5 strains! Medi-bud, THC Bomb, Mango, SS Haze, J. Herer


Well-Known Member
got my seeds at http://www.marijuana-seeds.nl/jack_herer_seeds.html
two for one special...I bought 20, got 20 free!! plus total of 10 free SSH, and a bunch
of other seeds...so, yeah, I got extra...but I'm stingy...mine, all mine, muhahaahahaaa.

had to alter my grow room some. temporarily, the closet in the grow room has been converted to a mini veg area for all these new seeds.
400w MH is in there. I have to rewire my 400w HPS in the next few days, then I'll swap the lights/plants, making the closet a flower area and the larger area will be for vegging all these new plants.

if all goes well, at the end of this grow, I'll do the same thing for the other half of these seeds.

the latest pics...
the Mazar is still in bloom...
Got my seeds from the same site bro. They all seemed legit.


Well-Known Member
yeah, I ordered 4 strains from them, plus I got SSH for free, and the seeds in each little baggie looked different from one another. except for the JH, since I got the most of those seeds, 4 baggies, but all 4 looked identical. the free seeds, SSH, were little tiny, pale seeds. JH, were small and lt. brown. THCB are big, fat seeds. Mango seeds were similar, but different color and patterns. Medibud seeds were kinda tiger striped. so, if they ain't legit, they sure went to a lot of trouble choosing a variety of colors and sizes.

I'm going to rewire the light and make the swap, then I'll get some pics posted....


Well-Known Member
ok, first of all, the 'switch' has been made. the flower room is now the veg room and the veg closet is now the flower closet.

this is about day 5 for the Medibud and LR2.
oh, by the way, apparently the Medibud I thought had died did not, it's still trying to make it. it seems I will have an extra one, bringing the total to 6 seedlings. THCB and SSH are doing well sprouting in the humidity dome, on day 3.

Mango seeds were placed into the seeding cubes today, after soaking in water for @24hrs.

let me tell you a little about the environmental conditions. outside, where I live, it's pretty cold, between 10C/0C during the day. below 0C at night. my house is not heated, and the basic structure is concrete w/little or no insulation, so it's pretty cold indoors as well. I use space heaters, no central air.

the grow area is primarily heated by the MH bulb, secondary heating is from the two ballasts (MH and HPS), w/supplement heating from very small electric pwrd, ceramic heater. flower closet is heated by the HPS bulb alone. from even a small change in outside temperature there can be a significant change in indoor temperature, so keeping the temperature at, say 25C, constantly, is problematic, at best.

I posted some pics below.
as you can see, each seedling is in its own 'micro environment', by placing a small plastic cup over the seedling, @6oz capacity, with two small holes cut in the top for air exchange. they seem to be doing well. the cups are wiped dry once a day, atm. I think I'll keep it like this until there are at least 3 sets of leaves, the seedlings outgrow the cup, or @3wks, whichever comes first.

these seeds have all germinated quite quickly and easily. I suspect the Ethylene treatment had something to do with it as one effect is to stimulate the release of dormancy.

had a little trouble today. while napping this afternoon, my budding plants took the opportunity to get themselves scorched. I don't think its too bad. they're in night cycle now, so no pics...I'll post some of them tomorrow...
enough for now...



Well-Known Member
I wanted to post a little more info/advise on bulb reflectors. I got these reflectors cheap, and with almost no knowledge of them or hoods in general, except their shape. because they are round and the angle of the sides is quite steep, the intensity of the light and heat is very high directly beneath them. also, they are mounted vertically. rectangular reflectors, w/horizontally mounted bulbs would be better. the light and heat cast downward is spread over a larger area at the same height as my round/vertical reflectors. I'm gonna try to replace these reflectors before too long, although, I'm rather tightfisted and generally lazy...lol


