3 weeks old and curling...whats up with that?


Active Member
Ok heres the deal...two out of eight of my babies are starting to curl in a weird way. There under a 4' 4bulb flouresent, there is a 6" fan inside for a breeze, there in a basic perlite/soil mix drains very well, i water about every other day, and the temp is at about 78-80 F and humidity right at 38-40%. i was wondering what the curling was about its only on the two largest leaves on both plants...heres the pics


Active Member
ok here they are for real this time! Ive been in and out of this site and many others along with a few books and i didnt find anything quite like this. im just looking for some verification im not all that worried cause they look healthy otherwise. Thanks in advance for any advice



Well-Known Member
Hey. My plants (white widow) were doing the same thing when they were starting out. Both maybe around 6-8 days old. They're 21 days old now and they're growing fine and healthy. :]

my temps were 78-85, 30-40%, also had a fan on them. mine were also 24 hour light.

I heard it's somewhat normal.. possibly a genetic thing with some plants? Maybe too much wind on them... It wasn't a heat or nute issue with me which was why i was confused about it.

The first two pictures are them curling and the next ones are what they look like now



Well-Known Member
I think it is a lighting issue , but nothing to worry about , the plant will outgrow it.
Or maybe it won't and die.


Well-Known Member
$that1dude$... I've had EXACTLY this same thing happen to some bubblelicious I planted. I scratched my head plenty, but left them alone and they came out of it and look absolutely beautiful now at about 2 weeks, 5-6 internodes, 8" tall, branched and stout.. actually look at lot like yours, just a little taller.

I'm growing in fortified MiracleGro soil, 400W HPS, temps range 70-85F, humidity ~40%. I had a breeze on them early.. too early, so maybe that's what does it.

I was really tempted to take "corrective action".. I'm glad now I resisted.


Active Member
What's your ph, and are you growing bagseed?
i dont have a ph meter yet...still workin on that but its is bagseed, just some nice nugs!

Hey. My plants (white widow) were doing the same thing when they were starting out. Both maybe around 6-8 days old. They're 21 days old now and they're growing fine and healthy. :]

my temps were 78-85, 30-40%, also had a fan on them. mine were also 24 hour light.

I heard it's somewhat normal.. possibly a genetic thing with some plants? Maybe too much wind on them... It wasn't a heat or nute issue with me which was why i was confused about it.

The first two pictures are them curling and the next ones are what they look like now
I thought it might be a wind issue to cause the direction they were curling, but it definitely coulda been a coincidence!

$that1dude$... I've had EXACTLY this same thing happen to some bubblelicious I planted. I scratched my head plenty, but left them alone and they came out of it and look absolutely beautiful now at about 2 weeks, 5-6 internodes, 8" tall, branched and stout.. actually look at lot like yours, just a little taller.

I'm growing in fortified MiracleGro soil, 400W HPS, temps range 70-85F, humidity ~40%. I had a breeze on them early.. too early, so maybe that's what does it.

I was really tempted to take "corrective action".. I'm glad now I resisted.
im so glad to hear that my ladies are gonna pull through. It seemed so weird cause its only 2 out of 8 of them?

very nice link i havent come across that one yet...a lot of good info thanks dude


Active Member
thanks for all your input people, i feel better knowing its nothing serious. you guys got back to me with the quickness too...good lookin out! now im gonna pack one up, make some bubbles and head to the bar bongsmilie


Active Member
alright so i made some adjustments with my lighting and air circultion and the leaves that were curled/twisting are still the same but the new growth seems to be fine. I fimed all of them except 2 the twisting one and my midget! :clap:

