Shit i think i just messed up


Well-Known Member
I came back today, realized that My light had only been on for 8 hours instead of 12.

Will this mess my plants timing or effect the flowering? as It only got switched a couple of days ago to 12/12


Active Member
Im Not going to lie its going to stress the plant , which MIGHT delay it. But as long as the problem fix youll be alright, good luck and im sure youll have some dank buds just have faith , your plant loves it when your in a good harmony with the world stay positive!!!!


Well-Known Member
I agree, it'll be fine. It won't stress the plants any more than switching them from 18 hours or 24 hours to 12. Don't worry about it.


Well-Known Member
No you should change it to 12, I was just saying that the initial shock isn't a big deal and that they'll be fine. Put them on 12 now.............go........hurry!