Breeding Journal


Well-Known Member
Well, my journal is well on its way to 30,000 views... Because there's a lot of helpful information in there...

And if you wanna still keep calling me names go ahead douche...

Since you're looking all over my profile, and googling my screen name, maybe you should click the link in my sig that goes to my albums... Pretty lights and huge buds...

And I doubt you know the first thing about breeding and what phenotypes are dominant over others... Charts and graphs...

I'm not acting like a know-it-all... But with a name like "masterofgenetics" going around calling people idiots... Well... That shouts know-it-all...


Well-Known Member
hey why ant we all just get along this site is supossed to help people learn and get better at growing and what not
not to fight and talk shit to each other
come on now lets just chill
if u guys dont like eachh other then dont go on each others thread stay on ur own
have some kind of respect.


Well-Known Member
If anything you'll get a warning for bothering them... Or possibly you'll get banned for admiting you're underage and still in grade school...
Man this guy is pissing me off he wont leave me alone.. Is ther way I can delete his bullshit? this guy been at this all night..lame he think he would get bored being such bigshot and all lol
hey why ant we all just get along this site is supossed to help people learn and get better at growing and what not
not to fight and talk shit to each other
come on now lets just chill
if u guys dont like eachh other then dont go on each others thread stay on ur own
have some kind of respect.


Well-Known Member
I don't believe there's a language block here, first amendment fucking pussy.

Dickless asshole.

What kind of idiot would call something ToeJam?!?

What kind of dumbass would by a bunch of strains that are supposedly "sour" this and "sour" that?

What kind of fuckstick names something Greencrack?

What kind of cunt names something smashberry?


There's a right way and a wrong way to post in someone's journal... You not only linked a video from youtube, but plugged this journal in my thread... :finger:

FYI... The "idiot" that named a strain 9Mile was me...

It came from the town of Nine Mile, Jamaica... Right outside Bob Marley's home, and masoleum... So, if that's a stupid name... Then FUCK YOU

And by the way, 8 Mile is the name of the Eminem movie, and he's a dickless fuck, just like you. :mrgreen:

Oh, I guess I should plug my journal...

It's got everything about breeding you've got... Plus everything else.

I started from seed, taught cloneing, breeding, veg growth, mothering, and now blooming... If you had read a bit of it, maybe you'd have realized... But you just got here 2 weeks ago... So, welcome to RIU :finger:

Fucking troll.
personal attacks, name calling, and cussing are not allowed at RIU.
That is what he sent to me I'm trying to get him to stop posting in my thread.. I have al due respect I even went back and deleted the comment I had made in journal to try to call it truths and he did not stop.. I am so sorry i said on my very first post in this journal is to please respect Riu and not cuss in this journal
Yeah I had made a stupid comment last night, asking him what kinda of idiot names a strain 8mile, but its called 9mile idk? well I deleted my post and asked him to do the same instead he wouldn't stop posting stuff (oh how he is bomb dig) and all lol.. sounds like one of those crazy boxers you know
yes u did i seen it
and i seen that u tried more then once to stop the prob too


Well-Known Member
:shock:haha I love how this mr. marks thinks he did something special, not only have all those things been posted before, but in way better quality........
I havent grown for 2o years... but when i have, im guna act like i know things that other people dont... and post shit on the net about growing so people know how cool i am, as well as feed people the info they need to grow so they dont have to click on the other 1 million links right next to mine.:cry:

Its cool that you contribute to the site, but all your positive vibez are gone with the negitivity you spread. and you my friend howard sound almost anti hippy. If your ganja is so great how can you be such a angry prick to people?
I think you need to get more biblical my freand....ever herd InI? bless up n turn the cheek, if your so masterful at our craft you shouldent need to use words to make youself feel like your what you say you are, and honestly noone cares..:shock:

sorry ta post this on your thread MOG but this howard guy is too high on him self for otheres to breath around here, thought id let him know how i feel :spew:


Well-Known Member
ya i know i read his thread to last night and all while this was going down
i wrote that everyone should get along and just chill and if u guys dont like each other just stay off each others thread and that this is a place to learn and geat better at growing and what not
not to fight and talk shit
ow ya i remember ur first words on ur thread about no cussing and all that
and when i looked at ur first pic u said shit on it i started laughing i was like u said no cussing in ur thread and respect and ur doing right off the bat lololol
it was funny
but ya i wish everyone would just chill and relax and get along this hole site s for one thing the love of growing and trees


Well-Known Member
haha i love how the joker is telling every one to love and if he can do it.......then wtheck?

hey just to break the negitive vibez in all you guys wanna help me? cant tell if these are seed pods on this bagseed, only on the top cola tho......
maybe the great marks will inlighten us hahahahahahahaha

ps. hope im not jackin your thread bro, just let me know if you want me to lay off the pics n stuff, i do have my own log but it feels like i just am talkin to my self in there:cry:



Well-Known Member
lol thanks titan
i painted that pic
im glad u know who he is
i dont like to bring that side of me out :0)


Well-Known Member
hey you painted that?!?! my bros been droooling over that pic for weeks.... he love the joker! it would mean worlds for you to email me a copy man. your a pro with the brushes my man.
No you are saying good stuff, and I probably did cuss on my first post.. just goes to say how blown I am. But either way I just meant for people to have respect for my journal. Im not the best, nor do I need attention.. I live in the middle of nowhere, so this is how I kill time. I have seen other forums and this is the one I chose. I like fdd2blk and seen him on the youtubes browndirtwarrior videos,.So I went to this site and I enjoy it. Still a little scared about posting pics on it. But I am such a small time grower who does not sell it, Its just my smoke.. See where I live i can't just go to a trap house and buy buds. So wanted to start this journal only because I was bored

But thanks guys, yall are really starting to earn my trust

thanks we all share the same love:leaf:



Well-Known Member
seeeeeee thats what im talking about baby yaaaaaaaaaa lol
damn by the looks of that pic it looks like u do live in the middle of nowhere lol
i wish i did :0)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I realize I was a complete prick... I'm not sorry for it... But I do apologize, when you go back and edit shit, it doesn't really matter, i never read any of that garbage anyway, and what was said was said, you can't edit real life man.

I'm completely against lazy hippies, always ruin every good thing... they ruined marijuana and are one of the big reasons it's still illegal.

And yeah, I know there's tons of information on the net about how to grow, but I'm simply doing this for myself... if my thread gets rep for being "insightful, and informative..." than good.

I started my journal out by asking no-one to post... that lasted less than a day. You're gonaa have to deal with pricks like me from time to time...

Sorry for shitting in your pot o' gold and destroying you rainbow.

I'll leave you alone... I promise.