Good Gawd, and obesity tax? WTF is next???


New Member
it takes stupid to know stupid....... ^^^

Vi, don't you get a social security check? How about medicare? SOCIALIST !!!
The only way to get the money back that the government has stolen from me over the years by force, under the threat of violence, if I didn't go along (since I was 14 as a matter of fact), is to take it back in the form of monthly payments.

I, contrary to your ignorant statement, am not stealing it from my fellow citizens, I am only getting the "loan" I made to the federal government back.

By your thinking, I suppose when the local banks receive payments in return for the loans they have provided, that makes them "socialists" too?

And by the way, while Social Security payments are the return of stolen money the government has accumluated from me over the years, Medicare is paid for BY ME in the form of monthly payments, not unlike payments made to an insurance company that you pay for medical insurance.

How dumb! I'm starting to believe that you're hanging out with Med too much.



New Member
So if I get my social security back I'm a socialist, but when you get yours back you are just getting your hard earned dollars back. Do you have to eat 2 of every meal? One for each face?


New Member
So if I get my social security back I'm a socialist, but when you get yours back you are just getting your hard earned dollars back. Do you have to eat 2 of every meal? One for each face?
You know miss ... in order to have any credibility at all in this forum, you'll have to stop making things up, or at least improve your reading comprehension. I don't believe that I ever said that you are a socialist because you get social security checks. If I have said that ... please provide the link. Thanks ...



New Member
You are the one that thinks everything is socialism. Oh I get it, programs that you want to use are ok, but programs that you don't want to use are socialist. I'm just trying to figure out your definition of socialism. I would think medicare and SOCIAL security would both qualify as socialist programs. They must not in your book, since you use them.

Taxing the wealthy a little more to help those who are less wealthy isn't socialism, those weathly people got that way off the backs of the less wealthy. THe less wealthy have paid their share by working long hours for low pay, not getting any health insurance, slaving at a menial job on a holiday instead of being with their families. If people made a decent living wage they wouldn't need any help. There are more ways to "pay" than in cash.


Well-Known Member
socialists tax everyone till they are poor..thats the whole idea..then they will need their help when they are all poor..and give us all the power..cause it is the evil greedy rich's fault...its all their fault..LOL...get ready for some hard times....they are a commin...:bigjoint:


New Member
If the CEO's didn't think they needed million upon millions per year to sit in an office figuring out a way to cut jobs so they can get even more millions next year, things might not be where they are today.


Well-Known Member
I'll never undersand why there are a million taxes on all types of different things anyway... Hotel tax etc...

either state and federal (and maybe general sales) are enough, or they need to be changed, but this convoluted piece of shit tax system of mixed up agendas is insane.


New Member
I just read on my local papers website that their sales tax receipts were really down in September. I think the local government is scrambling now, how are they gonna get paid? Where is their bonus coming from......OMG......people are broke, like they didn't already know that. Shit's getting real........


New Member
^^^^ There are a multitude of taxes, both hidden and not hidden, in an effort to HIDE the enormity of the amount we are taxed. If it were all upfront, as the FAIR TAX would be, the citizens would be able to see it for what it is. That's why the socialists are against the FAIR TAX.



New Member
The fair tax sounds fair, but is it really? Is social security still going to be withheld? How about medicare tax? If it was truly fair all taxes that are taken from peoples paychecks would be eliminated under the fair tax act. Also what about property tax? That is an unfair tax, shouldn't it be eliminated seeing as how the fair tax act would now affect people who work for cash creating extra tax dollars, therefore negating the need to tax property owners.

How would tax refund work? What about those people who are working for minimum wage but are still paying the 24% tax rate? How about people living on social security, like older people who can't work anymore. What about them?

Would it be a 24% tax rate on food items? That's a pretty high penalty to pay for just wanting to eat.


Well-Known Member
In a perfect world were everyone had each others best interest at heart I would like to see a totally voluntary tax system.

You see the Government gets only about 40% of its income from income taxes. The other 60% could support the government at 2001 spending levels, to much IMHO but whatever.

So I say, Let people pay for the programs they want to see funded. It could be broken down just like special withholding's on your tax record sheet. If you want to fund the Army cool, you want to fund the Dept. of Education also cool. Whatever your thing is go for it. It would give people a chance to vote with their dollars.

Now is the part were you say "if its totally voluntary no one will pay". Well make it to were every 10 dollars you pay in gets you a chance to win $1 million bucks. People will pay just to see their programs funded, but more will pay when you could walk out with a million bucks tax free. Just make it to were you can only win once a month.

It also has side benefits. These government programs would have to be funded and if they are run incompetently people will stop funding them. Incentive to do a good job is a good thing. Instead of letting the government run rampant with spending and Force you foot the bill, it would make the government more efficient. Besides Why should I have to pay the ATF to hunt me down, why should I pay the CIA to start wars, why should I pay to fund other country's war machines??

