First CFL grow from Bagseeds


Well-Known Member
hmmmm...hopefully soon ill also be smelling sum stank, i put my shiva into flowering today at 2pm so lites will come on tomorow at 2pm and then 12/12 will begin. iv got sum new pics up of how her fim is looking, check it out.
** MANIK **

I'll be there in a few to check it out!

Oh ok haha I thought non of them smelt, I thought i was losing it

** PT **

Yea- easy mistake- it's all good....
Like I said tho- my Big Gurl's smell is FUNKALICIOUS! I'm glad she didn't smell like that the whole time thru veg-damn!



Well-Known Member
** UPDATE **

All three of the suspected ladies ARE in fact-LADIES!!!! Hell yea! That's a 3:1 ratio! Pretty damn good!

Just one question for anyone that may know the answer---

How long does it usually take for the male to bust his nuts?

I just need a time frame to remove him outta my grow area and into a window so I can collect his pollen and then send him to the Hash Farm.......
I don't wanna leave him in there too long, but I also don't wanna put him in the window for too long cuz of the temps outside..... Don't wanna kill him and all........But if I have to move him now- I guess I have no choice......

Any input would be much appreciated...........

Also- I'll have some Christmas pics up of the ladies tomorrow.........


Well-Known Member
WOOO HOOO!!! nice man! 3ladies...awesome! about the pollon, after they start growing depending on how much light the sacks get it could take a day or two after the sacks hav formed for it to open up and release shit, air movement around the sucker must be avoided at any cost unless u want seed heaven, trim what sacks u dont need and leev a branch or two of the most developed balls for your picking. once they open up after a day or so they fall off very easily so i just tapped all mine off and caught them in a container as they fell. good luck to you man and happy holidays guys!

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Yo Don, apparently the official name for what we were nicking HST is "supercropping".

That should bring a lot more up on your searches.


Well-Known Member
WOOO HOOO!!! nice man! 3ladies...awesome! about the pollon, after they start growing depending on how much light the sacks get it could take a day or two after the sacks hav formed for it to open up and release shit, air movement around the sucker must be avoided at any cost unless u want seed heaven, trim what sacks u dont need and leev a branch or two of the most developed balls for your picking. once they open up after a day or so they fall off very easily so i just tapped all mine off and caught them in a container as they fell. good luck to you man and happy holidays guys!

Yea I put V GUY in the window sill today... He's got more balls than a lil bit and I wanted to be safe not sorry....... So he's away from the ladies and he'll still be gettin the roughly 12/12 lights that he was so it shouldn't mess him up too bad.
I think I'm gunna put a piece of white paper at the base of him as well as on the bottom of his pot that way when it does release I'll be able to see it on the paper for the most part then just collect it that way.
Thanks for lettin me know a decent time frame too- preciate it!


Well-Known Member
Week 2 of Flower:

Pics 1-4: V Guy and all his manliness!
Pics 5 & 6: Big Gurl
Pic 7: Lil Gurl
Pics 8 & 9: Struggler

Nothin new or exciting! Other than the 3 ladies are ladies. Moved V Guy outta the grow room and into a window sill so he don't contaminate all my ladies. Gonna make preps tomorrow to catch all his dust so I can paint my big gurl up.
Watered them again yesterday with their nutes/vites.
I don't know if you can see it in the pics, but all 3 ladies have taken on a purplish tint to them....Any takes on this?

Other than that- Happy Holidays- smoke it if you got it!




Well-Known Member
looking good dude! vboy has some HUGE nuts, mine never got that big...ur gonna hav pollon for years! big girls looking good too, its looks from the pic that shes developed 3nice top branches and only week 2of flowering...this is good. and the only thing i can say about struggler is shes got a HUGE indica leaf...dude...i would buy that from u...seriously, and id pay for shipping? how big is that leaf in pic 8 on the right, the one covering the top of the bucket?


Well-Known Member
OK, Im in on this one. Sorry Im a little late. I am usually quiet when it comes to people's journals (this is my first real read).

Couple things- When you are totalling kelvins, do you really add up all the bulbs? If this is true my future plants are going to feel like they are on the sun!

Another thing- At what point in veg did you start giving your plants nuts?

I have to say that the help and learning experience here is quite amazing. I cant stop thinking about the "thank you's" that should go out to everyone! People on this site can make anyone an expert horticulturalist in less than a week without even trying it on your own.
I was at the Christmas table this weekend and of couse my cousin the smart ass state trooper mentioned growing as alternate career. Of course me of all people, looking at this site as much as I can, answered with a little too much information! Everyone looked at me. I got up and walked away.....

Keep it up man! I love that plant with the female vits....thats cool shit!


Well-Known Member
dude congrats on the fems thats sick nuts. im still patiently waiting on my results hopefully later this weekkkkk...

