Good Gawd, and obesity tax? WTF is next???


Well-Known Member

This obesity tax would be slapped on unhealthy foods. Now what about those of us who aren't obese? I know how to moderate what I eat so not to become obese. Why should I have to pay an extra tax because other people are fat asses ???
Well you see, this is the problem with BIG GOVERNMENT.

Though in response to your question as to why, because they can charge us.

Though for all the ranting about how the LEFT is in touch with the people I think this goes to illustrate how much that position is nothing more than a giant load of Bull Shit.

Who's been pushing taxes on smoking, and drinking, the left.

Who was behind criminalizing Marijuana, Democrats and their corporate sponsors.

Who's been behind pushing more and more government interference in our lives for the majority of the century, the Democrats.

The idea that idiots like Governor Paterson is in touch with the people is laughable. Clearly that fat ass is probably dining on filet mignon every night, and charging it to his taxpayer funded account.

It's not our fault that we can't afford to have filet mignon and the tiny little portions that they serve at those over-priced establishments jack asses like him patronize.

And it's none of the government's business what our weight is. At least it wouldn't be if the left wasn't pushing SOCIALIZED MEDICINE DOWN OUR THROAT.

The moment you surrender control of medicine to the government they are going to stop looking for cures and start looking for prevention. And guess what, that usually means that they are going to exercise the prerogative that was given to them and interfere in our lives, and deny access to medical care.

Next thing we know they are going to be doing the following.

1. Eating Fatty/Unhealthy Foods - No Medical Care For You (even if you are a net tax payer.)

2. Smoking Cigarettes - No Medical Care For you.

3. Drinking - No Medical Care For You

4. Doing Drugs - No Medical Care For you.


(not that the current lot of Republicans are any better, just a lot slower in leading to that path of damnation.)

The idea that government needs to provide for us is ludicrous.

Give a person control over your sustenance, or responsibility for your health and they are going to try dictating to you non stop.

Maybe some people here saw AI, with the three laws.

1. A robot shall not allow a human being to come to harm, either through action or inaction.

2. A robot shall obey any command given to it except where it conflicts with the first law.

3. A robot shall try to preserve itself, except where such actions conflict with the first or second laws.

In the end it turned out that the Robot (VICKI, or whatever) had taken the laws to the logical fallacy and decided that for the good of humanity she had to establish a benevolent tyranny.

The parallels between AI and government are similar.

The only way to ensure that the government does not do this kind of stupid crap is to make sure that it is not responsible for us, and that we take responsibility for ourselves.

Though hopefully, the idiocy of the left will leave them fighting each other over this, as it conflicts with two of their laws.

1. You shall not tax the poor more than you tax the rich.
2. You shall take all the power you can from the people.


New Member
Now back the truck up for a minute, you can't blame everything on Democrats, Republicans are just as guilty of trying to nanny us all to death.


Well-Known Member
Now back the truck up for a minute, you can't blame everything on Democrats, Republicans are just as guilty of trying to nanny us all to death.
Yeah but Republicans only do it if they think they read it in the bible. Then they claim to be beyind criticism because they get their morales stright from god and the rest of us are just sinners. In fact, bible thumping republicans are no different than the taliban in my book.


Well-Known Member
Now back the truck up for a minute, you can't blame everything on Democrats, Republicans are just as guilty of trying to nanny us all to death.
Not very cogent are you, your response as nothing to with what I posted.

Neither do any of the other responses.

Last time I checked the only thing that was supposed to make hollow sounds when thumped were Drums, not brains.


Well-Known Member
is this for real??? what the hell is this country coming to??? Fat people get no sympathy from me.. I used to be kinda fat until I got off my lazy ass.


New Member
For fairness sake, I guess we're going to have to put scales to weigh people when they buy food now. People who aren't obese should not have to pay the sin tax, just as non smokers don't have to pay that sin tax. People ride bicycles on the roads, but since bicycles don't use gas, they aren't paying the road excise tax.

We need less government. How about they all take a pay cut, funny how that never comes up.


New Member
A quote from the article:

"That is why, in the state budget I presented last Tuesday, I proposed a tax on sugared beverages like soda. Research has demonstrated that soft-drink consumption is one of the main drivers of childhood obesity."

There is no sugar in the popular sodas like Coke and Pepsi. They are sweetened with High Fructose Corn Syrup.

About thirty years ago, the federal government placed a high tariff on imported sugar to support domestic sugar beet growers. As a result, the price of sugar went sky high. In order to maintain profits, the food and beverage makers came up with chemically altered corn syrup. The result was High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS).

HFCS causes a person's insulin level to be suppressed. It also doesn't allow the brain to produce the essential chemical that triggers the signal that a person is full when eating. Therefore, we have the so called "epidemic" of obesity and type-2 diabetes.

Now, after thirty years of the average American, in essence, gulping an average of 58 gallons of HFCS each year, the government wants to solve the problem that government actually caused ... by taxing the consumer.

And these are the very same people the Left wants to turn our entire medical system over to? :wall:


little dubbie

Active Member
welcome to NY< the land of the great exodus. my former public school has a kindergarten class of 7 this year, everyone is leaving.... they want to tax the taxes.


New Member
I think some of you are missing the point. They want to tax certain foods and beverages. It doesn't matter how much you weigh, they'll want you to fork over that tax anyway.

Even if you are anorexic, they'll still make you pay the "obesity tax".

I think it's time for govenment to spend less time trying to seperate us from our paychecks and more time trying to cut the pork and trim down their own exspenditures.


Well-Known Member
I think some of you are missing the point. They want to tax certain foods and beverages. It doesn't matter how much you weigh, they'll want you to fork over that tax anyway.

Even if you are anorexic, they'll still make you pay the "obesity tax".

I think it's time for govenment to spend less time trying to seperate us from our paychecks and more time trying to cut the pork and trim down their own exspenditures.
:: cough :; fat chance of that. All that fat that the government accumulates, that's the muscle the socialists have been adding all these years... only it's not really muscle, just fat, bloat, and waste.


New Member
I'm talking about things like, expense accounts. Do government officials really need hotel suites? Wouldn't a regular room serve just as well? Do governement officals need to fly first class or on private jets (barring the pres and vp)? Couldn't your local senator get there just as fast in a coach seat? Do they really need limo's and drivers? Couldn't they rent and economy compact car and still make it to their destination?

Do government workers really need to charge interent dating services to their expense accounts? Do they need to charge lacy panites from victoria secret? The last time I check underwear didn't matter for your job unless you're a hooker.

TBT, you and VI make me laugh, you don't care how the government pisses away your tax dollars, as long as they don't give it someone less fortunate than you. One of these days you may be old and alone and be glad for some of the socialist programs that you seem so venomous about.