my first plant

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
I've just been chillin man. I've been on this other grow forum and met some great people who were nice enough to send me some seeds and clones! So I've got eight different strains going right now! Keeping me very busy. But yea now I've got Bubba Kush, BC Roadkill, Super Skunk, Sweet God, Bubblicious, Jock Horror, White Lady, and Sour Diesel so I won't be hurting for variety much longer.


Well-Known Member
dam your lucky i wish i could get a strain i knew what it was and grow it,, man and that wass all from ine person??


Well-Known Member
its a clone only strain now i believe. if im wrong tell me!!!!! I WANT THIS SHIT BAD. HAVENT HAD IT IN 2 YEARS. fiendin. you canf ind red dieles nyc diesel and white d. but i want that mmmmm mmmm sour shit


Well-Known Member
i almost died tonight dave.......seriously. but i did save my first life tonight, and i feel lucky to even be typing man....shit just got back from the police station an hour ago.


Well-Known Member
cannabiscult said:
i almost died tonight dave.......seriously. but i did save my first life tonight, and i feel lucky to even be typing man....shit just got back from the police station an hour ago.
What happened, man?


Well-Known Member
so im standing on the corner waitinf or my dealer at a busy intersection with my best buddy and we are facing north . west and east bound trffic has the right of way. north and south bound only have stop signs. so i see this guy flying down the street south bound right towards us and im like dude hes going really fast.....hes not gonna stop....HOLY SHIT. the dude t bones a van going about 65 and they start sliding towards us. my first reaction was to do the mom arm over chest kinda grab and grabbed cyles chest and just dove. we luckily dove right in the nic of time cause they slid and smashed up onto the side walk next to us. we were both ok but the dude that hit the guys drove off!!!!!! fuckin asshole, so i ran to the mini van and it was a son and dad driving and they were ok, the kid was crying though (poor lil guy)

so then like if its not bad enough the dude i was waiting for rolls up witht he weed. now obviously the cops are coming directly to our location so i tell my buddy to just grab the shit and go to my house. so he does and runs off. i stayed to fill out a report for the insurance and the guys eye witness.

first time ive evr consciously saved someones life. i am truley blessed to still be here right now dudes. no shit.
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Well-Known Member
dam canna that is some scary shit bro glad u guys are ok and that dirt bag that almost hit you gets a big f u:finger: from me, u at least smoke to relax??


Well-Known Member
fuck yea dude i rolled a fat philly when i got home lol

but i woke up with a fuckin hemroid from the stress and ive nbever had one, it hurts like.....well i dont know but bad. sorry if you didnt wanna know but fuck man im like dyin

hahahahahaa .........awkward lol

im a GOON (i know)


Well-Known Member
yeah man i dont know anything about your problem sorry... but i kno the cure another blunt!!! lol, how the plant?


Active Member
what up dave? ive been reading this journal and the shits really helpful.i have a similar budget problem so its good to find someone who successfully grew with cfls.My plants are only 3 weeks old , cept by a stroke of luck i got a 400 hps for 35$ from a friend.My plants are only 3 weeks old . thanks tho for the help and i cant wait to see your finished plants.happy growing! :weed