First Ever CFL Grow Journal PICS*


Well-Known Member
no because you are just changing the complex and amount of each nute. once the flush occures and the plant has had a few days to get the old nutes metabolized and the water basically cleaning out the inside of the bush. then it is like new, but the trick is giving it the right amount of new nutes for the first time. like i said start very very lightly and closely monitor how the plant responds, if it grows more vigorously then you obviously know what to do. if it gets hurt (which i doubt it will) just back off and flush and repeat. but i really dont think it will matter man. im pretty certain youll be fine


Well-Known Member
Cannacult - African sativas u say...hmmm well then she'll be one hell of a smoke when her time comes!

Don - no word on the package yet man bt ill be sure to let ya know when it arrives.

PreUpdate **

so im gonna be updating every week from now on, ill cut down on the photos a bit and just do ones if any good or bad changes happen. As for Miss Shiva2, well she has flower growth bt they way too small to tell what she is yet bt the top nodes all hav what seems to be white hairs poking out here and there so......ummm wishfull thinking would say SHES A FEMALE!! bt any good grower knows its too early to tell so will confirm that hopefully tomorow.


Well-Known Member
what??????odvious,Eyup,eres,wot,Da,iz,wiv, reflecta,ov,Wot ,bin. are you for real what the hell does all this bull shit mean is this how you post on a board are ou trying to make yourself look retarted??

Eyup Manik itz bin a while eres wot iz bin up 2 i call it Da Crown O Budz or Budz 4 Even Less.

Pic 1 Da odvious light 1 18watt x 100 eq cfl wiv silver paper plate as reflecta

Pic 2 12 days flower

Pic 3 12 day close shot ov da left ov plant

Pic 4 18 days flower same shot angle

Wot do ya rekon?


Active Member
Eyup u all seem 2 be on me ass 4 me spellin but spellin dont grow gud ganj,Peace n luv guyz,Peace n luv.LOL.


Well-Known Member
vernacular is all well and good but Functional illiteracy is no laughing matter, but no matter . what exactly is a pommy(perhaps Australian English) , excuse my ignorance?.



Active Member
what??????odvious,Eyup,eres,wot,Da,iz,wiv, reflecta,ov,Wot ,bin. are you for real what the hell does all this bull shit mean is this how you post on a board are ou trying to make yourself look retarted??

ou? retarted? Bit o a contradiction o termz dare ya fink


Well-Known Member
I forget that there are so many young kids on here ,i guess im just getting to old for cool typing and things like that . I am out of bud right now and in a crappy mood so sorry for being an old fart! Hope i didnt offend how is the weather down under?? Killer surfing i am never to old to surf!!

ou? Retarted? Bit o a contradiction o termz dare ya fink


Well-Known Member
Thtas what i like to hear.m i rock an al merrick 6'3 squash right now soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sic. Perfect for east coast and gulf surf


Active Member
I forget that there are so many young kids on here ,i guess im just getting to old for cool typing and things like that . I am out of bud right now and in a crappy mood so sorry for being an old fart! Hope i didnt offend how is the weather down under?? Killer surfing i am never to old to surf!!
Nah m8 ya never 2 old wen ya fink dat i woz sat on me daddys knee wen buzz n niel were doin dare stuff datz gettin on.
U iz way off da mark finkin i is an aussi wrong hemisphere i iz UK south o manchester.


Well-Known Member
no because you are just changing the complex and amount of each nute. once the flush occures and the plant has had a few days to get the old nutes metabolized and the water basically cleaning out the inside of the bush. then it is like new, but the trick is giving it the right amount of new nutes for the first time. like i said start very very lightly and closely monitor how the plant responds, if it grows more vigorously then you obviously know what to do. if it gets hurt (which i doubt it will) just back off and flush and repeat. but i really dont think it will matter man. im pretty certain youll be fine
Oh ok thanx for helping me out man nice to see we still have fellow stoners like u...
Well yeah... I already flushed my plant yesturday morning and even made couple extra holes for better drainage ..
So let it be for couple days right?
I have bio bloom only...! What u think!


Well-Known Member
wow...crazy shit going down since i been gone, lol. a pommy...for refrence is what south africans(i think) call ppl from the uk...

anyway guys. i got some pics of how the top nodes look so u all can judge for yourselves ans see if shes a female yet.
the pics go from tallest nodes to the lowest ones. and the final pics are of my awesome new inlet pc fan i recently mounted
so now shes got fresh air all through out flowering.



Well-Known Member
wikipedia said pommys were austraillian thats where i got it?? i guess its like anything else slang different strokes for different folks...

wow...crazy shit going down since i been gone, lol. a pommy...for refrence is what south africans(i think) call ppl from the uk...

anyway guys. i got some pics of how the top nodes look so u all can judge for yourselves ans see if shes a female yet.
the pics go from tallest nodes to the lowest ones. and the final pics are of my awesome new inlet pc fan i recently mounted
so now shes got fresh air all through out flowering.


Well-Known Member
i cant believe they are not showing hair?? is your dark cycle 100% cause they should have turned by now??? right??

wow...crazy shit going down since i been gone, lol. a pommy...for refrence is what south africans(i think) call ppl from the uk...

anyway guys. i got some pics of how the top nodes look so u all can judge for yourselves ans see if shes a female yet.
the pics go from tallest nodes to the lowest ones. and the final pics are of my awesome new inlet pc fan i recently mounted
so now shes got fresh air all through out flowering.


Well-Known Member
manik thats what icall em brew and you know im south african. dont know bout the australian deal though. another day maybe mate, id hate to call it and be wrong. but i will say, looks very very promising!

heres a treat for ya


