Newbie DIY system with pics


Well-Known Member
Hey guys time for an update Day 3 from seed and I do have one question ? Is there any way to overwater my plants? I mean its hydroponics they grow their roots in water. Anyways the reason I ask is a couple of my plants leaves are curling quite a bit but they look healthy and green. I read that overwatering can cause this but that was in a soil setup ! It might be because im only using one 300 watt cfl until my 400 watt Hid hps light comes in a week.. Here are the pics what do you guys think



Well-Known Member
naw you cant over water, most the time when you have problems in hydroponics the case is usually the PH, or thats what i have found out so far, there lookin good :leaf:


Well-Known Member
thanks guys the ph is right at 6 and I am monitoring it.. I just cant wait to get that hid lamp with 55 000 lumens my babies will soak that in and I bet they will grow like crazy. So when do you guys think I should start Adding nutes? Ive heard 10 days but i dont know


Well-Known Member
You say its in the closet hope you get a good hood that can be vented when you get the 400,just my 2 cents.Nice little setup good job!!!Those clamps will rust over time and could be a problem,might mess with your PH i dont know tho just trying to help you before Problem happens.Would a plastic zip tie not work i have used those the bigones i own a a/c company and have a band gun that really tightens the bands but, You can use pliers.Im gonna try and make 1 like yours but use misters,thanks for all the advise on the stuff.And GL with the grow!!! Welcome to RIU.


Well-Known Member
You are a smart man, I also thought about the metal clamps rusting but figured it wouldnt be an issue until they get bigger. Once the plants reach a certain size the sprayers could get blocked by the extra root growth. so then im gonna make a new spray setup that goes around the roots not right under. You live and you learn. You could use any setup really thats why this system is fun to make! Thanks for the advice on ventilation. Im gonna just get a floor fan and put it right in front of em once the new light gets here!How smelly do things things really get guys? Like could you smell then outside an apartmet? Im wondering if i should invest in an carbon scrubber


Well-Known Member
You are a smart man, I also thought about the metal clamps rusting but figured it wouldnt be an issue until they get bigger. Once the plants reach a certain size the sprayers could get blocked by the extra root growth. so then im gonna make a new spray setup that goes around the roots not right under. You live and you learn. You could use any setup really thats why this system is fun to make! Thanks for the advice on ventilation. Im gonna just get a floor fan and put it right in front of em once the new light gets here!How smelly do things things really get guys? Like could you smell then outside an apartmet? Im wondering if i should invest in an carbon scrubber
Depends on strain the smell!Oh yea you gonna smell em,dont grow a skunk strain for sure LOL.A 400 is gonna put off IMO more heat than just a fan can exchange.Might wanna look into IT!!!A hood with a extraction fan and a carbon scrubber would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
:weed:Yah im gonna build a carbon scrubber here soon. And I might order a new hood for my light if it gets to hot in there.. Thanks for the suggestions !
UPDATE Day 8 I am still waiting for my 400 w mh light to get here so I decided to get another set of cfls pointed on the plants so that I get even growth. Today I cleaned the resivour and added 1/4 teaspoons of foxfarm nutes per gallon and I filled the resivour with 5 gallons of ph balanced nutrient soup. I know they say to wait till 10 days but they looked ready for it and I can already see a big difference in growth. I can almost see a purple ish tint to the leaves Does this tell you anthing about what kind of strain it is? It is just bagseed so I have no clue what Kind it is .... Thanks for the input guys!:leaf:



Well-Known Member
not bad not bad things are looking good check out my diy i think it good but tell me what you think and any help i can give you i will


Well-Known Member
:joint:Update Im so happy my 400 watt metal halide came today. All I can say is when you get a light like this you know how weak cfl really are lol I have this thing like 20 inches from the plants because it is so powerful ! You just gotta get one its only 145 and your first yeild wiill make that back for you. I set it up tonight and am monitoring the temperature because it gets quite hott. One question I have is about the nutes. How often do you put the dosage in? Like every week or what .. Here are the pictures guys !:weed:



Well-Known Member
:leaf:Guys look at this! In under 24 hours of a 400Watt MH light here are new pics showing amazing amounts of growth. Im so freeking excited this bagseed plants are lookin pretty damn good! Dude Sicc you were Dead on man!Sicc how much yield are you expecting foryour grow? here is the ladies with less then 24 hours after the previous pictures:fire:



Well-Known Member
:weed:Day 15 update ok here it is Imessed up and I know it. I put way to much nutes and I had my new light way to close and a couple of the plants got bad nute burn and the leaves turned to crisp on the top! So here is what I did. I topped both of the plants so that only good green was there. In these pics you can see the two new colas already spliting and developing! One of the plants is looking oh so good! Hopefully they wont turn male from the nut burn stress but all I can do is Cross my fingers!do you think that the size looks good for day 15?:weed:



Well-Known Member
:leaf:Update Day 24 hey guys its been a while because I dont think anyone really looks at this anyways lol Here are some pictures I added H202 and of course foxfarm nutes and they are doing pretty good for bagseed I think:leaf:


Well-Known Member
awwww dude we watchin. i should have been here sooner to tell you about how hot those lamps can get iremember those days i always have a fan blowing out of my closet to try and vent some of the heat.i bought a room A/C from sears 99.99$ im in az so i really wanted it anyways.not sure wat kinda room you got? or what you use to vent the area?


Well-Known Member
:weed:Dude I switched my system to dwc by making the sprayer higher and I filled the resivour pretty much full I left about an inch under the basket.They are growing so fast now its just silly. My tallest is like 9 inches now here are som new pics I can see a big difference from yesterday. These plants are really bushy and full no stretching at all so im and lots of nodes I think they will yeild well. I just cant decide when to start flowering? Im thinking im gonna wait till day 30 wich is 6 days from today I bet they will be a foot tall by then. How big do you think it will end up after flowering?:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Well they will triple in size most the time, so just caclulate that into how much room you have, there lookin really good, the come bac is amazing, good luck! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Guys since I switched to the DWC my plants are growing exponentially I mean every time I look I see new growth Its freekin crazy they are bout 10 inches maybe 11 and they are so big that they are touching each other now. Im thinking im gonna start flowering tonight or they are gonna be giants! Question did you guys give your plants 24 hours of darkness when you started flowering? any other tips for starting flowering? thanks guys