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
Well I'm not the ThaDon, but our grows are very similar and we started at around the same time; so I'll try to answer some of this.

Couple things- When you are totalling kelvins, do you really add up all the bulbs? If this is true my future plants are going to feel like they are on the sun!
I'm assuming you mean lumens. Kelvins is the color temperature of the light fixture. Lumens are the amount of light(in relation to the human eye) produced by the light fixture.

Lumens do not add. However, you can cover more area and the amount of usable light to the plant will greatly increase by adding more CFLs. I suggest reading this post, as it's very informative about exactly how light works.

Another thing- At what point in veg did you start giving your plants nuts?
Different strains can take nutes earlier than others, but I wouldn't add any for at least the first week and a half to two weeks. If you are looking into what kind of fert to buy, I highly recommend Fox Farm products.


Well-Known Member
Im sorry, I meant lumens. And for Fox Farms, Im going to be using the organic soil.

Mr.P ive been reading yours too;-)



Well-Known Member
yes, and im going to mixing 20% perlite. also going to going to use grow big and bloom. those are the 2 only A&B im using. Going to use the tea and some molasses also..

you guys using a soil ph testor?

been going here...


Well-Known Member
Attention all units- we have a thread jacking in progress!

Hahahaha- Joking!

** Mr. Pacific **
Thanks Mr. Pacific for taking care of that answer for me- u pretty much took the words right out of my mouth! Minus the thread link- but I probably would have gotten there eventually.

So what were doin is a form of supercropping- minus the pinchin of the stems and what not.... Cool deal! Maybe that's why they haven't outgrown their one gallon pots they have so happily taken over.

** DANK **

Agreeing with Mr. completely- different strains handle nutes differently. But depending on growth and length of time in current veg I would agree with waiting at least a full week to a week and a half before juicin them- always remember tho to start them off SLOWLY so you can monitor how they react. I'd say a 1/4 of the recommended dose for starters and then gradually over the weeks up the solution until ur at the rec. dose.

I'm only growin bagseed so everything I have done so far has been played by ear....but so far they are doin great! I have been slowly trimmin the lower fan leaves off to allow more light to the lower branches and they have been takin off with growth too.

What I did for their first watering in flower is flushed them for their first two waterings. Then have been slowly uping their flowering nutes. Once they start formin buds I'm gunna add some molasses to the mix.

I just set up my pollen collection paper around my V Boy today. He's sittin in the window sill waitin to do his thing.

As far as PH soil testers go- I personally don't have one and have no clue as to what the PH of my tap water is.. But apparently it's ok cuz I haven't had many problems. Maybe in the future I'll invest in one or just use some Spring Water. I never know what I'm doin until I do it....


Well-Known Member
dude congrats on the fems thats sick nuts. im still patiently waiting on my results hopefully later this weekkkkk...

** PT **

Thanks man! I'm Stoked as hell myself! Good luck with ur ladies. It seemed like mine took forever to show their sex. Now I just gotta sit back and let them do their thing and keep them happy so I'll be happy in the end!


Well-Known Member
looking good dude! vboy has some HUGE nuts, mine never got that big...ur gonna hav pollon for years! big girls looking good too, its looks from the pic that shes developed 3nice top branches and only week 2of flowering...this is good. and the only thing i can say about struggler is shes got a HUGE indica leaf...dude...i would buy that from u...seriously, and id pay for shipping? how big is that leaf in pic 8 on the right, the one covering the top of the bucket?

** Manik **

I've never let a male get as far as he's gone. And he's only two weeks into flowering. CRAZY!!!! I just set up my paper cone around him today so I'll be ready when he starts droppin his pollen. I may just use him to create my own strain in the future-hmmmmmm- imagine the possibilities!

Big Gurl is makin me PROUD! She's actually gunna have SIX top branches includin her main cola. They are so big and lush they all mingle together. She is doin wonderfully! I can't wait for her end results as well as for the seeds she's gunna give me!

As far as Struggler- she has really picked up her game! She may be strugglin but she's def still in the running! I'll measure that leaf ur talkin about and let you know. But shit bro u aint gotta pay for it- I'll send it to u for free- I'll share the wealth. I know it's a 9 finger leaf, but lemme go measure that real quick for u....

Ok it's 6 inches long tip to stem and 5 inches wide at the broadest part.

Plucked it off and pressin it for u now- PM me ur addy and it's urs dude....Happy Holidays!


Well-Known Member
duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!! u KIDDING? wow man, i really really appreciate it man. i hav a colection of leaves from all the plants iv ever grown and so far no indicas at all and that leaf would really make my collection look amazing, in the future im gonna get them all put into clear rasta colord resin bricks and build it into my house. how u gonna go about pressing it? cuz iv got a comic novel made of this really awesome soft paper and i just put my leaves in the book and leev it for a few days. oh and if thers anything i can do for u man just let me know cuz this is legend!! ill pm u asap!