General "how to approch new doctor?" question RI


Well-Known Member
Been living in RI for 5+ years, but doc is in MA and knows of MM I've made an appointment with a RI doctor to possibly switch over permanently and wanted to know how to approach the medical marijuana question/form on the first visit? I don't have a card yet and need the form filled by a RI doc...


New Member
you cant just talk to any doc to get ur medical marijuana recomendation you have to go to a cannabis specialist only.... so search for cannabis specialists in ur state.peace


Well-Known Member
you cant just talk to any doc to get ur medical marijuana recomendation you have to go to a cannabis specialist only.... so search for cannabis specialists in ur state.peace
Eh? I have no idea what you mean, my primary care doc can fill it out, it says so right on the RIPAC website...


usually they will give u marijuana in place of something, try getting perscribed something else first then trying the talk


Well-Known Member
you can try to get it from a new doctor but as stated you will prob have to find a marijuana doctor search on google u might find a doc im in cali and it almost all doctors write a referal u have to go to a medical marijunana doc


Well-Known Member
usually they will give u marijuana in place of something, try getting perscribed something else first then trying the talk
I've been prescribed all sorts of things and they didn't work, which is why I use marijuana. I've been using it for years without a prescription, I just don't like getting arrested for something I'm going to do anyways. I'm on vicodin for migraines, I'd love to know what else they'd like to put me on before trying something safer? I feel like I'm jumping through hoops and paying the government protection money for something I'm going to do no matter what...I don't know of any "medical marijuana" docs in RI, they don't exactly advertise it, the only way to find out is to find a doc in RI and ask I guess.


Well-Known Member
Ok, in RI you can get your recommendation from a specialist, or your primary care doctor...I'm just hoping I don't have to go thru any more tests to get a card. I don't like seeing specialists, it usually involves something uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same situation in RI. Primary Dr won't even listen to any arguments for marijuana. I'd like to know how you made out in your Dr search....


Well-Known Member
I'm in the same situation in RI. Primary Dr won't even listen to any arguments for marijuana. I'd like to know how you made out in your Dr search....
Right now I'm up shit's creek, that's how I've made out...I got absolutely nowhere with the new doc, I photocopied the pamphlet for her, and after 1 month and 2 appointments she told me everything she'd read about marijuana was bad, and wanted to put me on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs and told me I should go to counseling, (because I'm currently using marijuana for IBS that is occasionally, and just occasionally caused by stress or anxiety). So, yeah, that went just fucking great considering I have migraines and IBS, and not depression or mental issues...fuck. She knew nothing about natural medicine, not even probiotics, (which your doc would need to know about if you've got tummy issues like I do). But it gets even better, today I call my old doc in MA for prescription refills since the one I saw twice obviously wasn't going to work out, and they'd completely taken me out of the system, they want me to make an appointment and drive an hour each way to get refills. ARGGHH. I've found one, ONE homeopathic doc in Providence, but I'm almost positive he doesn't take my insurance...and he hasn't returned my phone call yet either. This sucks.


I've been prescribed all sorts of things and they didn't work, which is why I use marijuana. I've been using it for years without a prescription, I just don't like getting arrested for something I'm going to do anyways. I'm on vicodin for migraines, I'd love to know what else they'd like to put me on before trying something safer? I feel like I'm jumping through hoops and paying the government protection money for something I'm going to do no matter what...I don't know of any "medical marijuana" docs in RI, they don't exactly advertise it, the only way to find out is to find a doc in RI and ask I guess.
u should tell ur doc exactrly what u told me... ''ive tried everything, marijuana works best for me'' show him all ur paperwork of other scripts and just say mm works the best man good luck


Active Member
I will suggest going to a specialist that deals with IBS (Gastroenterologist) and make sure he/she is young.

The Gastroenterologist will be the most symphatic to marijuana, and a younger doctor will not be tainted by the "reefer madness" movies. Many family doctors want to stay away from anything that is "radical."

Good luck


Well-Known Member
u should tell ur doc exactrly what u told me... ''ive tried everything, marijuana works best for me'' show him all ur paperwork of other scripts and just say mm works the best man good luck
Oh I did, I mentioned that I've been on just about everything for nausea in the past 15+ years, and only marijuana works. I mentioned I was trying to find a strain for migraines so I could reduce the vicodin...I got no where.


New Member
Keep searching! If there is a RI Norml site that would be a great place to look for a doctor. Again if you can find a place that only does MMJ reccomendations, that is your best chance of getting a card.

About your IBS symptoms, for me the only thing that helps is either cannabis or a iv of demoral and fentanol (sp), and this involves a expensive hospital stay. January alone was 25k in hospital bills, and they still could not do anything but dope me up till I could not scream anymore, lol. Without the MJ I was in the hospital ALOT more.

Keep trying to get your rec, it will happen!


Well-Known Member
Damn, at least I don't need to run to the hospital...yeah, just got a call from my old doc today, and they won't take me right no I have NO DOCTOR, and no way to renew my prescriptions...awesome.


New Member
Damn, at least I don't need to run to the hospital...yeah, just got a call from my old doc today, and they won't take me right no I have NO DOCTOR, and no way to renew my prescriptions...awesome.
What an uncompassionate POS.. :wall: I swear I would love some of these doctors to walk mile in my shoes.. Would change opinions REAL fast.

Don't lose hope!


New Member
Ok, I do not know if you have tried this yet. They have a contact us section, shoot them an email and le tthem know you are looking for a doctor. Lots of good info there but I did not see any specific doctors links there. Also shoot these guys an email and let them know your problem and if there are any doctors that are not from the stone ages.

This site is from RI and they have a medical section.. might be some people there that can point you in the right direction.



Well-Known Member
I'm familiar with the first link, I've already contacted them, been on their mailing list for 6+ months...but they don't give out doctor info/listings.


Well-Known Member
If you can go to an open community meeting for RIPAC ( ) . The next one is Tue, June 9, 6:30pm – 8:00pm in Providence. Check the calendar on thier website. They are very helpful in person and you will not have a problem finding a doctor with help from people at the meeting. I went 2 weeks ago and will have my caregiver card in 3 weeks. I've also got a dr's appointment for my medical card with a mm friendly doc. Good Luck.....