Need some Help with hydroponics

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Well-Known Member
Just wanted to stop in and say hi.
Thanks for not being afraid to post your failures as well as your successes. It keeps me confidant and fuels my level of patience to keep plugging away at my grow , room, and knowledge.
It's very educational seeing someone explain their process of how they go from A to B and why. This is what a lot of people misrepresent on this site. They seem to just regurgitate info without any logic behind it. Glad to see you fully expressing yourself.
Keep up the great work.


New Member
Just wanted to stop in and say hi.
Thanks for not being afraid to post your failures as well as your successes. It keeps me confidant and fuels my level of patience to keep plugging away at my grow , room, and knowledge.
It's very educational seeing someone explain their process of how they go from A to B and why. This is what a lot of people misrepresent on this site. They seem to just regurgitate info without any logic behind it. Glad to see you fully expressing yourself.
Keep up the great work.
Thank you very much!!! :hug:


New Member
Ok. So I came home to one of the stems on the big plant droopy and hanging very very low almost like someone bent it. I also noticed the bulb on that side of the plant shifted, so this may have been the result. I tied it higher and closer so we'll see how this works. On the up side, the growth is crazy on the pistils!!! Off to home-depot to get more goodies!


Well-Known Member
Bloody gorgeous! ! . . pretty peachy lookin grow too haha

How long left roughly till harvest?
If buds are still scrawny lookin maybe see about some more lighting (verticle) but could be a bit of a lost cause this close to the end , iv just slung a t8 in along with the ongoing l.e.d setup , hopin to see some good results.
Been having better luck with soil sadly recently , but with anyluck the clones iv took will take , stuck the big buddha cheese i saved into my rockwool n net pots awaiting a sprout, hopin the hydro will go better this time now i know even too much attention can be a bad thing!
ill be checkin back to see how you get on anyway .

n as much as i like the new look site, still a bit miffed with repz?
could be the fact its like 10am again n i cant remember when i slept . . but theres better things to do


Well-Known Member
Net - you've got yourself a tree going! Impressive! Makes mine look like miniatures.

I'd say you have about two weeks or so before the buds start looking smokeable. It's a very crucial two weeks, though. One day you'll go in there and be surprised. It seems they almost change overnight.

You're definitely going to get some weight off that grow, too. Bonus!

Thinking about following your ionic breeze example. Where'd you get it, and what size did you get? I've priced them anywhere from $30-$230. How big of a unit did you get?


New Member
Net - you've got yourself a tree going! Impressive! Makes mine look like miniatures.

I'd say you have about two weeks or so before the buds start looking smokeable. It's a very crucial two weeks, though. One day you'll go in there and be surprised. It seems they almost change overnight.

You're definitely going to get some weight off that grow, too. Bonus!

Thinking about following your ionic breeze example. Where'd you get it, and what size did you get? I've priced them anywhere from $30-$230. How big of a unit did you get?
the ionic pro is a little over 1ft in height and was $25.00
at wal mart.


New Member
Ok so I have some problems. As you can see, some of the leaves around the plant have started to go limp and curl. Plus a couple of them have some yellowing on them and are very crackly. I know that after a certain amount of time the leaves will do this, I was just wondering if it looks like something else...... Plus I threw in some bud pics!! Look at the prettiness!

Please help a girl out!

This is the kind bud!



Well-Known Member
R u those leaves closer to the bottom of the plant net? This is normal.
Ur buds look awesome. U r doing an excellent job. R u a genius?
Anyways looking good dont start getting crazy now ur already full tilt.
Everything looks good.
Be carefull and make sure ur tubs are clean during water changes residual nutes left inside during water change is # 1 cause of NUTE burn.
Thats why its best to feed less.


Well-Known Member
hey how is that thing working for the smell??
I got an ionic breeze quadra,had one laying in the garage and threw it in my grow room also.I havent used it yet cause who would want that beatuiful smell gone lol but in late flowering i might use it if the whole house starts to stink,wich it already does but not too strong.....yet :fire:

By the way nice looken buds you got there pirate,what strain you growen?


New Member
The ionic is working great! I haven't smelled anything since i've introduced it into the room. Its small but wow does it work!

hey how is that thing working for the smell??
I got an ionic breeze quadra,had one laying in the garage and threw it in my grow room also.I havent used it yet cause who would want that beatuiful smell gone lol but in late flowering i might use it if the whole house starts to stink,wich it already does but not too strong.....yet :fire:

By the way nice looken buds you got there pirate,what strain you growen?
Its bagseed, but all bag seed comes from a strain at one point, im just bringing its potential out!

net ur photography is incredible, nice buds hang in there looking good
I love pics! I use a Canon a630 for these pics.
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