Q's B4 I start my first grow, just L@@K


Active Member
Hello, and thanks for your input,

To start this is my first grow, I am working in a { 4 x 4 x 5.5 } closet. (I'll get back with you to make sure those are the correct measurements).

This is what I have on my list of things to get, but some questions:

1.) Should I use soil or rockwall or both?
1b.) What is the difference
2.) Using a tent what wattage lighting system should I be using? What light do you recommend between all the diff kinds.. there are a TON!
3.) I am planning on growing about 9 plants. Does that sound right for my space?

List: (everything, if I'm missing one little thing tell me)
10 Feminized Seeds (Widow or ICE ?)
1000W (HPS) High Pressure Sodium Lighting Systems
Secret Jardin - The Dark Room 120
7-Day Grounded Digital Programmable Timer
Ventilation Fan:
Carbon filter:
Reflecting Lining:
Compost (Rockwool):
Pots (10lt):
Thermometer w/ humidity:
Electronic PH Scale:
Cloning Solution:
chain/rope 4 lights:
Watering Pales:

I'm expecting 2.5oz - 3.5oz (70g - 100g) of yield per plant...
Is this anyway near accurate?


Well-Known Member
Wrong dinky, but what you should have caught is the 1kw light in a 4x4x5ft space, that's insane... Floor square footage is good, but the height won't work out.

Look here. This is about the 99th time I've used this link today.

That would fit and work a hell of a lot better than creating a second oven in your house with the 1kw light. And tents, what a waste of money...

btw rockwool isn't a compost, and digital timers are a huge pain in the ass, stick with the simple mechanical ones.


Well-Known Member
First I want to say I'm not a pro. I'm also new and working on my grow and room development, so I'm not going to be the final word on any of what I say. However, I have been studying and researching my ass off the past few months, and I might be able to give you some ideas, and thoughts based on my hurdles along with others that might help you re consolidate your ideas.

Based on your list of what you want to order, it's clear that you have not thought out the process the entire way on which you want to grow your plants. You've done the first step, you staked your claim on your room which is [FONT=&quot]4 x 4 x 5.. However, you are ordering a tent which will not fit into this room. The height of the jardedin is 6 ft +. Usually these tents are bought to seperate growing areas and/or to create partions within larger spaces to define vegging, cloning, flowering rooms etc...

The big thing which should be step two or at least an early step: Define what method you will grow based on your space and other constraints. Will you divide your space into two areas? Something to veg? Something to flower? Will you just grow the plants straight through all cycles etc.? These things you must decide based on what's possible. SOG, SCROG, LST, Micro Growing, etc...

Your height is going to be a real issue as others have pointed out with that 1000 watt. Even with cooling on it, you will only be able to get it so close to the plants. Also you will lose height on the light hanging off the ceiling itself. You can't have the light hugging the ceiling. You can on cfl lights, but not on HIDs. Too much heat and other factors here also.

With that being said for instance, you may opt to do a full grow in which you would want a convertable ballast or blub so you can run a Mh bulb for vegging it out a bit and then use a HPS to flower. Or you may want to grow all out with just a hps. Some people do this because they are looking for specific traits of how the plant will grow with this type of light etc....

once you research a bit more which I think you are doing a great job with what you are presenting right now. You will be able to answer some of these questions you pose. Since this will be your first one like myself and many others, don't spend the cash on great seeds until you get a hang of it at first. Try it with some bag seeds so you don't feel as guilty killing them off at first.

Just keep asking yourself the questions and then build and design off that.
Where is my space?
How big is my space?
How can I control my environment in my space. ie how can I maintain my temps from 70-80 degrees. How can I control my humidity? How will i exhaust my space and keep the air fresh and in control?
once you have the envrioment down, as you introduce things into it, you will need to be able to control any shifts. IE. When I introduce my light, how much warmer will my room get? How will I keep my light cool so it doesn't effect the room. etc...Just keep working your way down here which I see you are doing until you get trough media number of plants together and how you grow them, and your knowledge should grow along with it. Hope this helps get your mind cranking. Keep up the good work and keep us posted.



Active Member
Based on your list of what you want to order, it's clear that you have not thought out the process the entire way on which you want to grow your plants. You've done the first step, you staked your claim on your room which is [FONT=&quot]4 x 4 x 5.. However, you are ordering a tent which will not fit into this room.
I know, I can take the clothes rack out and have up to 8 ft if I want... so the height can be adjusted from 5.5 to 8.

Anyway, I don;t know enough about this scene yet to even know the advantages from having different areas for flowering and shit... I don;t get it, so therefore I don;t know if I want to do that...

I think for my first grow, I just wanna use soil... and one light.

Now I think it'd be helpful if the light I got had different shades for some of the diff stages... which I have read about... some lights do have that...

But I wanna keep it simple. Light, soil...

*IS SOG complicated? B/c I still really don;t understand the top/bottom rubber mades and shit... the mother fukin thing confuses the hell outa me.


Well-Known Member
It is not complicated at all. It's as easy as can be actually you don't have to know anything about training or topping or anything. Read that thread, he explains everything in detail so anyone can do it with zero experience.

The larger containers that hold the small ones are so you can just dump water in the large containers and the plants will soak it up rather than having to individually water 100 baby plants all the time.


Well-Known Member
9 plants should be perfect for that space. the 1000w hps is good but i would go for a changable 1000w hps/mh light system so you can have mh for veg and hps for flowering. if you have never grown you should use soil.

you could start with small rockwool cubes to start off your seedlings and then transplant those to soil as soon as they are strong little seedlings. that way you know every one you plant is already a healthy seedling. make sure not to give them nutes for at least 3 weeks from seedling.

make sure to get some small fans or one bigger oscalating fan to blow on the plants so they will develope strong stems. make sure the light is as far away as it can be in the first week or two. then drop it down but make sure it isnt too close.
hold your hand were your plants are for 30 seconds and if you are comfy with it so are they.

good luck and it sounds like you know what you need! now go get it!!!