Upcoming PPP Plant--on it's way now, need advice on this plant!


Well-Known Member
Right now they are under 1-150 watt HPS, and some CFL's for extra lighting. 5 seeds, 2 growing, that's enough to make anybody not wanna order there again.
You should see what they send me from nirvana about calling the ABC Boys on me!!! Because they messed up my order and returned the money to my card, now threaten me to return money or be reported, right!!! I'm not repaying something that i already payed for, besides they suck and lost more than half of the product sent to me.

I HATE NIRVANA SEED COMPANY......If anyone would like to argue this fact that they are great and wonderful business, then PM me i'll send the threats they sent me.
IMO They should be shut down!!!!!!
Damn. Sorry to hear about your problems with Nirvana. I only ordered from them once, but didn't have any problems. I'll think twice about using them again.


Well-Known Member
Damn. Sorry to hear about your problems with Nirvana. I only ordered from them once, but didn't have any problems. I'll think twice about using them again.
I was told by somebeech to go woth BC and i think i'll go that route. Nirvana actually told me they were gonna call the ABC boys on me if i didn't resend the money!

Here's what i think........:finger: NIrvana!!!!!!