I am curious to hear it but think I am fine with where I am as it is extremely simple. No timers or reservoirs or algae.
I would have loved for the aerocloner to work considering the time and money I put into it, but overall this takes up a lot less room.
I have a certain procedure I use to help against disease or infections, but I essentially just..
..Soak RR in PH water shortly, cut clone, cut off extra branches, cut bottom stem underwater again, dip in clonex and then plug into RR.
I then have them in the propagation tray with a humidity dome. I spray the dome as needed and dip the RR's when they start appearing dryer. After about 7 days most will have some roots and I remove the dome. Within the next 3-7 days the fuckers are fully rooted and ready to go. I then just fill up my square pot to just over the fill line with hydroton, put clone in and pour more hydroton around. Within the day the roots are grown down and getting drink.
Best of all it takes place in a 10x20 propagation tray taking up very little room compared to my big ol rubbermade container. When I had my mothers under a MH I had a seperate area for them, but for the time being since I moved to floro temporarily I just have them with the mothers and they are doing great.
Aero might have its place again, but while you guys have garages or rooms, I have 2 wardrobe closets as my two flowering chambers, and am in the process of building a workbench with built in mother chamber since I evicted the mothers for more flowering. But hey, its an apartment...and everything is nicely contained. It would be no secret that something is going on as it isn't super stealth, but within the next couple of months I think I could pull off a "server closet" so that is why not having to use aero works better for me.