!st Grow Purple Power Under CFL


Well-Known Member
hey man its looking great at its age keep up the good work!!! Damn you got alot of room man you could seriously cram a ton of plant in there and grow some small plants with huge top colas (lolipopn). Whatever im just rambling stoned as hell. Good luck man!!!
Damn Mud, that is alot of space, I would go ahead and give that little lady some siblings and pack that bitch with BUD!:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: :weed:(<<THATS YOU MUD)
Hers some pics of my ladies after 14 days flower. my cam suckx balls so i couldent get any pistil porn:wall: but you kinda see them in some shots. next watering will be with 1/3 stength MG Bloom Booster (10-52-10)

also in the pics you can see my 4- 23 wt 6500k's, i heard transitioning them from veg to flower in week 1-2 of bloom helps promote vigerous flower growth which i think is true now. they were switched for 4- 42 watt 2700k shortly after the pics were taken



Well-Known Member
blak-nice grow man. How many lights were you using?

But, yeah, I'm right on board with you guys, I got some bagseed in germ now so hopefully I'll have atleast 6 plants going by the end of this next week. woot!


Well-Known Member
Found 10 empty fiji bottles laying around...I think those will do for now until they need some transplanting.lol


Well-Known Member
blak-nice grow man. How many lights were you using?quote]

I use 12 for each grow cycle. So i have 24 lights all together. 12 - 23 watt (6500k) for veg. 8 - 42 watt and 4 - 23 watt (2700k) for flower. The 42's are on top, the 23's on on the sides. then i put 4 of the 42's in the position of the 23's and vice versa near the last 3 weeks of flower to fatten and mature lower/side buds. its probally a little much and ive spent about a much as would have on a 400 HPS setup from eBay or InsideSun, but i have trouble keeping my temps in check with the CFL's so HPS is not an option until i find a good ventilation setup. On the upside a friend had offered to buy all my CFL's for 60 bucks when i switch to HPS. And besides, IM NOT A DRUG DEALER !!! 4-5oz every full grow cycle (2.5-3 months)
is more than enough to keep me happy.


Well-Known Member
ive seen grows done completely in gatorade bottles
Those gatorade bottle grows give me half chubb when i see them. do the math. 20 clones all flowered at the first sign of being rooted. they grow into 12-18in "Lolipop" buds each weighing in at 7-15 grams each. Best case they all weigh 15gm. thats 10 fuckin oz. Also 20 clones is childs play 50-70 bottles can fit in an average closet....but first you need about 2 or 3 good mother plants.


Well-Known Member
blak-nice grow man. How many lights were you using?quote]

I use 12 for each grow cycle. So i have 24 lights all together. 12 - 23 watt (6500k) for veg. 8 - 42 watt and 4 - 23 watt (2700k) for flower. The 42's are on top, the 23's on on the sides. then i put 4 of the 42's in the position of the 23's and vice versa near the last 3 weeks of flower to fatten and mature lower/side buds. its probally a little much and ive spent about a much as would have on a 400 HPS setup from eBay or InsideSun, but i have trouble keeping my temps in check with the CFL's so HPS is not an option until i find a good ventilation setup. On the upside a friend had offered to buy all my CFL's for 60 bucks when i switch to HPS. And besides, IM NOT A DRUG DEALER !!! 4-5oz every full grow cycle (2.5-3 months)
is more than enough to keep me happy.
Yeah dude, that's all I'd be needing for myself...it think that much would keep me supplied for about the length of the grow. I'm def. not looking to deal or anything..I might hook my friends up but I'm way too paranoid to deal...( my paranoia comes from a traumatic acid experience) lol


Well-Known Member
I'm getting set to stick some more seeds in the dirt woo! I took this new soil that I got (Fafard 4P) and did a half and half mix with the MG Potting mix...the one thing I noticed is the Fafard hold moisture like a mother fucker...well atleast alot more than the MG does. So I went out and got some more perlite and just threw that into the mix and we'll see how she does... i did it a bit rich, so its 33% Fafard - 33% MG - 33% Perlite.

Side note though, I soaked 12 seeds in a small tupperware container with just enough distilled water to cover the seeds and when I took them out of the cupboard 10 of the 12 have sprouted in just 24 hours. Which is good to know since I wasted alot of time with the paper towel method earlier on.


Well-Known Member
I'm getting set to stick some more seeds in the dirt woo! I took this new soil that I got (Fafard 4P) and did a half and half mix with the MG Potting mix...the one thing I noticed is the Fafard hold moisture like a mother fucker...well atleast alot more than the MG does. So I went out and got some more perlite and just threw that into the mix and we'll see how she does... i did it a bit rich, so its 33% Fafard - 33% MG - 33% Perlite.

Side note though, I soaked 12 seeds in a small tupperware container with just enough distilled water to cover the seeds and when I took them out of the cupboard 10 of the 12 have sprouted in just 24 hours. Which is good to know since I wasted alot of time with the paper towel method earlier on.
maybe would have added a little less perlite but sounds like a good mix. i never really had luck with soaking my seed, i prefer the paper towel method . i wait till the tail is about .5 in(2 days) the tranplant. they usually break soil the next day or so


Well-Known Member
I was thinking the same thing when I was mixing it...figured since I'm growing in bottles and not pots, it's better to have a little too much then not enough..

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Wassup Mud!? I'm cheering for you over here. If you can, find a hydro shop and just buy some Pro-Mix Hp or BX. A bale is about $35, and it's enough for a couple of grows. Do 3 parts Pro-mix, 1 part chunky perlite, 1 part warm castings with a handful of dolomite lime, epson salt and Peruvian guano in 3 gallon pots. Water the first 2 or 3 times with plain water that sat out in the open for at least 24 hours( do this everytime you water regardless) to get rid of the chlorine. Then water with compost teas and diluted liquid seaweeds the entire grow. Add bat guano 2 weeks after 12/12 for extra phosphorous. Dilute the teas the last 2 weeks of flower and flush with water only. Sounds like alot, but nothing beats ORGANIC!! You'll love it b/c your girls will love it and reward you accordingly. Depending on the strain, you should pull 1.5 to 4 oz per plant with a good 4 weeks of veg. ! If you can't do it this time, save the recipe for your future grows. All ingredients should be less than $100!!

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
Wassup Mud!? I'm cheering for you over here. If you can, find a hydro shop and just buy some Pro-Mix Hp or BX. A bale is about $35, and it's enough for a couple of grows. Do 3 parts Pro-mix, 1 part chunky perlite, 1 part warm castings with a handful of dolomite lime, epson salt and Peruvian guano in 3 gallon pots. Water the first 2 or 3 times with plain water that sat out in the open for at least 24 hours( do this everytime you water regardless) to get rid of the chlorine. Then water with compost teas and diluted liquid seaweeds the entire grow. Add bat guano 2 weeks after 12/12 for extra phosphorous. Dilute the teas the last 2 weeks of flower and flush with water only. Sounds like alot, but nothing beats ORGANIC!! You'll love it b/c your girls will love it and reward you accordingly. Depending on the strain, you should pull 1.5 to 4 oz per plant with a good 4 weeks of veg. ! If you can't do it this time, save the recipe for your future grows. All ingredients should be less than $100!!

Good luck!!
Thanks man for sure. I'll def have to keep that handy. it's pretty shitty in my neck of the woods the closest hydro shop is about 2 hours away which seems like a long ass drive for some dirt and other goodies...movin' out to cali in about a year so hopefully it'll be easier to come by! thanks again!

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Not a problem!

You won't have any probs in Cali ! Born and raised in L.A. myself. Shit is everywhere. Are you moving to south or north? Either way, you'll be fine. You're allowed to grow personal smoke by the state in all counties. Hit up NORML's web site, all the info is there in regards to number of plants and weight from county to county. Three counties just tried to appeal the states high court ruling about growing, and was shot down. Their only option now is the Spureme Court, and it won't likely happen b/c 98% of the state is down with medicinal marijuana.


Well-Known Member
I'll probably be heading up to the SF area but yeah, either way it's still going to be way better than where I'm at. lol

Well the plants made it to 2 weeks without completely getting destroyed... Also I got the rest of the germd seeds planted...typically they're covered in a make shift plastic tent but I took it down for the pic.

I dunno, anyone think they;re drooping too much?



Well-Known Member
I'll probably be heading up to the SF area but yeah, either way it's still going to be way better than where I'm at. lol

Well the plants made it to 2 weeks without completely getting destroyed... Also I got the rest of the germd seeds planted...typically they're covered in a make shift plastic tent but I took it down for the pic.

I dunno, anyone think they;re drooping too much?
Once again my man, u worry to much , lol. they look perfectly fine. looks like their main stem lost its purple and is now green, thats a good sign. also they are really short and squat meaning youve kept your light relatively close to plants, GOOD JOB. I see so many cfl grows where people put the light like 2-3 ft. above seedling and wonder why the plant is 2 weeks old and almost 18 inches tall with 3 nodes,LMFAO. I usually transplant my seedling fron dixie cups to 2 GAL. pots at 1.5 weeks. not sure on the size of the pots in the pic but they look small, i would transplant now to save you any trouble. BTW DONT TRANSPLANT WHEN THE SOIL IS DRY. Tried it once i ended with a ball of naked roots in my hand and a mound of dirt at my feet:wall:. nows the time you want to have a pH kit. keeping pH in optimal ranges during veg allow for explosive growth. You are gonna be absolutly amazed at how fast they will gro in the next 2 weeks with proper pH. And not to jinx u but your plants short squat stature in very common among the female cannabis plant, ive got $10 bet that they both are sexy bitches. Great Job Mud. +rep


Well-Known Member
Yeah dude, I do worry a bit much....they were sagging even more last night and this morning so I went ahead and watered them again and weirdly enough they were starting to perk up...I didn't think I would be underwatering them since I water about every 3 days or so....got some buckets ready for transplant though...gonna give it another day or 2 before I stick them in there, I don't think it would be a good idea to chuck them in while they're still recovering...thanks for the heads up on the transplanting as well man...

oh yea, i'm also working on a mini fridge that I hope will drop my temps down another few degrees...found it in the trash and snatched it up and cleaned it down... I took the door off and put up a peice of foam to cover the hole. Cut out a hole in the foamboard big enough for the tube to stick into and a little vent hole to suck in new air... hope it works...if not I got a little window shaker I might hook up... :hump: