Grow house robbed? But nothing taken


Well-Known Member
The only advice i could give would be this,dont listen to anybody who reccomends that you call the police & have them come investigate so you can find out if they know anything,that has to be the stupidest thing ive read,as if the police are dumb enough to let loose any info they have regarding illegal activity on the premisis.

Once you call them its an on going investigation,at that point you have gave them reason to contact you or ask you questions,it also gives them reason to be at the house in question & to watch the house, or question neighbors,the neighbors are your worst enemy,neighbors love to talk to police just to have something to say.

The worst part of calling the police is that it leaves your name in an investigation file marked PFI, which is pending further investigation.

Never willingly make contact with the police for any reason,they are trained to exploit any situation like that & turn it against the citizen.


Active Member
Neighbours: Gee, wonder why that guy keeps going back and forth to the empty house over the road?


Well-Known Member
Neighbours: Gee, wonder why that guy keeps going back and forth to the empty house over the road?
well i just moved out that same week.. and i know my neighbors..and we are real cool..its some black that wouldnt be the case of neighbors calling..they are the ones who showed me how to steal power to begin was only stealing it for a couple days cause i was living there and a roomate took off and left me the bill..(fucking bastard)


Active Member
but they wouldnt break in your house dumb ass... they will go about it in a professional matter or leave a ticket on the door...use your head. looks like your the idiot..

p.s. so im stealing power and they havent complained but their going to break in the house and take nothing..get off the forum dummy:wall:
No, they wouldn't leave a ticket on your door "dummy."
The police will use this as another piece of evidence of a grow op and bust you... and then after you get charged with growing and manufacturing an illegal substance with the intent to distribute, you would be charged with stealing power, then sued by the person you were stealing from... a lose-lose-lose situation for you, buddy.

As for whoever broke in, it may have been the police, but they realized they didn't have a warrant and that it wasn't a major grow op so it wasn't that important to them, so just left... odd things happen. Or someone who came in with the intent to take the plants, but saw they weren't ready so they were of no use to them.