My winter outdoor grow


New Member
These pics where taken december 20th ima take more tomorrow to show the new growth the first pics are a clone that i got from a mmj delivery service it is a ist generation dwarf super bubba kush and the other pics are a random bagseed that i decided to germinate new pics tomorrow.peace



New Member
heres some more pics.... i kjust leave em out at night at its been in like the low 40's and so far they are still alive growing slow tho but its all good.... and the clone is flowering as u can see in a few pics.... i know the clone doesnt look that great it didnt look all that great when i got it but its all good this winter grow is just an experiment :weed::weed::weed:



Well-Known Member
heres some more pics.... i kjust leave em out at night at its been in like the low 40's and so far they are still alive growing slow tho but its all good.... and the clone is flowering as u can see in a few pics.... i know the clone doesnt look that great it didnt look all that great when i got it but its all good this winter grow is just an experiment :weed::weed::weed:
look great for being winterized... i bring mine in at night..its gettin below freezing...i lost one already to frost shock.. lovely batch of kids you have


New Member
look great for being winterized... i bring mine in at night..its gettin below freezing...i lost one already to frost shock.. lovely batch of kids you have

thanks, yea they are tough weeds im happy they are still alive and growing i know the seedling will be a monster for this yr as soon as it gets bigger ima transplant it into a bigger pot cant wait as for the clone i hope it kinda flowers slow then reverts back to vege in the spring that would be tite =)


Well-Known Member
nice and healthy looking! that bubba kush looks like its gonna K.O some people!

i wish it was 40 at night where i live! yesterday i saw 6 in the forecast wtf!

i wanna see if that clone will revert, im puttin my $$$$ on, no.

anyway good luck!


New Member
so heres an update the clone is doing good and so is the seedling well its not a seedling anymore its a female i saw a few pairs of white hairs and its definitely getting bigger the past few days have been really nice warm and sunny i will try and take pics asap.peace


New Member
oh yea i forgot to add that my new female also looks very indica..... could be a kush cuz i had some kush seeds mixed in with the other bag seed


New Member
so heres some more pics like i said i think the bag seed is a kush its a female as well sorry i couldnt take pics of the white hairs it wasnt coming out good.....i also gave the clone a lil haircut cuz so fan leaves were blocking sunlight plus i started LSTing it as well so thoe lower branches get some good sunlight anyways leave comments and ask questions.peace



Well-Known Member
so heres some more pics like i said i think the bag seed is a kush its a female as well sorry i couldnt take pics of the white hairs it wasnt coming out good.....i also gave the clone a lil haircut cuz so fan leaves were blocking sunlight plus i started LSTing it as well so thoe lower branches get some good sunlight anyways leave comments and ask questions.peace

a happy,healthy looking bunch of kids... +rep im gonna keep watchin... i'd like to see how they turn out...


New Member
so this week it has been hella sunny and hot and my babies have been growing.... im gonna have to transplant the bagseed which i still think is a kush im so excited and heres the clone its growin slowly but its all good enjoy the pics



Well-Known Member
Nice little grow you got there kushking. I'm doing a winter grow too but in florida. I plan on just leaving them and let them grow naturally and see what happens. Ihave a NlxBB and red shiva the bushy one is the NLxBB:leaf:........................I don't know if they will survive though, tonight its supposed to be low 0f 29 and tommorow a low of 30



New Member
those look real nice...they should survive they are tough plants.... mine have been thru some extremely cold nights and they survived...but yours look real able to tell if they are female or male?


Well-Known Member
those look real nice...they should survive they are tough plants.... mine have been thru some extremely cold nights and they survived...but yours look real able to tell if they are female or male?

There female clones I put out there, I had some extra from my indoor so I figured I do a little winter experiment. NlxBB had been topped, so it was quite bushy when i put it out there, but still both of them are under a foot or so, they have been flowering for about 3 weeks.....kinda reminds of a bonzi....the bbxnl looks like a little minature marijuana plant varation of my inddor gals heres the mom and a indoor sibling



Well-Known Member
i've been using the molasses... wondering what all it does.. the plant seems to love it.. i took her outta the closet this morning and the top is split... got some freaky plant shit goin lookin for batteries for the digital so i can get some pics up..