Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
What a useless bunch of..... I see the great time repair lasted less then 12 hours..I'm back to using south African time...


Well-Known Member
BWIP *^*(&%& I'm back from the Vortex :lol: Hey PH..... oh it's vaca time for some and back to work for others AFTER a vaca, which means they are walking around in a hazey daze with one finger unaccounted for, and no cap on the toothpaste. It's MONDAY after a HOLIDAY :lol:


out. :blsmoke:
They must have forgotten their towel... a towel is a necessity when travelling, you know... :-P

Present and accounted for , what's up Pho3nix? Ready for a wake and bake bongsmilie?
Mornin' hester. :hug:
I think there was a glitch again... I couldn't log on for a while earlier, and now my times are out and the posts are all mixed up... and I couldn't find anyone. It was scawy... :shock:
Been baking all day... ah fuckit... why not... one more won't hurt... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
What color does a smurf turn when you choke it .?

I woke up 4 times to pee last night .. It had to be the worst night of sleeping in a good while


Well-Known Member
Hey vette, miss, cracker...and lets not forget poor ph03nix prattling around alone by herself...... Hee hee.. I was doing that last night... not a freak to be seen.....
shit I looked in the mirror and saw more straight people.... quick buzzman... to the xanax bowl.... not as good a frosties & smoke, but it'll do in a pinch.....
Does fuck up my spelling the next day though.........


New Member
I noticed that posts are popping in at random again. Crazy stuff here, maybe it because I'm not high, let me hit this bongsmilie and maybe things will straighten up.

Here's a statistic for you 1 out of 3 reckless drivers use marijuana, that means 2 out of 3 reckless drivers aren't high. Get more people high, ergo, you'll have less reckless drivers.......:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Purple... trust me, I know.
I'm not saying any more on that subject.

You're not pregnant, are you? :shock:

No I have bladder issues ,, They thought my prostate was screwed ,But it is fine .. I have this .. I need to have surgery but Im too scared


When I was a Baby i had it done .. They wanna stick a camera up the hole of my penis and they want me to be awake while they do it .. I told the Dr he is going to get hurt if they dont put me under .. so I take flowmax and suffer by waking up 2-4 times a night


New Member
LOL, purple, that question got me too. Pho3nix, have you been running around in the bush choking smurfs again?

Hey Twisty, if the US tries to draft people, I'm sending you some young adults. They can get jobs and pay all your bills for you as rent. They'll be good for chores too. We were talking about it last night, I was like, "fuck that draft, I'll send you all to Twisty's house" . :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Or.... waaaa !!! get your filthy hands of my willy............. (at night at least)... Nooooo not you china..... damn... shot myself in both feet........ stupid flomax....


Well-Known Member
I'm just not The type whom will throw themselves on the table whip out my cock and let a guy stick a camera up my cock to see whats going on,, Knock me out and do what needs to be done ,, Dont torture me and make me be awake


Well-Known Member
No I have bladder issues ,, They thought my prostate was screwed ,But it is fine .. I have this .. I need to have surgery but Im too scared


When I was a Baby i had it done .. They wanna stick a camera up the hole of my penis and they want me to be awake while they do it .. I told the Dr he is going to get hurt if they dont put me under .. so I take flowmax and suffer by waking up 2-4 times a night
Damn vette..I just read that and when I had my bike accident I got my pelvis caught on handlebars and the bars bent right around.. thats one of the probable causes of groinatroid boo boo.... thats what popped my hip out, the handle bar was in a complete closed circle.. BPH.....



New Member
Why do they want you to be awake? Are they going to give you any sedative at all? My hubby had a heart cath done, they start at your groin and snake a camera up into your heart, he had to be awake for that shit too, but they gave him stuff so he couldn't feel it and stuff to keep him calm.


New Member
So your gonna pass up the unique opportunity of having something slipped up your wanker?

You'll do it eventually, right? Post the VID.... You TUBE!! Literally....:lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Morning..............Oh man I need to wake up......

I spent this whole weekend watching Weeds. First I rented Season 1 and then I ended up going back and getting Season 2 and 3.... I feel like I wasted a whole weekend, I did....


Well-Known Member
Why do they want you to be awake? Are they going to give you any sedative at all? My hubby had a heart cath done, they start at your groin and snake a camera up into your heart, he had to be awake for that shit too, but they gave him stuff so he couldn't feel it and stuff to keep him calm.

Cause they fill your bladder with water and I need to tell them when i feel ""FULL"" Im just a chicken thats all plain and simple .. I dont deny it


New Member
I had to have an ultrasound done once where they fill your bladder. They fill it full and then cap you off somehow so you can't leak, then they stick you in the hallway for 30 fucking minutes waiting in line for your test. That shit hurt like hell and I bitched the whole damn time.

OK, you have a free pass from me, now I understand..........

Hey Sunny, the first season of weeds was great, by season 3, you are just wasting time........ "I'd like a little more weed in my Weeds please"


Well-Known Member
Good morning bakers! Hope everyone had a great Christmas.
Santa got the old man seeds. And a new grow begins.
