People That Hate Cats= Bad People


New Member
Cats like to go to people who avoid direct eye contact. If you want them to stay away, make eye contact, but don't do anything that will encourage them to come to you.

I like fish not cats sorry i used to like cats when i was little. I wouldnt actually hurt a cat they dont even exhist to me anymore... when they do im like cool just stay away so i can breathe. keep ur space and we will be fine. but if a cat persists i just leave cuz i dont want the fur on me.


Well-Known Member
Fish are not good when eaten unless they are catfish and prepared cajun style... I dont like fish either but like fish more than cats... My favorite cartoon is tom and jerry.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I live right on the Mississippi.The river used to cover the spot where I live clear to the bluff.If the level breaks, there I go!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I once took a trian threw the missisipi..and it was cool..i have actyually caught fish under rocks and inside tree trunks like on tv. when i was like 10 years old.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
The female that I have now, a big fluffy cat that you might see in a picture, was dumped when she was pregnant.She climbed on my porch and hid under an old toybox.You could tell she was young and it was probably her first litter, and she was scared.I let her in the house...I fed her,I took the burrs out of her hair,and she had her kittens two weeks later.She's my buddy now.When she gave birth to her second litter before I spayed her, she made me sit there and pet her as she pushed each one out,and allowed me to rip the sac open and suction their mouths out.She trusted me so much, she let my girls sit there with me and watch her give birth.I can't imagine how scared she must have been, dumped when she was pregnant, obviously a pet that someone decided to abdicate responsibility for.I love cats.They have such a range of expression and emotion, and if you're their friend, they give you so much love and trust it's unreal.If a cat likes you, it's because there must be something to like.This is not blind loyalty like a dog.


Well-Known Member
asleep on your back. blankets kicked off to the side on a warm summer morning. lose skivies on with a little morning wood wiggling around (it's gotta move to grow). kitty sleeping on the bed, awaken by the stirring. "wtf is that?", he says. kitty jumps, lunges, bites. got it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
The female that I have now, a big fluffy cat that you might see in a picture, was dumped when she was pregnant.She climbed on my porch and hid under an old toybox.You could tell she was young and it was probably her first litter, and she was scared.I let her in the house...I fed her,I took the burrs out of her hair,and she had her kittens two weeks later.She's my buddy now.When she gave birth to her second litter before I spayed her, she made me sit there and pet her as she pushed each one out,and allowed me to rip the sac open and suction their mouths out.She trusted me so much, she let my girls sit there with me and watch her give birth.I can't imagine how scared she must have been, dumped when she was pregnant, obviously a pet that someone decided to abdicate responsibility for.I love cats.They have such a range of expression and emotion, and if you're their friend, they give you so much love and trust it's unreal.If a cat likes you, it's because there must be something to like.This is not blind loyalty like a dog.
how did that taste? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
On the other hand I don't get why someone would hate dogs.

I guess I just like animals, I've found that I usually get closer to dogs than cats but I like them both.

My cats are less personal more human like, my dog was a loyal friend.

They both make fine companions.