My problem with Social Security is that it is looted it isn't saved, It is bankrupt. I think it was probably made with the best of intentions but the people who made it up couldn't know then that people would be living longer now, and there would be fewer people paying in. I say let people put money into personal interest baring accounts 12.5% of their income tax free. You could have special 401k type things that are government approved low risk. And let the FDIC guaranty it up to 100k or 75% whichever is more. Social Security System itself is flawed and needs to be revamped. I didn't say kick people who are on it off. But people need a better option for the future.

I have a question. if I pay for Medicare is it possible I could not qualify to receive it?? And if so, why should I pay for it?? Charity at gun point??


New Member
They are making you pay for medicare now but you won't qualify for it until you are 70 years old, if you live to be 70 years old. It's really quite the scam. People who have NO health insurance right NOW are being jacked for future health care that they won't live long enough to receive. Think about it, if you have no health insurance right now, you aren't going to the doctor because it's just too expensive, ergo you'll most likely die way before you qualify for medicare, therefore someone, somewhere is cleaning up. Where's that money REALLY going?


Well-Known Member
They are making you pay for medicare now but you won't qualify for it until you are 70 years old, if you live to be 70 years old. It's really quite the scam. People who have NO health insurance right NOW are being jacked for future health care that they won't live long enough to receive. Think about it, if you have no health insurance right now, you aren't going to the doctor because it's just too expensive, ergo you'll most likely die way before you qualify for medicare, therefore someone, somewhere is cleaning up. Where's that money REALLY going?
Same place the money from Social Security is going. To purchase worthless government IOUs from the government so they can put the excess social security funds into the general budget department (removing it from the SS "Lock Box").

Some Lock Box, the last time I checked it was impossible for a person to owe themselves money, one would naturally assume that it would be the same for a government or a corporation...


New Member
I just found out last night while reading the questions on that our government taxes Social Security benefits. That means they are taxing a tax, WTF? We "loan" them our dollars, then when it's time to get them back they consider it income? Bullshit, it's not income if you've paid into it for your whole life. What a bunch of fuckers.



Well-Known Member
on alot of major issues the left and right do agree on alot of things..for example...80% of the american public were against these bail outs..that have totaled over 7 trillion dollars..for every trillion dollars the government spends it adds 10K dollars to the average familys debt burdon at the federal far uncle sugar has added ..a additional 70K dollars to the average american familys debt burdon..the difference is in the solutions to these problems..the left wants government..the creator of all these problems and mess to fix are they going to fix anything..they are to corrupt and inept to fix logicly..that is out of the aint going to happen..the real right would shut this crooked shit down for good..although republicans pay lip service to the conservative element of their they are not going to fix anything..they are as big a pigs at the slop trough as anyone in government...i suspect in two years or four years..the sheep in this country will flip flop partys again.being so stupid as to think they will get something changed.. insanity is doing the same thing..over and over again..expecting different results..
so long as you keep voting for the D or the R you are getting the same..socialists that want to control everything..what ever happened to the ninth and tenth ammendments to the constitution..something must have gotten lost in the translation ..socialist's love to tell us what the constitution really means..the reason they can do this is the average american is a complete idiot.:leaf:...


New Member
^^^ lack of paragraphs = ravings of a lunatic. You don't think anyone is really reading that crap do you? You are obviously "the average american".

On Obamas change website, legalization of marijuana won by a way larger margin than Obama won the presidency by. It has been pointed out to him too. Yet his people gave a canned "McCain" answer and pretty much blew us all off.

80% of the people say NO BAILOUTS, so the government wrote the checks. Well over 50 % of the people want marijuana legalized, yet their giving us the finger on that one too.

It's time to really let Obama know what the people think. Everyone go to and speak your peace about this bullshit. The government is supposed to be for THE PEOPLE, yet we overwhelmingly want the change we were promised and suddenly Obama has a selective memory.


New Member
The fair tax sounds fair, but is it really? Is social security still going to be withheld? How about medicare tax? If it was truly fair all taxes that are taken from peoples paychecks would be eliminated under the fair tax act. Also what about property tax? That is an unfair tax, shouldn't it be eliminated seeing as how the fair tax act would now affect people who work for cash creating extra tax dollars, therefore negating the need to tax property owners.

How would tax refund work? What about those people who are working for minimum wage but are still paying the 24% tax rate? How about people living on social security, like older people who can't work anymore. What about them?

Would it be a 24% tax rate on food items? That's a pretty high penalty to pay for just wanting to eat.
Buy the book, miss. All of your questions (good ones too) are answered there.

Here's a review:



New Member
I saw a woman at the store tonight that should be paying hella obesity tax.

She was so fat she had to use the ride through the store thing, dragging a cart beside her, blocking the whole aisle. I was trying to get cat food and since she needed the whole aisle she couldn't get past me. She sat there and kept making loud coughing sounds. I made her wait, screw her, I was there first, I was nearly done and I'm not the one who is so fat that I can't walk through the store.