Sick Tattoos?


Well-Known Member
Anyone? Any ideas for sick ass tattoos or placment? I want one in the spot between my thumb and index finger on the back part of my hand..idk what I really want yet though...or where...cause if I want a corporate job I can't have tats I don't think(well I can't smoke bud either though...fuck that...but maybe)? Unless I can cover it so no hands or neck...but hands are sick if you get em done in my spot.


Well-Known Member
my tattoo is from art by luis royo. hes a dark fantasy artist...and his stuff is amazing. i think on guys any tattoo is the general pelvic region is pretty hot :) lol and its easy to hide. i have mine between my shoulder blades so i can show it off when i want and cover it up when i want.
*edit...i just re-read the post...ur looking for something small right? lol luis royo stuff wouldnt be small...haha sorry...but u should check out BME (body modification site) just google will have all kinds of ideas! i learned to pierce from reading that