Well-Known Member
running into a few little problems atm. of course, the temperature is difficult to maintain, but I don't think its too big of a problem. the seedling in pots are doing ok, a couple are really struggling to stay upright and a few more are not growing. I think they were put into pots too soon. I was forced to plant them because there was no more room in the humidity dome since I wanted to germ the SSH and THCB...and, of course, the Mango are going now also. anyway, some of the SSH and THCB are having some trouble sprouting, probably cuz of the temperature. I am home most of the time, so I'll have to keep closer watch on all that for the time being...
also, I think my Mazar thats flowering might be root bound...it's only 50cm tall and it's in a 2.7L pot...too small??? think I'll go get a larger pot tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
running into a few little problems atm. of course, the temperature is difficult to maintain, but I don't think its too big of a problem. the seedling in pots are doing ok, a couple are really struggling to stay upright and a few more are not growing. I think they were put into pots too soon. I was forced to plant them because there was no more room in the humidity dome since I wanted to germ the SSH and THCB...and, of course, the Mango are going now also. anyway, some of the SSH and THCB are having some trouble sprouting, probably cuz of the temperature. I am home most of the time, so I'll have to keep closer watch on all that for the time being...
also, I think my Mazar thats flowering might be root bound...it's only 50cm tall and it's in a 2.7L pot...too small??? think I'll go get a larger pot tomorrow.

What're your temps at? And did you put some twisty tie things around your seedlings?


Well-Known Member
onenumcat said:
running into a few little problems atm. of course, the temperature is difficult to maintain, but I don't think its too big of a problem. the seedling in pots are doing ok, a couple are really struggling to stay upright and a few more are not growing. I think they were put into pots too soon. I was forced to plant them because there was no more room in the humidity dome since I wanted to germ the SSH and THCB...and, of course, the Mango are going now also. anyway, some of the SSH and THCB are having some trouble sprouting, probably cuz of the temperature. I am home most of the time, so I'll have to keep closer watch on all that for the time being...
also, I think my Mazar thats flowering might be root bound...it's only 50cm tall and it's in a 2.7L pot...too small??? think I'll go get a larger pot tomorrow.
From what I have seen, it is possible to grow 50 cm plant in a relatively small pots with no problems, but if You repot it in bigger pot, it sure will grow faster. My plants, when I repoted, showed great progress.
I guess it`s harder to keep them healthy in smaller pots.

But not sure about that - haven`t done it.


Well-Known Member
What're your temps at? And did you put some twisty tie things around your seedlings?
THE TEMP DURING THE DAY, in the flower area, is between 20-25C. in the veg area its easier to regulate as the lights are on much longer, temp is between 25-30C. this is intentional, as the vegging plants need more heat.
yeah, I used some toothpicks and twist ties, but that is done now...they're fine.

here's a pic of the Mazar before I make my regular post and new pics of the seedlings. remember, I scorched it several days ago...
and the mini LR2 got chopped and vaporized!



Well-Known Member
From what I have seen, it is possible to grow 50 cm plant in a relatively small pots with no problems, but if You repot it in bigger pot, it sure will grow faster. My plants, when I repoted, showed great progress.
I guess it`s harder to keep them healthy in smaller pots.

But not sure about that - haven`t done it.
well, I re-potted anyway. now it's in a 5L bucket, lol. it should be done soon, I hope.
I need that light for the new grow. after thinking about it, seems most of my past troubles may have come from too small pots, always less than 3L.
I got some new pots for the new plants, works out to about 4.5L for each one.

some pics. added another light and table, cleared out some crap.
found some 10L planters lying around, so planted 2 in each.
all germinated seeds are planted...except one Mango...I ran out of soil!!
I did end up losing 2 Medibuds, but germ'ed another one...so, really only lost one, lol.
also, lost 2 THCB and 3 LR2's!



