Need some Help with hydroponics

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Well-Known Member
Net the slimy stuff ur putting in should deffinetely cease until u get a meter. Im telling u it doesnt take muych of alot of the things ur putting in to get things messed up..


Well-Known Member
Well your tap water has a decent PH, but who knows what the PPM is... If it's over 200, you should really think about using RO water. Tap water also has flouride and other crap in it which can kill your plants. You should let your tap water sit for 24 hours before putting it in your res (just fill up a couple buckets or whatever). The 24 hours will be enough time for the nasty chemicals to evaporate naturally, stir the water a couple times during the day as well.

And a cheap alternative to RO machines are these Mr. Clean Car Wash Sprayers:

For about 20 bucks at wallmart, they are awsome RO filters. Took my horrible SoCal Tap water from 650 PPM to like 15 ppm! Replacment filters are only like 4 bucks too, and they last a good while.


Well-Known Member
Her problem is # 1 not having a ppm meter. # 2 putting all kinds of things in the water that are supposed to supplement all kinds of things...I say its all shit and to be perfectly honest id love to hook up with a manufacturer and sling my own voodoo juice cuz thats what it all comes down too.. Net just hit up a few of the seasoned growers.. Im sorry u spent all that money on magical potions when u could have gotten urself more cheapy hps lights that would have been alot better for ur grow..
I hope u did a res change and are sticking to low dosage back bone nuts net.. Add 2 tablespoons of peroxide to the water and in a week the roots should be fine if not follow previuos advice of flush again and do the same thing.
The guys growing insane jungles are usually doing it with very lil supplements if not any...
Hope this helps..


New Member
Thank you very much Dl. As always you ease my mind and give me ideas. I did the res change last night with only ph'ed water and h2o2. Tonight will res change again with 1/2 nutes and h2o2. I have good feelings about this!

Thanks to all of you for the help! Gotta love rollitup!


Well-Known Member
Gotta love RIU indeed....I have a couple good friends that grow (one is excellentttt) but only rely on books and the occasional website for info

they were blown away by the stuff I knew about growing before I even started! RIU RIU RIU!


Well-Known Member
leggo i have a 37 year old book that was passed down to me from my pops. Its an awesome book indeed and gives alot of the foundation alot of the pros use except the fact that most of the scientific stuff is outdated like lighting..Supplements and such...I also love riu..Cuz i get to actually see first hand what works and what doesnt and i get to ask the growers themselves what works as well..
RIU is awesome for many reasons. So are the growers here that just pass this simple info down on us like candy..
THanks riu once again..
This shit is too simple.. Keep it simple people..


New Member
I hope so! This is a lot of hard work. Well not really but still time consuming. I have had a blast growing this! I hope it turns out great!


Well-Known Member
looking great Net!I think you are going to have some nice smoke there... It is a lot of fun growing..but yes time consuming at I imagine growing hydroponically is even more time consuming than what do you have left..couple weeks?....looks like your plants are sativa you might have to flower them a lil longer..but I guess the trich's will tell...are they still clear?


Well-Known Member
Huh How do the roots look net? The plants look better.. Ur colas r going to fill out nicely.. They look good sleeping i think they r going to be fine.


New Member
Yeah the trics are clear as crystal... ugh! The pistils are all white and they havent swollen up much!

The indica dom on the right is coming along faster. They are both on wk 5 as on this sunday. So I have some more waiting to do. I hate this part!


New Member
Huh How do the roots look net? The plants look better.. Ur colas r going to fill out nicely.. They look good sleeping i think they r going to be fine.

Roots are looking better! There was some small parts falling off of them though!!! I am not worried (yet!) Things are going great for them!
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