Just a question I'd like everyone to answer out of curiosity...


Well-Known Member
so the majority of us that are members grow...
but it can be an expensive hobby ...

just curious what everyone does for a living..
you really dont have to go in to much detail i'm really just curious, with the way the economy is in the u.s. i'm really just curious..

like for me for example I have a degree in computer science... beta tester for a small company...
and on the side i'm a contractor (welding and carpentry) (my buddy owns his own construction company.....


Well-Known Member
Haven't worked in a job I get paid for in 10 years... or a little more.

I care for my mother who had a brain anurism and a whole host of other problems.

40 fucking years old stuck living with mom on pennies.

And now that I think she's ok enough to leave alone and get a job, what happens...


Well-Known Member
Haven't worked in a job I get paid for in 10 years... or a little more.

I care for my mother who had a brain anurism and a whole host of other problems.

40 fucking years old stuck living with mom on pennies.

And now that I think she's ok enough to leave alone and get a job, what happens...
wow.. i'm sorry to hear about your mom bro...
just curious tho.. how the hell do you survive ? how do u have money to grow ?

i'm asking / creaded this thread because in the town we've moved to every major industry is closing down seriously we have 5 of our biggest factories closing within the next 3 months... how's everyone doing it ?


Well-Known Member
I do some medical transcription online, not as much now though all the jobs are going to India, they are cheaper and they will work around the clock....Slim pickings these days.


Well-Known Member
wow.. i'm sorry to hear about your mom bro...
just curious tho.. how the hell do you survive ? how do u have money to grow ?

i'm asking / creaded this thread because in the town we've moved to every major industry is closing down seriously we have 5 of our biggest factories closing within the next 3 months... how's everyone doing it ?
Well... Hmmm

I did a lot of things. Any thing I could try from home, made shitty money barely enough to buy stuff and go out once in a while.

I fixed electronics, computers, bought broken things and sold them on ebay, did various little remodeling jobs, completely remodeled moms house inside, vaulted ceilings new bathroom, layed 3 tons of marble and granite in the house with custom cut flooring, leveled the once sunken floor and made one room out of two and a whole new kitchen again more granite and actually moved the kitchen to another room, and we slipped money out of a new mortgage to do those things. (keep in mind I broke my back, live in chronic pain, and did this all like a little tiny bit at a time all by myself..and I get no disability, they say I can work a phone and sit in a chair, which is true..)

Used that to get other little remodeling jobs...

Shitloads of things that didn't make me a living worth a damn.

Don't follow my lead, I've been broke as shit and worked my ass off for it.


Well-Known Member
I am working on a tan now.
Earlier I was working on my abs.
And BTW I grow Cheap. Fertilizer is shit and I will not pay top dollar for shit,


Well-Known Member
I'm a theatre technician... (On top of being a student) I work in the municipal theatre in my little town and do electrics, audio, rigging and stage management. It pays the bills, and i love doing it, so it's worked out pretty well...

Good thread :)


Well-Known Member
fell off ladder at work ...get shitty workers comp for another two years. i am a self employed contractor, mostly hardscape and outdoor work but the ocasional home addition or re-model..


Well-Known Member
Consulting is easy. You just tell others what they are doing wrong. They pay you, do what they want. Then i tell them I told you so. My wife taught me this job.


Well-Known Member
I Remodeler... Business is slow. It was good about a year ago, now I dont get anything for a month or more sometimes! I have other plans now :-}-