Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s


Well-Known Member
Great to have you!! Hope you learned a few things from my mistakes... the whole point of this journal

I'll post some new pics sometime later today, gotta take care of some other stuff


Well-Known Member
not much, working like crazy to designing my cousin's wedding invitation I said Id have to here yesterday... woops :-/

Plants are next, but may be ahwile yet LOL


Well-Known Member
Thank you net!!!

And no... I dont kow computers like Net does, thats for sure, I'm just an Adobe/Design junkie....


New Member
Yo leggo! I love the photo-Chop! But i'm not nearly as good as you. I try to touch up pics and such like in my avy's. THats about as far as my chop shop goes. You are awesome though!!


Well-Known Member

Day 42 of Flower:

Getting so close to harvest time!! Still about 10 days-2 weeks left... the girls are still getting fat, hairs are slowly turning... this is Fox's cola which gains about 1cm in height a day or two

Sways cola, which she has the 'big buds' though more sporadic since shes a hermie...

And Jane's cola which is so sticky its hard to believe!

I still need to run out and grab a loop, hopefully today or tomorrow (I know I said that before)... and just chill

cant wait to smoke smoke smoke smoke

ok, now I gotta run so I can see Obama take office!!!



Well-Known Member

Day 42 of Flower:

Getting so close to harvest time!! Still about 10 days-2 weeks left... the girls are still getting fat, hairs are slowly turning... this is Fox's cola which gains about 1cm in height a day or two

Sways cola, which she has the 'big buds' though more sporadic since shes a hermie...

And Jane's cola which is so sticky its hard to believe!

I still need to run out and grab a loop, hopefully today or tomorrow (I know I said that before)... and just chill

cant wait to smoke smoke smoke smoke

ok, now I gotta run so I can see Obama take office!!!

Wow leggo those things look nice bro.. Might have a lil more time left on um bro but they look good... I think they are going to fatten up a lil more bro.
Great job man.. Those pix are tight bro. Calender girl pin-up stuff bro.


Well-Known Member dont know what your talking about bro...first off fukin menards sells 4 pack of 23 watters for 12 dollars...second just because your growing with cfls dont mean you keep them close as at 3 inches max...your a fukin idiot. 3 inches max? so whats the minimum 1 he can fukin burn out his sprouts to death? the minimum distance is 4 inches bud.....and im giving "bad advice"
actually while still 'seedlings", it is better to keep the lights around 1-4 max. this only applies to flourescants though due to the low heat and the fact that in his setup there isnt enough of reflective light and the plants wont recieve as much of it yet until the true leaves form.

very sorry, didnt see the other 65 pages. plants look very nice, keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
your plants look great man im about to start my first grow and i was thinking of growing some AK... what strain of AK are you growing and did you start from seed or clone and if you did start from seed where did you get them from

Smoke Yoshi

Active Member
Man i just read this thread from the first page to now! Great job man, and good work, im glad you didnt quit and made it this far! thread is truly inspirational to a person like myself who has never grown! so thanks for the effort and i will be checking back everyday! and thanks to all the people that helped and assisted him!


Well-Known Member

Day 43 of Flower:
Into my 7th week now!! Still just not doing much, but I did add my 'daylight' CFLs to the base of the grow, with my powerstrip. Lots of tiny little buds at the bottom I thought I could get some extra light too... I know they're blue, not ideal for flowering, but I was told its better than nothing.

If anythig, it makes for a pretty picture, look at it :) But... my lower fan leaves are starting to droop because of it, do they just not LIKE the blue light?? OR?? Are they trying to reach down to the light??

Another look at all three girls' tops....

And a little centerfold action....

thats all.


Well-Known Member
your plants look great man im about to start my first grow and i was thinking of growing some AK... what strain of AK are you growing and did you start from seed or clone and if you did start from seed where did you get them from
I started from Seed. My friend grew some serious seeds AK-47, and my seeds came out of a big dug of it. Though theres a small chance the dad may now be AK but a White WidowXCali Orange Bud cross.... right now they smell pure AK to me :-/