Well-Known Member
well, it's nearly the end of week 2 for the first batch (from seed), MB, THCB and LR2 and less than a week for the second batch, SSH and Mango.
Jack Herrer has been soaking for just under a day. I'll have them in the humidity dome today, later today. they have been in the Ethylene bag for more than 2 weeks, I think...a long time anyway.
so, I should have lots of females from that strain.

count to date:

germinating 20 JH to make up for the lost seedlings.


Well-Known Member
check out this Mango seedling.
she (hopefully) has 3 cotyledons and 3 first sets of leaves!!!

anyone seen anything like this before?
I really, really hope she lives...should be awesome.



Well-Known Member
well, I got a little more soil today...all I could carry, enough to fill two 5L pots.
so, I planted the remaining Mango. the first two batches of seeds are planted!
I'll need a lot more to plant the JH when its ready, but not for awhile.

I'm worried I won't have enough space or enough light...or both!


Well-Known Member
I know you guys don't want to hear this and I don't really want to say it...but...
well, this morning I read a post from a guy asking how long before he can plant a seedling, from start of germination to soil.
I answered his post and told him how long it takes me and how I do it...
since I had the JH soaking for about 24 hrs already...I dumped the water and took a pic of the seeds. they had all cracked open already
and the embryonic root was already showing...
of course, he thought that was amazing as he had been germinating for two days without any such signs. I told him my seeds would be in soil within
5 day, total time, but he might not even see the root until that time. he was using the paper towel method.

so, here are my seeds...nearly dry, in the morning, about 10am. then I went to the bank, had some lunch, and got some soil, downtown. and wasted
a lot of time girl watching. when I returned home the seeds were completely forgotten, of course!!! and bone dry!

well, I put some water on them and transferred them to the germing cubes, then into the humidity dome. I really fear the damage is done.
time will tell. within a day or two or three. but I may have to scratch the JH from the journal/grow.

cross whatever you got and wish me/us (the seeds) luck!


Well-Known Member
here are a couple pics of the JH after soaking(submerged) in water for 24hrs.
the same pics I used as an example for that guy wanting to know how long until he can plant a seed...

pretty sweet, huh?



Well-Known Member
some up to date pics
1. the first group-LR2(small pots), most of the MB, and two of the THCB.
2. the second group-1 MB, 1 THCB, SSH, and most of the Mango.
3. the veg room.

by the way, that second light is a 500W, ballastless MV bulb I had lying around.
I know they're practically worthless, but I need the extra light until I can take the 400W HPS from the flower closet.

:wall: the Mango freak, 3 cotyledon, DIED!!

just a quick seedling count:

18 in soil
20 JH to go, if they survive!

I'm not gonna replace the THCB or Mango.
they're not feminized, and it would take too much time to give Ethylene treatment to more of those seeds. hopefully, the extra JH will make up for the 'lost ones'.



Well-Known Member
as of this morning, at least half a dozen JH are still viable. I can see them growing up to the top of the germination cubes.
I guess some live ones are better than all dead ones!


Well-Known Member
Sorry, if You mentioned it, but why are You putting those cups on them? Just curious.


Well-Known Member
well, it's just a theory...
my grow room has a very low humidity now...cuz its winter. rather than fight to raise
the humidity in the whole room and the temperature.
these clear cups should provide a mini environment. you can see in the pics, how its 'sweating'.
although the soil looks dry, it's obviously wet below. it must be hotter and more humid
inside there, than in the room.

you have to be careful though, it's easy to get it too hot n humid. there is a hole cut in the top
and I wipe the cup dry everyday. some of the light is blocked by the plastic, doesn't seem to be
affecting the plant. also, I 'flick' the little plant when I lift the cup. shakes water off it and I can judge, by how the stem snaps back,
if it's getting too hot in there. if it doesn't snap back, then I leave the cup off for a day and replace it the next.

probably, if you just left it on all the time, it would 'boil' it. not really boil, ya know, but just wither away from too much
heat and humidity. I have snow right outside my front door. if I kept the lights/heat on all the time, my electric bill would
be sky high!

