Money Idea


Well-Known Member
You guys make lots of money with weed right? Well I was thinking of a good way to make more money with more privacy.
Solar panals. If you buy a lot, you can sell energy to the electric company and the cops can't use your electric bill to catch you growing. Good idea or no?


Well-Known Member
You guys make lots of money with weed right? Well I was thinking of a good way to make more money with more privacy.
Solar panals. If you buy a lot, you can sell energy to the electric company and the cops can't use your electric bill to catch you growing. Good idea or no?
rofl :wall:


Well-Known Member
"Oh God .! You d Need Lots Of Solar Panels"
If your making good money with weed then who cares.... put em on your roof or something

Top 44

Well-Known Member
I knew a dude years ago who made his own windmill 12 v generator using a car alternator.

Top 44

Well-Known Member
If your making good money with weed then who cares.... put em on your roof or something
I suppose if you had more money than you knew what to do with and wanted to stay off the grid you could set up a solar panel system. I don't know too many people who could afford it though.


Well-Known Member
You would have to have a rotating solar array, or a roatating solar home like this:

If you didn't have an active array that could track the sun, you'd have a very short window of full power and need way more panels than would make sense, ugly and very expensive panels all over facing different directions...

You wouldn't have to store the energy I don't think... When you create more power than you use the electric company is paying you for the extra, and then when the sun isn't enough you pay the electric company. Given enough cells, you could grow AND collect money from the electric company at the same time, but there are solar panel breakthroughs in late stages of development right now, who knows if 5-10 years from now things could be a whole lot cheaper and a whole lot more efficient. Obama seems determined to push this job creation stuff towards solar etc and options and prices are bound to change dramatically with economies of scale.


Well-Known Member
speaking of which just over a day till he's sworn in. i'm relaly looking forward to seeing what he puts money towards in this economic fuckup we've got goin on now, i'm looking to get into the environmental protection field when i graduate college next year so i'm hoping there's something for me to do haha


Well-Known Member
speaking of which just over a day till he's sworn in. i'm relaly looking forward to seeing what he puts money towards in this economic fuckup we've got goin on now, i'm looking to get into the environmental protection field when i graduate college next year so i'm hoping there's something for me to do haha
Nobody can fix this mess.

Douche Nozzle

Well-Known Member
You would have to store the energy no matter what. It needs to stay consistant. Or else your 1200w light wont be 1200w under cloud cover. You need a few 12v car batteries and alot of copper.


Well-Known Member
This would be far more feasible if you lived near the equator. I'd have hundreds of thousands of $ wrapped up into even trying to go 100% solar.