My cabinet grow journal!

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Well-Known Member
Here is PLant #5, It's for sure a female.

I got the four seeds this plant came out of from a friend that said there was a trainwreck seed in there somewhere. From what i have seen, this looks like one. Any thoughts? I could be totally wrong......:confused: but the other three , of plants 5-8, don't look anything like the trainwreck pics i have seen growing on here.

Edit: Don't worry Beech, I don't actually use that MG in the background, It's just there to piss people off!!!LOL!!!!



Well-Known Member
Plants 6 and 7 :

6 is still undetermined and plant 7 is for sure a female. Like I said, it was watering day, that's why the water is all over.....but still, damn pretty plants!!

I think i have realized i like growing un-topped plants. They look so much cooler when Au Natural!!!!



Well-Known Member
Finally, Here is the breakdown on the rest of the pics from this evening.
For you folks still reading along, i started a page back, LOL!!!

Pics.1-3 : The 10 in flower, the blue stuff on the fan is like an air filter, hopefully to catch and trap dust, but to slow down the speed of wind from the fan. On low it was too much.

Pics.4-5: These are the next three down in the flow of things, about two weeks behind the last ones in flower.

Pic. 6: Is the white widow girl, only seed i got and it germed, sprouted and is growing nicely.

Pics. 7-9: is the Biggest PPP Girl from nirvana, a bagseed...for some reason, and the tops of WW-PPP-bagseed

Sorry so long guys, Merry Christmas!!!!!



Well-Known Member
Finally, Here is the breakdown on the rest of the pics from this evening.
For you folks still reading along, i started a page back, LOL!!!

Pics.1-3 : The 10 in flower, the blue stuff on the fan is like an air filter, hopefully to catch and trap dust, but to slow down the speed of wind from the fan. On low it was too much.

Pics.4-5: These are the next three down in the flow of things, about two weeks behind the last ones in flower.

Pic. 6: Is the white widow girl, only seed i got and it germed, sprouted and is growing nicely.

Pics. 7-9: is the Biggest PPP Girl from nirvana, a bagseed...for some reason, and the tops of WW-PPP-bagseed

Sorry so long guys, Merry Christmas!!!!!
Looking good m8,Happy Holidays.


Well-Known Member
LOL...My car broke down on me, and had to spend the day fixing it.:wall: What a day i have had!!!

But i still made it there for a minute.
Lucy and Cryptonite are building up nicely, and are getting really hairy.
I think i still have one male left to pull, but i have a day or two left.It's not big enough to see, so it's should be safe right?
My white widow showed her self too. For sure a female!!! That made my day better knowing i have a female WW going in the room!! And my biggest PPP is showing preflowers, so it's not far behind.


Well-Known Member
LOL...My car broke down on me, and had to spend the day fixing it.:wall: What a day i have had!!!

But i still made it there for a minute.
Lucy and Cryptonite are building up nicely, and are getting really hairy.
I think i still have one male left to pull, but i have a day or two left.It's not big enough to see, so it's should be safe right?
My white widow showed her self too. For sure a female!!! That made my day better knowing i have a female WW going in the room!! And my biggest PPP is showing preflowers, so it's not far behind.
Did ya use the CC to get it fixed roflmao?Yea your fine till ya start seeing balls,thats great news WW is a must have and the PPP makes me jealous its gonna be the best yielder il betcha 1BB Clone 5 ppp beans.LOL Are you even looking at the pictures i leave??? Cause you havent said 1 word YET.


Well-Known Member
Did ya use the CC to get it fixed roflmao?Yea your fine till ya start seeing balls,thats great news WW is a must have and the PPP makes me jealous its gonna be the best yielder il betcha 1BB Clone 5 ppp beans.LOL Are you even looking at the pictures i leave??? Cause you havent said 1 word YET.
I don't know what ya' mean by CC, but yup, i plan on having a nice mix of just PPP and WW in the garden from now on, after the bagseeds go through harvest. PPP for big yield, WW for a taste of heaven every now and then. I'm gonna veg them for awile longer to make sure i have good healthy spots to take clones from.
Yes, i have seen the pics, but i'm still trying to get used to the new layout on the site. I left a comment in your thread about the pic there, but never saw the one in here. It looks great beech!!! +rep to ya if i could find them damn scales up top!!!LOL!!!:bigjoint:
That plant makes me wanna load the car and take vacation to mexico. stop by and see ya' on the way!!:-P I can almost taste it from here!
By the way, purpdaddy seems like a cool dude, bet it would be fun to get high with that one. LOL!!!:leaf:

bills joint

Active Member
hey man it looks like your ph is to high it should probably be around6.0-6.5 that will get rid of the spots on your leaves


Well-Known Member
What mode you on on im on linear,and its the plus where the scales are at the top right corner,yea pdaddy is a down to earth true southerner we are just easygoing, just dont piss us off.


