if you need short moms there are lots of ways to do it...
you could just figure out about where you want your canopy height, grab the mother on the main stem right be low that - and squeeze, until you feel the insides of the plant getting softer and breaking up... then bend the top of the plant over, gently, without splitting the stem - and let it rest bent a little over 90 degrees... everything will perk back up, that stem will recover and form a knot that will be really strong...
but with your style, maybe you should tie it down in different areas and make it grow upwards in a spiral, about 12" around (like a spring)... this would make a lot of clones, and the mother could potentially look cool, and it would be low profile
keep some spare clones in case you mess her up...
you just gotta tie her down... it wont hurt her, she likes it... all bitches do