600W Darkroom - Sour Diesel & G13


Well-Known Member
nah...my humidity is juuuuuuuust fine...stays at 45-55% at all times...

dont know where your guides are from but everything from George F. Van Patten & Remo (urbangrower) says that during flowering the best RH is 40-60% meaning your suggestion would be low, i mean real low

cuttings - 80-95%
veg phase - 60-70%
flowering phase - 40-60%

it was a ph problem..solved

That may be, but I like to see finish bud without rot/mold in it, but to each their own! If you have a big ass cola and the humidity at 60% have fun when it comes to trimming, 50 at most.


Well-Known Member
i hear what youre saying...and if you go back and reread the thread...im pretty sure i say numerous times that i keep the RH between 45-55% until the last two weeks where i cut it down (sometimes all the way down to 25-30%) to avoid mold & increase trich production

ive been doing this for a little while...not as long as some, but longer than most


Well-Known Member
ya i need a dehumidifier.. my rh has gone from about 20 percent to 60 percent cuz of all the babies


Well-Known Member
i actually had to get a humidifier because the natural RH in the tent was 20%...

quick fix no biggie though...


Well-Known Member
i hear what youre saying...and if you go back and reread the thread...im pretty sure i say numerous times that i keep the RH between 45-55% until the last two weeks where i cut it down (sometimes all the way down to 25-30%) to avoid mold & increase trich production

ive been doing this for a little while...not as long as some, but longer than most
cool, can't wait to see the finish product. Good luck and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
from what i have read, trichomes are to protect the developing seed bract from harsh uvB light. this would explain why the strains under cannabis afghanica tend to be completely laden with trichomes that produce thc which has an extremely high capacity to absorb the damaging UVB light. and you find these strains in areas of the world that are bombarded with more direct harsh full sunlight. they grow an increased number of trichomes in reaction to the light to protect the potential seed. i tried it with and without and it could all be in my head, but i swear by em and will continue to use them...


Well-Known Member
nah..that sounds awesome...

can you explain a little in detail how you would use one...at the same time as my HPS?...how many per plant?

thanks G


Well-Known Member
nope...i get the tiny pinholes from the zippers that youd expect, but besides the passive intake vents i leave open on the bottom, no light leaks out, and none gets in during the dark period

super happy with my buy of the DR150 and cant wait to get another to go perpetual
whats your perlite to soil ratio? those plants look nice and that glamour shot of the g13 is a beaut. has anyone grown Haze xx Skunk #1 ? i have just recieved my sour diesl xx joint doct6or dwarf beans and it came with the skunkxhaze seeds for free.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
whats your perlite to soil ratio?
this round it went 100% soil...no perlite or anything...this was pretty much a fly by the seat of my pants grow to just dial in the system (doesnt matter since i'll be switching it up next go round to go vertical & then vertical perpetual...

good luck with your beans...


Well-Known Member
this round it went 100% soil...no perlite or anything...this was pretty much a fly by the seat of my pants grow to just dial in the system (doesnt matter since i'll be switching it up next go round to go vertical & then vertical perpetual...

good luck with your beans...

I plan on starting my beans in about a month. No perlite at all ? fill those pots to the top with 70% perlite x 30% soil. it'll help with the aeration process and not only it'll allow them to be fed more often with only means 1 thing.. more growth , less focus for the roots and more focus for the actual plant.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
either way your plants look nice and your tent setup looks amazing. I give you 2 thuimbs up and 2 toes up as well. I'll be watching your progress.


Well-Known Member
hahah...thanks brotha...what kind of setup you gonna be tossing those beans in?

i'll be using 1 200 watt envirolite red cfl and 2 200 watt envirolite in the blue spec setup with 3 1/2 litter soil pots with a 65% perlie to 35% soil mix ratio for aeration and max feeding & absortion. it's gonna be pretty simple setup. all i need is my carbon scrubber to come in and im ready to rock:leaf:


Well-Known Member
nah..that sounds awesome...

can you explain a little in detail how you would use one...at the same time as my HPS?...how many per plant?

thanks G
there are several different ways to do it. the preferred method is the cfl version for reptiles that need high uv exposure. they come in two, five, and ten percent. with a ten percent lamp you would want to have it timed to come on three hours into your lights on, and cut off three hours before lights off to mimic the intensity of the midday sun. i personally use a couple of two percent ones that are on for my whole lights on cycle. some folks swear that ceramic metal halide bulbs are the way to go because the produce a much fuller specturm. cant use em in digi ballasts though...for the two percent bulbs i would say one bulb for every four square feet about ten inches above the canopy...:wall: can't seem to remember much more off top. thats all i could pound out for now, hehe...


Well-Known Member
thanks G...i'll definitely be looking to get some of those in the setup the next go round...probably gonna try to find some more info on them in relations to plants/cannabis first though

thanks again mayne


Well-Known Member
sourd is da shit. jus got here an now im in. doin a sog diesel ryder, narkush, hindu kush grow. hope da diesel ryder taste like da real thing. been to cali once an sour d is da shit. is there any strain i can get from attitude like chemdog or la confidential thats anything like sour d. i love dat shit! nice shit fd