop, and bad advice does not help. but you can bask in the comfort of knowing that MISTERDOJA112003 is on your nutz.

if you need another dose of reality, ask your physician.


Active Member
so am i understanding this right? flowering cut the lights for 24-48 hours then chop her down? no 12/12 for weeks?