Got marijuana?

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
How do you ask someone if they want that, while retaining the usage of key jaked words?

Where im from the latest is; you got that? yea i got that.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i useed to talk about car parts on the phone,like do you wata come over and look at the tires im selling,or i got that part for your carburator.

Willie North

Well-Known Member
me and my buds would use the word "big mac" in highschool when we were with our girlfriends so they dident know

we would say "Lets go have a big mac in the garage"

skippy pb

Well-Known Member
me and my buds would use the word "big mac" in highschool when we were with our girlfriends so they dident know

we would say "Lets go have a big mac in the garage"

Hhahaha lets go have a big mac in the garage?? I dont think the in the garage part would fly over here.
If your girl dont let you smoke, then well thats a problem. The ex broke up wit me for smoking. jus tbe like if you love me youll let me smoke....and by half my weed.

Its funny how things from different places are so weird to me but then again my shit is probably really weird to you guys. Funny funn

Willie North

Well-Known Member
yeah man sayin Big Mac worked everytime no lies
we would say it to eachother and they would have nooo clue what we were talking about


New Member
traditional "how's the weather"

if they got dope "sunny up here"
if not "rainin cats and dogs"

that was our highschool code, now theres no real code...
now its just
hey man, ill see you in a bit?
yes or no accordingly.