Well-Known Member
Dont listen to him im willing to bet thats where you spilled a little water when you watered them,the spots on the bottom leaves?Theres nothing wrong with your PH.And if there was that damn sure isnt enough info to say the PH is probly lol,love that one probly should be........OMG some ppl.


Well-Known Member
hey man it looks like your ph is to high it should probably be around6.0-6.5 that will get rid of the spots on your leaves
The spots on the leaves, i guess you are referring to the smaller plants(WW,and PPP), but you didn't specify to which ones you were talking about.
Those spots are from accidental overspray of water on the foilage that caused leaf burn under the HID lights. My PH is pretty constant at 6.5-6.8, but thanks anyway!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
What mode you on on im on linear,and its the plus where the scales are at the top right corner,yea pdaddy is a down to earth true southerner we are just easygoing, just dont piss us off.
I'm in linear mode too, but still no scales.
I know where they used to be, but now that they switched everything around, i don't see it. Only thing is the thread rating, with the stars at the top of page. Not for individual posts?

Dont listen to him im willing to bet thats where you spilled a little water when you watered them,the spots on the bottom leaves?Theres nothing wrong with your PH.And if there was that damn sure isnt enough info to say the PH is probly lol,love that one probly should be........OMG some ppl.
Yup, that was it!!LOL!!
Just a case of carelessness on watering day. But aren't ya' proud of me, i didn't cut them off...LOL!!!:-P


Well-Known Member
The spots on the leaves, i guess you are referring to the smaller plants(WW,and PPP), but you didn't specify to which ones you were talking about.
Those spots are from accidental overspray of water on the foilage that caused leaf burn under the HID lights. My PH is pretty constant at 6.5-6.8, but thanks anyway!!:bigjoint:
I was close lilmaf eh,on the spots?I new it was from water getting on the leaves see im not that Dumb!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I was close lilmaf eh,on the spots?I new it was from water getting on the leaves see im not that Dumb!!!!!
LOL, I know you were right,'re always right beech!!:-P I just thought i would clarify for the other guy, that obviously didn't read much of the thread, just looked at all the pretty pictures!!

I got updates......coming soon!!!:-o


Well-Known Member
Week 10 day 1 (2 weeks 5 days flower)

Temps: 82F
Humidity : 55%
PH : checked soil today- it was between 6.5-6.8

Pics 1-3 : White Widow still in vegg., but it's a girl!!!
Pics 4-5 : Small PPP, that has struggled since germ. i'm not giving up on it!!
Pics 6-8 : Biggest PPP and it's closeup of pistils
That does it for the good stuff in the veg. cabinet, they are mixed in with some bagseeds that are already showing signs of being female. NEVER would i put these WW near bagseed unverified on sex!!LOL!!!



Well-Known Member
Here is Cryptonite: #4

Been in flower for 2 weeks and 5 days....:weed:

She has 4 main branches that split into the four way about 1" out of the ground. Two of those four have one branh tip each growing off that.
That makes 6 tops with nothing else growing off themm, except fan leaves. This looks amazing with buds growing all up the stalks, due to the lights being basically on the top left of the plant it gets light all over the entire stalk and leaves.



Well-Known Member
Pics 1 and 2 are the clones from the previous plant(#4 Cryptonite):

I like to call it C4-2,LOL!!!:-P

Pics 3-5 are the newest addition added today into the flower room. It's a bagseed plant, but it is female, as ya' can see!!:clap:

And Pics. 6-9 are plant #5. This is a tall plant towering over all my other plants. I let it go natural, no trimming, or pruning, except......beech.....the two lowest branches to allow it to fit in my cabinet better.

Beech you already know this is driving me crazy, so tell me if ya' think there is too much plant here?;-)
I think there is, but this plant has been my patience tester to see what happens with going natural.



Well-Known Member
Ok, here is my sweet baby girl..plant #2 (Lucy#2)!!

This one like cryptonite is 4 straight up tops, nothing else, but fan leaves and bud spots, with a nice one on top of all four!!!
I love this one, it sits directly under/beside the 2 400 watt MH, about 16-18" away, with fan blowing. Hope ya' like the pics of her,yes i was trigger happy!!Lol!! Pics 1-7...

Pics 8-11 are plant #7(no name)
A short thin plant but it was flowered a little early to make room in vegg for WW and PPP.

And finally pics. 12-18 are plant #6, a short but stout plant. Alot of budding going on on this one....

Sorry for being so long, and lots of pics, but i like the pics part about growing!
So what do ya' guys think of the girls?


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