Lose The Crack


New Member
Ok so the other day I was with a few friends and we were takin some bong hits... I remember takin about 5 massive hits and then tryin to keep my eyes open. (Yeah that's why I dont like indica highs lol.) When everyone realised how out of it I was, my friend Josh took an altoid, ran it under water, and put it on a spoon. He then proceeded to torch the spoon with a lighter and TELL ME THAT IT WAS CRACK. I was so out of it that I believed it when I saw it bubbling so I told him to get the crack the fuck outta my house. =] I was freakin out about it cuz everyone was hittin it to just to watch what I would do lol. =] =]

Ok so that's my story. Everyone post your funny stories here so I can read them. =]


Active Member
thats a little harsh of them

At about 8pm on boxing day Me and my mate were in his room and had a 1/2 ounce of freshly made hash (made from bud not leaves) so we basicly got really baked we looked around the room while watching happy gilmore burst out laughing and saw that his snake was baked and looked at the snake for what felt around 10 mins while it was flopping about trying to bit the glass probly had the munchies checked the time and it was 4 am put on the simpsons and feel asleep