First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*


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Cannacult - kwl man, nine weeks should do perfect, get all the resin outta her and into those budds!

Buddster - haha, the funny thing girlfriends enitials are MJ so i just call her mary jane sumtimes lol....and then she calls me her spiderman and crazy shit goes down


Well-Known Member
and i typed M and J for her initails in my last post....hmmm sumthing is awfully fishy round here =/
oh....yeah those look sweet man, are those kcbrains?


Well-Known Member
hey man...i just checked out that address and they got some sweet looking strains dude bt im not so sure how reliable they'll be, iv heard nirvana is good and lowryder for their auto flowering bt its ur choice man, i just go wit good bag seed i get from rastas and friends


Well-Known Member
Woo Hoo!!! 2009 everybody, went away to celebrate an afte getting back my babies are lokng quite nice. will update with pics soon...still abit hungover


Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:smoked out indeed my friends! New Years was one hell of a session! And now, i hav for u all a long awaited update of the plants! :clap::weed:


Shiva1 - she is beautiful! her branches are really taking off now and just over the past few day iv seen quite an incredible amount of growth coming outa her, as for the lst, iv unpinned her now cuz when she was pinned down her lower branches got cut off from the light cuz of the pot so i just released her and now shes looking great and finally i also fimmed her and it seems she'll hav between 4 and 8 branches going up. Her age today is just over 8weeks. i blame the medium for her stunted growth.

Shiva2 - WEEK 1 DAY 3 FLOWERING - OH MY GOD!! hahaha fooled ya...god doesnt exist :blsmoke: bt yeah jesus christ shes looking insane! her branches hav stretched out quite a bit now and shes about as bushy as she is tall so thats a great thing, at the moment iv just got 2hooks on her lower branches holding them down slightly so she can grow them out more and turn them towards the lights. other than that she has only 2fan leaves from her stem left, all other leaves are from branches.

Mww - The white widow is....umm...well its growing good, the only wierd thing is that it grew out its first leaf set then the second bt one was a wierd 2and a half blader then she grew out some even wierder leaf thingy wich doesnt look right. the leaf seems to be the stem...i know, that sounds wierd bt its true, the new leaf at the top is growing out funny and ther is no sign of a top node wich grows out more fan leaves....its just one wird leaf and a strange looking spike or white hair. please could sum1 take a look at the pics and giv me an explanation? other than that her branches are amazing! and shes now just over 3weeks old.

PPP - power plant is good, small bt good. growing a fat leaf set at the moment bt the tips are a bit dark and scrunchy? what could be the cause for this?

MangoMary - also good, bt got the same problem with the leaves as the ppp except they'r this a nutes problem?

and finaly MangoJane - good too bt also got quite a bit of yellowing happening to her first leaves so if any1 could help me with these problems id appreciate it.

Thanx in advance to all for the help and Jah Bless everyone! the pictures go in order of names and descriptions that apear above. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:



Well-Known Member
:blsmoke:smoked out indeed my friends! New Years was one hell of a session! And now, i hav for u all a long awaited update of the plants! :clap::weed:


Shiva1 - she is beautiful! her branches are really taking off now and just over the past few day iv seen quite an incredible amount of growth coming outa her, as for the lst, iv unpinned her now cuz when she was pinned down her lower branches got cut off from the light cuz of the pot so i just released her and now shes looking great and finally i also fimmed her and it seems she'll hav between 4 and 8 branches going up. Her age today is just over 8weeks. i blame the medium for her stunted growth.

Shiva2 - WEEK 1 DAY 3 FLOWERING - OH MY GOD!! hahaha fooled ya...god doesnt exist :blsmoke: bt yeah jesus christ shes looking insane! her branches hav stretched out quite a bit now and shes about as bushy as she is tall so thats a great thing, at the moment iv just got 2hooks on her lower branches holding them down slightly so she can grow them out more and turn them towards the lights. other than that she has only 2fan leaves from her stem left, all other leaves are from branches.

Mww - The white widow is....umm...well its growing good, the only wierd thing is that it grew out its first leaf set then the second bt one was a wierd 2and a half blader then she grew out some even wierder leaf thingy wich doesnt look right. the leaf seems to be the stem...i know, that sounds wierd bt its true, the new leaf at the top is growing out funny and ther is no sign of a top node wich grows out more fan leaves....its just one wird leaf and a strange looking spike or white hair. please could sum1 take a look at the pics and giv me an explanation? other than that her branches are amazing! and shes now just over 3weeks old.

