What did Santa bring?


New Member
My best present from santa was that my plant that I put in flower had PISTALS yesterday, thanks Santa, I wanted a girl :mrgreen:

MY family got me some jeans, and a book and some movies and a new quilt for my bed. I also got a hoodie with a nice soft sheep skin type lining, soft and warm.

Mostly I enjoyed having my family and friends here for a lovely day of head shots while playing Medal of Honor Rising sun. Nothing says I love you like sniping them off of a rooftop. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
wow found 500 dollars on the wrappings i was about to throw away ..found out it was from my parents (im broke so ya 5 bills is the shit) so what short canni seed should i get

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
wow found 500 dollars on the wrappings i was about to throw away ..found out it was from my parents (im broke so ya 5 bills is the shit) so what short canni seed should i get
your funnier almost hucked 5 bills haha,gladyou found it,its not like a check where you could write another,ha ha ah whew,gotta take a breath,