Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Mine won't eat any human food... might lick the tuna can, but if I put the tuna in his bowl he won't touch it... I guess I should be thankful for that.. less a pain in the ass.......


New Member
I know I give him some here and there when the others aren't around. He can't be discreet, if I sneak him a bite, he growls while he eats it, which gets the attention of the 2 dogs and 1 of the other cats. It's best to not share with any of them.


New Member
I used to have 7 cats at one point....all foundlings and giveaways. Now I'm just down to Penny whom I found at the age of 8 (?) weeks in an abandoned farm field.....that was 10 years ago.

She eats tuna and loves it. She will eat hamburger as well. Dogs used to give her hell till she nabbed a squirrel and showed it to them. They went NUTS and she was immediately accepted as a pack member with privileges. :mrgreen:

On a complete side note..... I don't know if any of you are wine drinkers but the wall street Journal is having a great promo... best deal I've seen in a long while. Just a mention..... www.wsjwine.com

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i got 3 cats ... they all like table food... the male cat does the most and will try to knock meat off your plate/hand.
if he gets a big piece he will walk around with it and growl .. lol
last nite i gave him a little piece of chicken and he brings it up stairs to show the other cats ... then they all come down


Well-Known Member
I only have a pot hound, she can sniff out a bud and steal it.
She ate an oz puked some of it up. I was prepared to take her to the veterinarian and take some lumps but she was OK.
A 35 pound dog and an oz...
proof you can not OD on THC.
She was ill but alive.