First Time Grower Please what are my chances???


Active Member
I have never grown before but I am going to try and have purchased 3 600 watt lights, a can fan and filter, timer for temp and humidity, dehumidifier, space heater.

I will be growing in a 8 by 10 room vertically in soil on shelves kind of like the stadium.

Assuming I keep the room at the correct temps, humidity, etc and have a very basic soil and nutrient regime how likely is it a diligent first time grower will be successful.

I am not hoping to get rich but I am hoping to be able to recoup some of the money for mortgage, food, etc as all supplies came out of savings and were earmarked for future bills. I know this is a general question but what are the prospects for someone who reads up, pays attention, and more importantly can be on site 24/7


Well-Known Member
what are the prospects for someone who reads up, pays attention, and more importantly can be on site 24/7
all depends on your gardening aptitude, IMHO you should have started out small with a few cfls to see if you can get the feel for their needs.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Are you kidding me?! You got enough space there to grow at least 10 big plants (when I say big, I mean plants that give off 250g/plant dry). If you do everything correct, you can look at some mighty fine cash from your crop.

I'd just like to offer some advice. Don't tell ANYONE that you're growing, no friends or kids, maybe your spouse if you trust her. And try to be conformist, meaning, don't start throwing money around even though the police know that you have no job and no official money source. Also, if you're black or poor, be very careful, since police keep a special eye out for these two groups. Try and find a trustworthy person that is willing to sell the stuff to others for you, so that you remain in the dark.

EDIT: I may not condone the distribution of illegal substances, but I still think it's cool. Just don't sell to kids! Weed can be bad for children that still present brain growth. Over 16-18 years old is perfectly medically safe.