Sativa or Indica?


Active Member
this is my first grow, she(i hope so :eek: ) is about 3 1/2 weeks old, and is growing great. the question i have is whether or not it is a Sativa or Indica.
Thanks in advance




Well-Known Member
hybrid showing indica dominance. true dominance will show later, when the plant is mature.


Well-Known Member
sativas will have longer inter nodal spacing and thinner, more jagged leaves. indicas will branch strongly, and will remain tightly spaced with large broad fingered leaves and smoother serrations.


Well-Known Member
sativas will have longer inter nodal spacing and thinner, more jagged leaves. indicas will branch strongly, and will remain tightly spaced with large broad fingered leaves and smoother serrations.
No shit, thanks. I've always seen "Sativas" and "Indicas" but had no idea whut they even meant.
Now I know. Sorry to get off topic.
Good luck longbow486 :bigjoint:


Active Member
thanks, it was just a bagseed that i had from some half decent weed that i got.
i wanted to experiment first before i went and bought some seeds.
that picture is actually a few days old, here is one from today,
i just got my 150W HPS yesterday



Active Member
ya I had the HPS a little too close and got some light/heat burn on a few of the leaves,
I moved it up about 6 more inches, hopefully it recovers


Well-Known Member
Nice son, bitch is gon be a badass. Good luck.
How long (weeks) does it take for the plant to produce it's sent? Or does it only start stankin' when it flowers?
Not to get off topic. (I'm a n00b kinda.)


Active Member
D.Hydr0.DGAF: great question, i would like to know that also,
since I'm in an apartment building and would like to try and counter the scent as much as possible.


Well-Known Member
You can buy/make "carbon filters" I believe they'll called and I guess it take all the stank away.
I jus wanna know to know, interesting fact @ 8:30am
