State By State Laws


Well-Known Member
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[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]State By State Laws[/FONT][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]About the State Law Map
This map summarizes state marijuana laws. For details click a state.
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Well-Known Member
wait a minute , I am in one of the decriminalized states, but they still lock you up for it, please explain.


Well-Known Member
well here's the thing. no matter what laws each state passes to make it legal for medical use or some other level of decriminalization, it is still a federal crime. So that means the state won't be after you but the DEA still will be.


Well-Known Member
Here is means that if you have under a certain amount you just get a ticket. But if you are a card holding mm patient and within limits all is good.


Well-Known Member
what does decriminalized exactly mean?
It basically means they lessen the punishment for things like possession. It can also mean you get ticketed like mogie mentioned, or even that you can possess up to a certain amount. But like Kant said, the Feds can still bust you. They couldn't imagine letting the states decide whether or not a stoner should be allowed to blaze. Get drunk to your heart's content though, as long as they can collect taxes.


Well-Known Member
Money is what those greedy bastards are all about. They don't really give a damn about our weed. Their bottom line is $$$$$ That is why booze is legal because they can control it's production and tax it.


Well-Known Member
well it's not just money. it's whose money. i'm sure everyone knows the argument for the economic growth that would happen from legalizing pot. But someone would lose money. That someone would be the DEA. if pot were legalized then they would lose a huge chunk of their budget.

the reason why alcohol would never be prohibited again is because, while the DEA would get a huge increase to thiner budget, the beer and liquor companies would lose a lot of money and they sure as hell would fight to stop prohibition of alcohol.

pot doesn't have that huge financial backing like alcohol, but faces the same opponent.


Well-Known Member
Plus what would happen to all of these companies that sell stuff to stoners at high prices when Walmart started to carry the same thing?

Think of it lets go down to Walmart to pick up some seeds and a new light. lol


Well-Known Member
i'm sure a lot of people would start growing but if it were legalized, huge companies would jump all over it and start growing as mass quantities of pot. I would imagine that the cost would more or less plummet. far beyond the point where it would be cheap to just buy than to grow the same amount. I personally would still grow but i'm not sure walmart could make grow setups that cheap....but they are walmart...


Well-Known Member
Mass produced setups made in China and sold for a fraction of what we are used to paying. All these greedy bastards that are now making big dollars of stoners would be out on their butts.

Have marijuana seeds hanging right next to the flower seeds. lol


Well-Known Member

could you imagine if walmart sold pot? i could definitely see baggies of 1/8th next to some werthers candy


Well-Known Member
Even if weed was legalized, I really doubt big companies like Wal-Mart would get involved with it. For one thing, it would probably be heavily regulated so you could only get it in certain shops. Lots of Americans don't like weed though, so if Wal-Mart could sell it, they wouldn't do it because of their image.


Well-Known Member
gud point suicidesamurai they want 2 keep that "family image" it really is about whose money it is like kant said, u seize a 100mil accross borders noone cares someone steals a 100mil of tobacco and sells it 2 corner stores no tax and 4 cheap they r stealing frm honorable men (actually i just gave my a mafia-esque idea)