Experimental, non-traditional, First grow.


Well-Known Member
Well i gave my girls the molassas solution, (1TBS/2litreWater) And I soaked the shit outta the soil. AND THEY LOVED IT. They grew an inch over the dark period. All the leaves were nice and taunt, the little bud's and bud sites were looking lush. Now i'm not sure if the Molassas had anything to do with that, maybe it was just the copious quantities of water i gave it. needless to say, they have a ways to go before they see water again.


Well-Known Member
So just as sure most of us were talking about how it's surprising there's no Deffiency issues....In the last 48 hours the first one has surfaced.

I Crawled right in the room last night, and got eye level with the bitches, and said..."tell it to me strait ladys" Sure enough they revealed to me.....A Phospherous Defficency. The Nodes vegitation, was dark purply green, i think i may have overlooked the first signs a day earlier, as i though these "NEW Hues" were just pretty characteristics of the plant.

And growth in those areas seems slower than the rest of the plant.

So I Mixed up some of that shultz 20-30-20 at half strength, watered the plants a good bit at the begining of their light cycle it is now dark and I am waiting to see if there's a difference.

OH GOD i pray i didn't burn em.


Well-Known Member
I will definitly keep my eyes on this grow to see how it turnes out. Sorry Sgt. Silly I didnt think about space, I guess that would make the diffrence. Do you know how long it takes the plant to become mature useing 12/12 from seed? And have you ever thought of growing auto strains thats what im growing right now(Great White Sharke, and White Russian. Lowlife Seeds)


Well-Known Member
These are nice to look at. They like the Phosphorus. The secondary growth is no so blueish green anymore.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sqt. I just saw the latest on your grow and ill definitely have to say it is going awsome! sweet job man
Thanks a lot. I spend a lot of time with them. they've been givin lot's of love. I can't wait till they wake up every day.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean i have about a dozen babies veging under some 4 ft tubes and im in there constantly tendin to em, I just cant wait to finish my cfl setup and flower them already! Ill try to get some pictures up in the next couple days


Well-Known Member
Those are looking awesome bro, I just started the 12/12 yesterday @ 22 days old, hope they are female. Im gonna try the next grow out on 12/12 from seed like you did as well..


Well-Known Member
how many grams of bud are expected with this method??? if unknown a guess would do,,,

mario's right. But i can tell you I'm hoping for at least a half ounce per plant. And I'm pretty confident at least two of them will.


Well-Known Member
Hey Sqt, hope the ladies are doin great! Hate to clog up your thread but your the expert on experiments so here goes. I was thinking about how your able to introduce new plants to your setup whenever and it came to me... Couldn't i run a setup like yours with both spectrums but 24/7 and just move certain plants into the dark whenever i wanted one to flower?:?: Do you think it would work? and again great, interesting thread u got here. Cheers!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Hey Sqt, hope the ladies are doin great! Hate to clog up your thread but your the expert on experiments so here goes. I was thinking about how your able to introduce new plants to your setup whenever and it came to me... Couldn't i run a setup like yours with both spectrums but 24/7 and just move certain plants into the dark whenever i wanted one to flower?:?: Do you think it would work? and again great, interesting thread u got here. Cheers!:leaf:
Some things to think about. You could do that. But you'd have to be vigilant with your timing. Every day. The reason I have both spectrums running is flowering from seed. I was confused at first what spectrum the plant would need because 6500K Is most effective for veging, where as 2700K is much more useful to the plant for Flowering. So i covered my ass since The forced flowering plant also has a vegitative state to start.

Here's my suggestion to you. If you have a place that you can put your plants in the dark, why not make that place the flowering room. It will be more effective to break up the spectrums for your application. 6500 for your Vegging 24/0 and 2700 for your flowering 12/12.

Now the filp side is your way could work. You could have a dark space and place certain plants there for 12 hours at a time, but you wouldn't want it to be a place where it might recieve light by accident or anything. Then while the flowering plants sleep, you could switch off all your 2700K Bulbs in the veg room(just to save power) Otherwise there's no reason you can't veg with both spectrums, or flower with both either.

Remember my operation is about stealth, if you don't have to be stealthy, then your options open up a whole lot more.


Well-Known Member
These were of today. Man i wanna tell everyone that IT SUCKS having to drool over these girls every day. I have had little to NO SMOKE since i started this grow. And all i wanna do is dip in LOL.