PPP - power plant is good, small bt good. growing a fat leaf set at the moment bt the tips are a bit dark and scrunchy? what could be the cause for this?

MangoMary - also good, bt got the same problem with the leaves as the ppp except they'r this a nutes problem?

and finaly MangoJane - good too bt also got quite a bit of yellowing happening to her first leaves so if any1 could help me with these problems id appreciate it.

Thanx in advance to all for the help and Jah Bless everyone! the pictures go in order of names and descriptions that apear above. :leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

Dude- I had one of my seeds germ that way (Like ur MWW) But it only grew it's first set of true leaves and then that little white spike where the rest should have been. I let it grow for a week after it popped up hopin it would do something- but it never did......Kinda annoying, cuz it was one of the ones that popped first and it seemed like it had potential to be great- and then that....... so I pulled it and chalked it up as a loss.....

As far as the yellowing in ur babies- does ur medium have any ferts in it? Or are u using any nutes yet?

Other than that- the rest look good!


Well-Known Member
yeah dude its strange cuz she grew fine, first set was good then the second set came and that was good except one leaf was a bit deformed and then after that it started growing the third set bt only one wierd leaf came out and now its just getting bigger and has a wierd white spike poking out wher the other leaf should hav been and thers no sign of new leaf sets, u cant even see anything new growing at the top. bt she does hav branches already, also wierd cuz after the 2nd leaf set she grew 2perfect branches bt after the 1st thers 1coming out where it should at the point of the fan leaf by the stem and then on the other side thers 2 branches growin....rite next to each other? coming rite up where only one should...its so freakin wierd! And as for my babies, i havnt been using any nutes yet and i dont think the meduim as any ferts in it bt ill double check to make u hav any clue on how to solve this? their new leaf sets tho are loking good.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude its strange cuz she grew fine, first set was good then the second set came and that was good except one leaf was a bit deformed and then after that it started growing the third set bt only one wierd leaf came out and now its just getting bigger and has a wierd white spike poking out wher the other leaf should hav been and thers no sign of new leaf sets, u cant even see anything new growing at the top. bt she does hav branches already, also wierd cuz after the 2nd leaf set she grew 2perfect branches bt after the 1st thers 1coming out where it should at the point of the fan leaf by the stem and then on the other side thers 2 branches growin....rite next to each other? coming rite up where only one should...its so freakin wierd! And as for my babies, i havnt been using any nutes yet and i dont think the meduim as any ferts in it bt ill double check to make u hav any clue on how to solve this? their new leaf sets tho are loking good.

Well, if her side branches are doin good then just let her be. Maybe just top off where the white stud is growing and let the rest do it's thing.

If it does have nutes in it, then I'd say transplant them into a new medium, like one for seed starting. It's supposed to have what the plant needs to start life and get it into it's first stage of Veg.

If not, then dude I'm stumped! But you said that the other leaves are doin good then maybe it was just a temporary glitch?

Sorry I can't be much more help than that........ But if I come across something I'll def let you know what I find.......


Well-Known Member
Cannacult - hahahahahahahaaha! mutant indeed my friend, bt a mutant wich my end up having 5....yes 5 branches to work wit atleast. im hoping so we'll see how that works out.

Don - ur info has helped out more than enuf dude, it makes sense with the seedling soil thing...and if shit makes sense to me then i go for it bt im not sure what to do with that cuz how do i get the plant into entirly new soil? bt yeah the new leaf sets one them are looking good, 1 has a little sign of yellow mango jane i think so im hoping it clears up as they grow out. oh and wat would idealy be perfect for seedling? cuz i gotta be quite the Macgiver her in south africa with my grow...

as for MWW what u rate that white thing is? ill try get sum better shots next time of it and how shes growing, the branches are the best part cuz shes got 5 so in a way i dont really mind cuz those will take over as the main stems and just shoot up...or so i hope bt so far they looking good and hav started already strecthing upwards, ill get sum shots of them 2morow. will be early fella's cuz i got work in the morning so ull hav the scoop fresh!

thanx for all the help.


