Gas at $1.49 a gallon. =D


New Member
Are you kidding me Med? No state income tax? Do you guys have to pay property tax?

I think Illinois it trying to come up with a breathing the air tax or something, they've taxed everything so hard there just aren't any ways to come up with a new tax.

In a paycheck that is just shy of a 40 hour week, my husbands tax deductions add up to $271.00. That's FED, state, ssi, and medicare. His taxes amounted to more than my take home pay, no wonder I quit my shitty job.

With that amount of money not being taken out each month we could make 2 1/2 house payments per month. What caused all these forclosures again?


Well-Known Member
i'm looking at one of my last pay stubs right now. total taxes taken on this one check were $692.61. that was TAKEN from one check. people wonder why i quit my job.


New Member
i'm looking at one of my last pay stubs right now. total taxes taken on this one check were $692.61. that was TAKEN from one check. people wonder why i quit my job.
Geeze Fdd, how much did you gross? sounds like a pretty good job if that is a weekly pay stub, sounds like CEO territory, ~LOL~.
Are you kidding me Med? No state income tax? Do you guys have to pay property tax?
Yeah, that is one of the reasons so many California residents moved here. We have something like a 5 billion deficit, so I'm pretty sure where they are going to get the money. State income tax here we come.
Yeah we do pay property tax. we have some controls on raising them (Voted in) but I'm thinking with the drop in property value, it's not much of a worry. I think my property taxes are around 1.2K per year on my home which originally cost me 100K, went up to 300K and is now back to around 180-200K. If it drops below 100K I'll really be pissed. Housing prices have not gone down in 50-100 years. Blame it on the greedy real estate salesmen that always knew 6% of a million was more than 6% of 100K, I don't give a fuck what VI says.


New Member
Really FDD, can't you try to feel more sorry for our poor political leaders, imagine having to live on a paltry 150 thousand per year or more, it's a wonder they can make it.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me Med? No state income tax? Do you guys have to pay property tax?

We don't pay State income tax here in FL either; the State makes enough money on tourism. The wages here in FL are pretty deplorable so it's kinda a wash. I'm lucky that a) I work in the technical field and b) I work for a company in CA so I get CA wages even though I live in FL. I am also covered for Health Care by a CA company so that's nice too, because the health plans here SUCK ASS!

Our property taxes and home owners insurance are TOTALLY out of hand. When I bought my home here 4 years ago my home owners insurance was around $986.00, the next year (after hurricanes Ivan and Dennis) my HO Insurance went to $1,200.00, the next year... after Katrina my HO insurance jumped to over $5,000.... and the next year was $6,300 :shock: This is highway robbery! :cuss: This year the bill was back down to around $5,500... gee lucky me :roll:


New Member
I think I would stroke out if my insurance was that high.

If we could move to a state with no income tax and no property tax, we could even afford a family pay cut and still have more money to spend.

I just get sick of being jacked for my money by people who wipe their asses with it then give me the finger.


New Member
tennessee has no state income tax or personal property tax. but we have 10% sales tax.
Damn, I was in Nashvill this fall, beautiful. Personal property tax, does that include your home? Actually we have a personal property tax, If the assessor is riding around and sees a boat that wasn't there before, he'll determine it's worth and add it to your property tax, But mainly it is a tax on your real property, IE Home. For the loss of value in my home I could park about 20 boats in my driveway, I should see my property taxes go down this year which bodes ill for the state and their already 5+billion deficit.


New Member
In Illinois they make people pay "mobile home privlege tax" Like living in a fucking trailer is a privlege or something.

Property tax going down? I'm sorry I just laughed so hard that I fell out of my chair.


New Member
Damn, I was in Nashvill this fall, beautiful. Personal property tax, does that include your home? Actually we have a personal property tax, If the assessor is riding around and sees a boat that wasn't there before, he'll determine it's worth and add it to your property tax, But mainly it is a tax on your real property, IE Home. For the loss of value in my home I could park about 20 boats in my driveway, I should see my property taxes go down this year which bodes ill for the state and their already 5+billion deficit.
we have tax on real property...but to license an automobile is only $75 and my rv tags only cost me $16. my brother lives in Ky and they assess what your car is worth and it doesn't matter what you paid for the car, you pay tax on what they say it's worth.


New Member
we have tax on real property...but to license an automobile is only $75 and my rv tags only cost me $16. my brother lives in Ky and they assess what your car is worth and it doesn't matter what you paid for the car, you pay tax on what they say it's worth.
They do that in Nv also, kelly blue book value or comparative rates. I haven't registered my 62 Nova yet, so I don't know what the minimum is. It used to be 38.00 registration fee, that's what I paid for years on my 70SS Elco, but I don't know what they will assess my Nova at. I'm gonna tell them I paid 300.00 for it, at 7.5% sales tax, that should be about 22.50, No blue book for 62s.


New Member
In IL you have to pay sales tax, but it goes by the year of the vehicle.

They're sticking us with $45 dollars for a years worth of motorcycle plates. My car plates cost $90 / year, and if you're waiting around the DMV and 5pm comes, they make you leave and come back to re-wait the next day. gggggrrrrrrrr


New Member
In IL you have to pay sales tax, but it goes by the year of the vehicle.

They're sticking us with $45 dollars for a years worth of motorcycle plates. My car plates cost $90 / year, and if you're waiting around the DMV and 5pm comes, they make you leave and come back to re-wait the next day. gggggrrrrrrrr
Go early, if you can. Last time I went early, about 20 minutes before they opened, there was already 20 people in line, Since they have about 10 windows it only took about 5 minutes after they opened and I was out of there. Another trick is to borrow a cane and limp in and go to the disabled line. I haven't used that one yet, but I'm considering it.


New Member
It's a small town, they'd know there was nothing wrong with me. I usually go in the afternoon, I've never been kicked out, but I know people who have. I went to HS with one of the girls that works there and her son and my son are friends, it's hard to lie when everyone knows pretty much everything about you.


New Member
It's a small town, they'd know there was nothing wrong with me. I usually go in the afternoon, I've never been kicked out, but I know people who have. I went to HS with one of the girls that works there and her son and my son are friends, it's hard to lie when everyone knows pretty much everything about you.
Yeah, that's for sure. Here in Vegas, Pop. 2 million+, you can dissapear real easily, although I still see people I know when I'm out once in a while.


New Member
I'm not city folk, but it would be nice to run to the store once in a while without having to worry about seeing someone who's in town that you haven't seen in 20 years. I always run into those kinds of people when I look like hell.