My Self Built Stealth Cabinet Grow (how to build a cab) My Pride And Joy


Well-Known Member
the paper towel will work first
i bet u nothing and i know im going to win the bet
go ahead bet me come on bet me
the paper towel I will definately notice first because i can see the seed directly where as the other 15 are in soil... i've got a great environment (high humidity and moist...) i'll see the taproot with the paper towel method but after I get a taproot i'll have to plant them in cups after that then wait another 24 hours... lol so what's the bet.. whichever breaks the soil first ? lol... well look matey I looked at all 15 seeds in the paper town and no taproot ... lol I moved 3 of the seeds planted in the cups and the 3rd one I checked had a small white taproot lol... see think about it... if a plant is out in the wild god isn't gonna shoot down a wet papertowel to stick a seed in to germinate lol idk i've had good results with both, remember like a week ago clowdy there was a thread that you and I were both in about germinating seeds ? why do so many ppl have probs with germination lol ? but ya i'll bet ya lol you already owe me an oz lol hahah lmmfhao lol j/k


Well-Known Member
dusty doesnt update us anymore. :(

I've had 50/50 with germing seeds in a paper towel. I think its mostly because people try to germ seeds that aren't mature enough. If they white then htye are not gonna germ, if theyre brown and striped then they probably will.

DUSTY. How can i add another foot 1/2 of height to this box? The red line shows where i need to cut it. It needs to be 3" narrower and 1 1/2 foot taller.



Well-Known Member
ya i have the new cod
but i think cod 2 is the best
ow so u dont have part 5 world at war?
i have 4 and 5
i would add u but i dont have any mins on the xbox right now i have to get more :0(
i dont even remember my hole name on there right now cuse i havent been playing for over a couple months now but its clowdy something i dont know lol
hey do u know about nutes?


Well-Known Member
hey dusty
ya i remember
i had good resuilt with both too
i just like paper towel kinda better
cuase like u said i can see when it happens
but both works good
and about that oz? when i see ya i got ya :0)~


Well-Known Member
hey vapor.....

ya you definately want to go higher lol first a 1' you said now 1 1/2 ' lol ... but why cut it down 3" ?
my suggestion bud is to keep the width you already have, dissasemble your box and cut new sides that's the only way your going to keep the box looking clean to stay away from the "ghetto look" ... if you really insist on cutting it 3" in width take the box completely apart and square off 3" of the top and bottom and cut it with a hand saw or scroll saw or table saw whatever is available to you... then get some mdf any hardware store should carry it and cut yourself some new sides back and door... the only other thing you could do which I dont recommend is taking off the top and making another box of the same size with only 4 sides ( no bottom or top and setting it directly onto what you already have then place the old top on top of the new addition .. I hope you understood that it's kind of hard to explain in txt lol.... but seriously that's a pretty sweet lookin box there bud


Well-Known Member
hey dusty
ya i remember
i had good resuilt with both too
i just like paper towel kinda better
cuase like u said i can see when it happens
but both works good
and about that oz? when i see ya i got ya :0)~
Ya I prefer paper towl method as well...
the ol lady is sleeping right now but i'll take a few pics later today and update you guys...
I was just experimenting on the germination part I had like 300+ seeds given to me from a friend of friend (ex grower) so I had the gift of experimenting... well here's what I came up with 15 germinating inside a paper towel and 15 inside pop can sized styrofoam cups... all have germed and cracked... this is what I like to do for germination...

if i'm germinating in a paper towel I take a heating pad (usually used for sore muscles) and place it on medium... wet down 2 paper towels folded in four . then I sit the paper towel inside a baggie (not sealed) and then inside a tupperware container (no lid) then place the container on the heating pad and a towl over the whole thing ..

since i'm obviously not using the flowering room right now, I placed a small plug in heater with a thermostat inside set on a constant 85 degrees ,,, put the container in there with the heating pad... and the seeds that I was germin in soil... I just filled 15 cups up with soil (hyponex, and added perlite) (awesome soil) watered them down then stuck 1 seed in the middle about a half inch down and placed 1 baggie over the top of each cup.. I did this friday and sunday morning they were poppin up... :) they love heat and humidity...

I'm planning on driving to htg supply instead of ordering online for a number of reasons... but it's a 4 hour trip for the ol lady and I ... so hopefully next weekend we can get down there... right now I have 2 bagseed and 30 jack herrer veggin under 4 17 watt 2' fluoros 1 30 watt warm white 18" fluoros 6 26 watt cfls and one 42 watt cfl
that's just temporary until we drive down to pick up the 250 watt mh ...
sorry for the long post I just got up lol


Well-Known Member
I subscribed dusty
looking forward to the final pics

thanks bud.. I was off to a good start then got caught up with everything and kinda put me in a stunt lol... i'm getting everything to gether tho.. thank you for checkin my thread... and bein patient :)


Well-Known Member
ok ok...
so got a 360 for xmas...

Play alot of unreal tournament online ...

you guys ever get on xbox live ? cloudy ? vapor ?


Well-Known Member
dusty, its almost 6AM so i gota get some sleep. But im on xboxlive almost everyday. Im name is STAF0S (with a zero)

Thanks of the help with the box. I need to cut 3" off the side so it can fit in my closet lol. In the pics, its laid on its side. Its supposed to be the other way but with they way i have it pictured i can fit alto more plants in in.

I have lots of a new ideas involving a cooltube with a 400w i might have a 150w HPS forsale soon ;)

add me on Live!

good morning and goodnight!


Well-Known Member
sweet... alright will do mate.. :) .... 150 watt hps eh ? damn i need a 175 watt or 250 watt mh :( lol


Well-Known Member
hey dusty
ya i have an xbox360
i dont have any mins on it yet
and plus i really havent been on too much
and the game i play is the cod line ups
its about time u got on damn it all lol
we dont like taking care of ur thread for u so get on it more buddy lol


Active Member
dusty doesnt update us anymore. :(

I've had 50/50 with germing seeds in a paper towel. I think its mostly because people try to germ seeds that aren't mature enough. If they white then htye are not gonna germ, if theyre brown and striped then they probably will.

DUSTY. How can i add another foot 1/2 of height to this box? The red line shows where i need to cut it. It needs to be 3" narrower and 1 1/2 foot taller.
Would be earier and sronger to build a hew box bro