R+: Stages of Flowering


Well-Known Member
Step by step, can some explain to me the physical changes a female plant goes through during the flowering stages?

all i know so far is that budsites are shown and pistols come out of them to collect pollen, whats next?

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
it keeps making more untill they all swell up near the end and crystals start getting thicker,untill the hairs start turning reddish brown then your done.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
0-2 weeks - the plant notices the change from 18/6 or 24/0 to 12/12. It rearranges it's priorities, and so it's metabolism in order to start bud production. The plant will continue to grow in height.

2-3 weeks - the first pistils or balls appear. The very first will show at the main nodes (between the main stem and a secondary stem). Males tend to show sex earlier than females since males have a faster metabolism.

3-5 weeks - pistils have formed on all nodes or stem tips.

5-6/8 weeks (depending on strain) - the actual buds form.

6/8-9/12 weeks (depending on strain) - the buds show a higher density.

7/9-10/12 (depending on strain) - leaves start to yellow as a sign that N once stored is being used for bud production. The plant shows a condition known as Sinsemilla (sin - without, semilla - seeds, both spanish terms). In this condition, fake seed pouches begin to form, the plant pretending that it is pollinated. During this period, bud size doubles.

During flowering, but never on a fixed schedule, the pistils will turn from white to red/amber/copper/brown and the trichomes will turn from clear to milky and then amber. It is believed to be ideal for pistils to be over 70% red when harvesting.

Also, clear trichomes have no effect, milky trichomes produce a head buzz, typical for sativas, red trichomes produce a body stone, typical for indicas. In my experience, sativas will naturally present more milky than red trichomes while indicas more red trichomes. Depending on the type of high you are looking for, wait for the milky/red ratio you are looking for and then harvest.

Flush when the 25-30% of pistils start turning red, so you know that you have a minimum of 2 weeks flushing time.


Well-Known Member
0-2 weeks - the plant notices the change from 18/6 or 24/0 to 12/12. It rearranges it's priorities, and so it's metabolism in order to start bud production. The plant will continue to grow in height.

2-3 weeks - the first pistils or balls appear. The very first will show at the main nodes (between the main stem and a secondary stem). Males tend to show sex earlier than females since males have a faster metabolism.

3-5 weeks - pistils have formed on all nodes or stem tips.

5-6/8 weeks (depending on strain) - the actual buds form.

6/8-9/12 weeks (depending on strain) - the buds show a higher density.

7/9-10/12 (depending on strain) - leaves start to yellow as a sign that N once stored is being used for bud production. The plant shows a condition known as Sinsemilla (sin - without, semilla - seeds, both spanish terms). In this condition, fake seed pouches begin to form, the plant pretending that it is pollinated. During this period, bud size doubles.

During flowering, but never on a fixed schedule, the pistils will turn from white to red/amber/copper/brown and the trichomes will turn from clear to milky and then amber. It is believed to be ideal for pistils to be over 70% red when harvesting.

Also, clear trichomes have no effect, milky trichomes produce a head buzz, typical for sativas, red trichomes produce a body stone, typical for indicas. In my experience, sativas will naturally present more milky than red trichomes while indicas more red trichomes. Depending on the type of high you are looking for, wait for the milky/red ratio you are looking for and then harvest.

Flush when the 25-30% of pistils start turning red, so you know that you have a minimum of 2 weeks flushing time.

i love you! R+ rep!! if i knew how to give it to you!!


it keeps making more untill they all swell up near the end and crystals start getting thicker,untill the hairs start turning reddish brown then your done.
LMAO.... I know it's an old thread but I came accross it when i was looking for info and found your "My plumber asked me if i'm growing? and i said huh, what do you mean?he said your looking taller.weird huh?this is a true story!it scared me a little.:shock:" I was in need of a laugh and I found that, cheered me up no-ends, class.
You guys are great. Almost all my questions answered. I have one more. I have heard of withholding water, which scares me, and lowering the RH and temperature to help finish, also reducing the lights to 10 out of 24 and then one day 24 hour dark. The question is should I do these things and if so, when? My crop is just starting to show red/brown hairs on the lower buds, hairs that are partially changed on the mid buds and no change on the top. As best I can see the trichomes are all still clear. I returned to 13 hours light shortly after going one week at 12/12 followed by 24 hours of dark. The reason for the 13 is my "room" only has the reflective walls on two sides and is open to a larger area. I have 240 watts in Hi intensity T-5s on the long side without reflector. I figure some loss from that and the 1000 watt HPS on a track, so I went for longer time. Light is growth. So how many weeks until water only, when do I drop the lights to 10 hrs and how long before harvest do I give it another 24 hrs dark? I just took some pics, but I need to edit them and I will post. Thanks to any that reply. Oh, and I know it's all a educated guess, but it's hard to make educated guess on your first grow. For me it's more guess and less educated.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
What stage would u think im at in flowering
Do you realize this thread has been dead since 12/19/2011. You will get more help by creating your own topic and giving more information. We need pictures of the entire plant and closeups of trichomes. None of these under HPS.