Coffee, anyone>??


Active Member
So i was talking to my sister, who still smokes but is currently out of the game of growing, and she told me that you should put coffee grounds in a mix with your potting soil, etc... because it is good for growing pretty much everything.

Anyone else heard of this before? I was interested in it, but probably because i had the fleeting image of hitting the weed and getting that rich french vanilla taste or something, haha! :lol:

But anyways, here's a funny deal.
I have 3 seeds (of i don't know what, something a friend bought and smoked) germinated. They cracked and the roots are like 1/4 inch long. Time to bury them; but of course, my mom decides to clean the WHOLE house because she's going to have a realtor come over... gravy.

So what the hell am I going to do with these guys, sounds like an injustice to just ditch 'em. That's plant abuse...

Anyone know any clever ideas of making a seed go "dormant" or like storing them, or even slowing growth to a screeching halt, without killing the plant?


Active Member
So i was talking to my sister, who still smokes but is currently out of the game of growing, and she told me that you should put coffee grounds in a mix with your potting soil, etc... because it is good for growing pretty much everything.

Anyone else heard of this before? I was interested in it, but probably because i had the fleeting image of hitting the weed and getting that rich french vanilla taste or something, haha! :lol:

But anyways, here's a funny deal.
I have 3 seeds (of i don't know what, something a friend bought and smoked) germinated. They cracked and the roots are like 1/4 inch long. Time to bury them; but of course, my mom decides to clean the WHOLE house because she's going to have a realtor come over... gravy.

So what the hell am I going to do with these guys, sounds like an injustice to just ditch 'em. That's plant abuse...

Anyone know any clever ideas of making a seed go "dormant" or like storing them, or even slowing growth to a screeching halt, without killing the plant?
Lol. If you're serious about growing, get real seeds, and find a place where you can grow in safety out of mom's sight. If they're a quarter inch and you're worried, it's pointless. What are you gonna do when they're a foot and have lights, fans all around? How about the smell? I imagine you probably don't have a safe indoor place to go, so look into guerrilla growing. Some people are against it but it may be your only option, and spring is not far away.

And if you don't want to ditch them, maybe you should put them into foster care in a safer home.


Active Member
Lol. If you're serious about growing, get real seeds, and find a place where you can grow in safety out of mom's sight. If they're a quarter inch and you're worried, it's pointless. What are you gonna do when they're a foot and have lights, fans all around? How about the smell? I imagine you probably don't have a safe indoor place to go, so look into guerrilla growing. Some people are against it but it may be your only option, and spring is not far away.

And if you don't want to ditch them, maybe you should put them into foster care in a safer home.

Haha, yea.
This isn't the serious grow. I'm doing that starting April. Ordering seeds and everything (not exactly sure which strain yet) and i have a site picked out and everything. Guerilla grow though you don't have that wrong.

This was more bull than anything b/c i didn't personally see them taking at all. But i haven't grown before so "what the hell" and just started them anyway.

... makes me mad, because i did have a rather good place to grow a smaller plant; Who can plan on you're parents putting your house up for sale out of fawking nowhere and calling a realtor.

that's just bad luck i think.

But i just wanted to see if anyone had any real ingenious ideas on RIU. Surprise people with their creativity and expert grow skills.... think of it as like a challenge. :leaf: