I think it's a nitrogen problem for several reasons. But would you agree that it's on just the larger lower leaves and no new growth. (I just got two good books, Gardening Indoors with Soil and Hydroponics by Patten and Mari J Garden Saver by E.Rosenthal. In there I read about how nitrogen problems start on the older, larger, lower, more mature leaves. By the way, I wish I had bought these books years ago. I wasn't that trusting of mail order/internet.) Anyway. I think the yellowing could be from cutting back on the nuts, when I went to straight watering, went to full strength nuts or just the low rh. Maybe a combination of all the stress. I'm going to get some new pics up tomorrow cause I checked on them a couple of hours before the lgiths went out and they looked much better. I have the dome over them and it has moisture building up in it but my therm/hyg still read rh of 30% which seems off to me. Agree? I don't know a whole lot about rh and it's science.