Well-Known Member
Cannacult - hahahahahahahaaha! mutant indeed my friend, bt a mutant wich my end up having 5....yes 5 branches to work wit atleast. im hoping so we'll see how that works out.

Don - ur info has helped out more than enuf dude, it makes sense with the seedling soil thing...and if shit makes sense to me then i go for it bt im not sure what to do with that cuz how do i get the plant into entirly new soil? bt yeah the new leaf sets one them are looking good, 1 has a little sign of yellow mango jane i think so im hoping it clears up as they grow out. oh and wat would idealy be perfect for seedling? cuz i gotta be quite the Macgiver her in south africa with my grow...

as for MWW what u rate that white thing is? ill try get sum better shots next time of it and how shes growing, the branches are the best part cuz shes got 5 so in a way i dont really mind cuz those will take over as the main stems and just shoot up...or so i hope bt so far they looking good and hav started already strecthing upwards, ill get sum shots of them 2morow. will be early fella's cuz i got work in the morning so ull hav the scoop fresh!

thanx for all the help.

I have no idea what that white thing is- mine looked like a pistil with a hard on for real. That shit was stickin straight up! If I had the 5 branches that u have, or hell I woulda been happy with one, I woulda kept it goin. No harm no foul....if the rest of it's lookin good don't mess with it. It sounds like it's doin the best thing that it knows how- and that's survive!

And as far as seed starter, U'll have to wait til the am for that cuz it lights off and that's where all my stuff is at. But as soon as I get the youngin off to school and the youngest youngin fed, I'll pull it out and let you know what's in it.
Weren't u usin the soil that is sold in bricks? If that's the case, and it doesn't have anything in them, I'd let them go for another week or so and then give them a TINY dose of nutes if it doesn't clear up.....

And to change the soil in them all together- that's a surgical process there bro! Meaning u gotta be EXTRA careful since they're so young, you don't wanna shock them too much. I'd loosen the soil around them so they'll come out with ease, then sit them in a cup of water just enough to cover the roots and loosen the rest of the dirt off of them, then transplant them into the fresh soil.....
Again, I'll let u know what's in my seed starter soil in the am.....


Well-Known Member
Ey u know I had the same problem and let em grow they ended up beign males don't know if it makes a difference to u but yeah I kinda thought it was nute burn


Well-Known Member
OK Bro, as promised- here is what's in my seed starter soil

Scotts Potting Soil for Seed Starting:

This product is formulated from 80-90% horticultural-grade Sphagnum Peat, Perlite,Fertilizer and a Wetting Agent

Net Weight: 3 pounds (1.36 kg)
Potting Soil for Seed Starting, 0.0-0.01-0.0

Derived from Ammonium Phosphate

That's straight from the package!

So u could probably get urself some Sphag Peat, Perlite and some of those bricked soil and roll with that after u mix it all up. And bags of each of those are fairly cheap...... No more than 5 bucks each roughly........

Maybe that'll help?


Well-Known Member
yea bro make you own. you want peatmoss perlite and vermiculite and some dolamite lime ash!!! maybe some guano and some worm castings if you wanna go organic. its all up to you my friend


Well-Known Member
thanx for all the help guys, im gona head over to the nearest nursary and see what they got, def wanna try out my palm peat mixed up with some perlite and sphag peat if i can get mu hands on some. ill see how the seedling do and if it dont clear up ill try the nutes then from ther transplant their soil if i need to bt if not then ill just put them into the new soil with their next pot upgrade. oh and what about bone meal? and how much should be used in...lets say a 15cm pot of soil mix?


Well-Known Member
thanx for all the help guys, im gona head over to the nearest nursary and see what they got, def wanna try out my palm peat mixed up with some perlite and sphag peat if i can get mu hands on some. ill see how the seedling do and if it dont clear up ill try the nutes then from ther transplant their soil if i need to bt if not then ill just put them into the new soil with their next pot upgrade. oh and what about bone meal? and how much should be used in...lets say a 15cm pot of soil mix?

I've been makin mine into almost a tea I guess u'd call it.... I'll put 4 tbsp in a jar of hot water and shake the shit out of it for roughly a 24 hour period. Then I add that mix to a gallon of water, and then just pour it in.....

IDK, maybe I'm doin it wrong- but it's doin it's thing so far........