First indoor grow... good setup?


Active Member
i'm using part of my computer desk as my grow room :)

i wanted to keep it as basic as possible so i'm just using soil and cups.

inside the closet i taped white printer paper all around rather than spray painting... i'm using a 75 watt CFL bright white light... will this light be good enough?



Well-Known Member
For one, that light needs to be about 3" from the cups

No you'll need more light...lots more


Active Member
ok then for 4 plants fitting in that small area what wattage would you suggest, and i know the sups should be higher, i just finished throwing all the shit together, and my seeds are still germing so theres nothing in the cups.


Well-Known Member
hell naw....that printer paper aint doing shit neither but being a fire hazard and something that could catch fire!


Well-Known Member
once the roots hits the bottoms of those cups... if they even grow... they will die.

try again.

ghetto skunk

Active Member
get yourself a y socket 3$ at hardware store now you have two lights while your at the hard ware store pickup two 42 watt cfls put a small desk fan in with the plants do this before it grows youll be good to go oh yeah get some heat shields from dollar store or wall mart in cars department i got them and they work great for reflectors mini greenhouse :peace:cut a hole in the middle of one run the light through the hole you got a giant shield for light....ill post pics soon.. paid 27$ for everything works good hope this helps :joint:


Active Member
Bro listen up. First of all you need to take the paper out you are better off with foil paper whitch will intesify the light just a bit more than that paper.. paper will reflect light but not to much since paper does have tiny microscopic holes in it.. thus cutting down on you overall Rays from the light.. and its also a fire hazard one spark and thats going to suck... it also will store moisture once your watering and the humidity starts to rise and be consumed by the paper and can give you mold and could spread to the plants. Also bigger cups try and use the big ass cup you would take to a kEG PARTY.. I like to you use the BIG GULPS cups FROM 7-11..... so try the foil paper replacement first and make sure you have air coming in and comeing out... or else my friend you just wasted your time.... Good luck....


Well-Known Member
Yeah dont use tin creates hot spots. Just grab some paint when you have a chance and paint. Or if you just dont want to paint then get some cheap emergency mylar-like blankets from target or walmart for about $2.99, then use that to line your walls. Other than that I would use a y socket and add another cfl like was stated earlier and and grow from there....if your patient your results might be better than you expected.


Well-Known Member
a lot of people are right listen to all advice and learn from it heres my opinion!

1. GET RID OF THE PAPER,IT IS THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO.(as stated earlier it is a fire hazard,can cause mold quick,and will suck up and hold water. GET FLAT WHITE PAINT IT WILL PROBABLY TAKE 2 COATS AND ONLY 1 DAY TO DO IF YOU HAVE A EXTRA 20$ GET A SMALL ROLL OF MYLAR EVEN BETTER.

2. AS SAID EARLIER THE "Y" ADAPTER. THAT IS FINE THOUGH I RECOMMEND YOU HAVE AT LEAST 8 LIGHTS,INSTEAD OF JUST 1 OR 2 ON TOP. YOU PUT 2 ON TOP AND 2 ON ALL 3 SIDES.(don't put 1 on the door) but that equals 4 "Y" sockets and 4 regular sockets. get some plugs with bare wire ends and wire them to the single socket and cap them off with wire nuts or black tape now screw the "Y" in and you have 2 lights per socket not just 1 its simple,easy,and cheap to do.

3. SMALL CUPS=SMALL PLANTS. if you live in the U.S. go to your local SONIC or other favorite restaurant. GET A 44 oz. cup at least. find the biggest cups you can put some good drainage holes and soil, organics or a pro mix don't use cheap dirt. use big cups and good soil your point is to get the most you can for a small inexpensive grow.

4. EVEN THOUGH ITS SMALL, WITH FRESH AIR COMING IN AND OUT IT WILL ADD A FEW GRAMS ALSO. these links are for pc fans, witch you can cut the ends off an do them like the lights or you can buy a pc power supply and plug them in that and it plugs in the wall!! all you do is cut 2 squares in the side of the desk put 1 in facing 1 way and the other 1 facing the opposite way.(at your local truckstop) and you can get a little 4 inch round fan like the 1s truck drivers got on there dashes and mount it in the top corner to make the strong and not slinky like.

5. you have the space if you have a little time,patience,and a little money you can easily grow enough personal for yourself to last till next time!!!:leaf: hope this helps and if you need any more help or have any questions about the way i told you feel free to ask or PM me. i started off in a closet and grew in many small places and outdoors for 3 years before i finally got my big room. its my first time with that much room check my journal out. hope this helps good luck and good growing and welcome to the place to be.:leaf::leaf::weed::weed::weed::leaf::leaf:


i put 2 pics on there it is REALLY FOR THE PLUG the fan is a 4" inline duct boost fan you could use it but it will take alot of your space i would go with the smaller 1 i mentioned earlier THE PLUGS AND EVERY THING I MENTIONED CAN BE BOUGHT AT LOWES OR HOME DEPOT BUT THOSE ARE THE PLUGS YOU USE TO DO YOUR LIGHTS AND THE INTAKE/OUTAKE FANS

