pills online?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
They still do.. "Desoxyephedrine" is your pharmaceutical name.
Plus l-desoxyephedrine (levmetamfetamine) is used for cold meds (granted the l form has nowhere near the amount of activity compared to the d form). But yeah, desoxyephedrine is used (hence the reason it is a Schedule II, if it were not used medicinally it would be a Schedule I; like ecstasy, lsd, and marijuana).

EDIT: thank you whomever gave me plus rep.


Well-Known Member
Been a long time since I was prescibed Adderal, but I can remember it being rediculously easy to get the script. Just telling your doctor you can't seem to concentrate on one thing at a time will prompt him/her to suggest it. I sweer they must be getting a Kick Back from the Pharmasudical (bad spelling) company. My doctor was basicly telling me to take it. Come to find out, almost everyone in college is takeing it. (herd that on MTV Special)