Most impressive. Been around the #1 issue since the site put up the "ideas" thing. Its "decrimmed" here in Ohio but still a ticket and lotsa other strings attached to the current law depending on amount, intent etc. My thing is my neighbor can drive down the street, get WAAAAAAAAAAASTED at the local tavern and drive home. But if i do my own thing in my own house and bother NO ONE, no dui's, fights domestic or otherwise etc,etc,etc....I'm labeled a a sched 1 drug user/cultivator blah,balh,blah. Total and absolute hyprocisy. We as a people made a statement with the election and we can make one here. all about attitude. Do we act as if we're at the precipice of a "new world" that has at its center an informed and progressive culture......or do we go in thinking its the same old song and dance just, with different music and a new choreographer. Its up to us. we can sit around and moan and complain about how "we" can't make a difference by gong to a website or........we can go to the webite and be part of the cultural change we long for in this country.
they already tried to prohibit alcohol... but you know what happens when you take an alcoholics booze away? they get mad. start to not care about anything else. they start to make it. in the bath tub... and then learn to make it real good and maybe move to the whole basement... and then start selling it.... and then start pushing it... and then start killing over it... and then star burning buildings down and killing anyone that tries to stop them, it starts a mob riegn that never goes away and causes death and destruction for years to come... and then they give them the booze back... its better than them causing trouble...
now... when they took all the potheads weed away, they got sad, paranoid, depressed. they start to grow theyre own or transport large amounts, they get it, illegaly, smoke it, illegaly, and are finaly happy again, illegaly. so they keep it illegal... what are a bunch of hippy stoners going to do to make theyre voice heard the way it was heard from the alcoholics? they arent going to kill, kidnap, burn or start organized branches of crime families to get weed... fuck em... they cant do shit!
i think the world is becoming more and more aware of the bullshit that is being told to them. we are starting to get too smart fot the government to controll us, so dumb us down, get us drunk and FUCKED UP!!! thatll keep our morals and values low, so when they send us to kill our brothers we wont have a problem. we are free! yea right.
glad my 500th post was a little rant!