Well-Known Member
For some reason, I always end up trailing your posts with an "I second that!" because we are sharing the same thought spectrum! You're not going to win this dude over because he is the kind of guy that will break your posts down into segments and over-analyze and scrutinize everything you say... in fact, you might as well see his follow-up response to your last post as this:
For some reason, I always end up trailing your posts with an "I second that!" because we are sharing the same thought spectrum! You're not going to win this dude over because he is the kind of guy that will break your posts down into segments and over-analyze and scrutinize everything you say... in fact, you might as well see his follow-up response to your last post as this:
BULLSHIT, you're wrong, I'm right!Are you not aware that all in industries that I mentioned make their stuff OVERSEAS as in not in America. If we opened up all these industires here in america, think of all those jobs. If we opened all those industries here in america someone here in america would be needing to grow what was needed to be used.
BULLSHIT, you're wrong, I'm right!Plastics made of hemp do not pollute during their making, the don't poison you while you use them and they are biodegradable. When was the last time you could say that about a pertochemical based plastic.
BULLSHIT, you're wrong, I'm right!Henry Ford made a car where 70% of the car was made out of hemp based plastics and the car ran on hemp based fuel. Back in I think it was 2004, a hemp powered car drove around the US.
And to sum this up, BULLSHIT, you're wrong, I'm right!Ignoring the solutions does not make them any less viable.