FBI Can Listen To You Even When Your Phone is OFF!!!


Well-Known Member
if they could listen into your phone while it was off they probly wouldnt listen to regular ppls calls.. they would listen to leaders of crime organization and mafia members etc...


Well-Known Member
yeah, ill admit im here because it amuses me. i mostly root for the guys bashing the scared sheep.

and i say that one earlier. it was good reading


Well-Known Member
You can actually find out if your phone is bugged.
Hold it up to a speaker system where you could get interference coming through and listen to find if you get any interference when theres nobody phoning or texting you, this would mean that your phone is giving out a signal to the FBI or whoever else.



New Member
Think about how many cell phones are out there. How many people would the FBI have to employ to listen to all these phones, whether they are on or off?

Just in case, I suggest every night you should say "fuck you bush, fuck you cheney" into your phone in a clear voice. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Think about how many cell phones are out there. How many people would the FBI have to employ to listen to all these phones, whether they are on or off?

Just in case, I suggest every night you should say "fuck you bush, fuck you cheney" into your phone in a clear voice. :mrgreen:

I just started saying...."Dear Lord.... please have the gov't kiss me first... it's the least they can do .... amen"


Well-Known Member
Another reason why I am hoping to move out of the USA very shortly.

I am hoping to move to London.
Londons shit, move into another county like essex or somerset, cities in the UK are not good for stoners. Get out in the country and do some beautiful outdoor growing. :leaf:



Well-Known Member
Londons shit, move into another county like essex or somerset, cities in the UK are not good for stoners. Get out in the country and do some beautiful outdoor growing. :leaf:


Yeah I heard London is bad but from someone who lives there is it really that bad?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I heard London is bad but from someone who lives there is it really that bad?
All the cities are generally varied, but most of them are bad for crime and have a very large police force which is obviously trying to combat it, in these parts there cracking down on drugs, so it would be best to go to quieter areas than the more suspect.


Edit: Plus house 'n flat prices in London are really expensive haha.


Well-Known Member
All the cities are generally varied, but most of them are bad for crime and have a very large police force which is obviously trying to combat it, in these parts there cracking down on drugs, so it would be best to go to quieter areas than the more suspect.


Edit: Plus house 'n flat prices in London are really expensive haha.

What is the best place for me to live in England that is the most safe?


Well-Known Member
What is the best place for me to live in England that is the most safe?
I don't work in real estate or anything but seaside towns are very good, although then theres the receding shore lines, hmm....
South West generally, were theres warmer climates, less crime and nicer scenery. They seem to have a better life out there. :-P



Well-Known Member
You can actually find out if your phone is bugged.
Hold it up to a speaker system where you could get interference coming through and listen to find if you get any interference when theres nobody phoning or texting you, this would mean that your phone is giving out a signal to the FBI or whoever else.

WTF?You're tripping.