Yo brothers +rep. Whats wrong does anyone know? ( pic )


Well-Known Member
Hey guys basically i ahve 2 plants coz one died of stretching and black stuff. But basically THe two which i have one is beautiful and looking good. And this is the other its still alright i think but its a bit different. Could someone tell me what is causing this? I have been watering when the soil is dry till a few inches down. I havent started with the nutes yet so if u guys think i should start hitting up with a touch of nutes maybe? Anything from u guys will is good coz u guys know what ur talkin about.




Well-Known Member
My setup sorry. Is 125w Blue 6400k enviro lite. Close to 2 plants. Hanging vertically these are about 5 weeks old. And i know they are kinda small but well this one is but thats coz for a good few weeks barely any light. But basically its just some commercial compost thats acid loving. And perlite mix about 50-50. Erm another thing is using a fan just oscillating inside blowing the leaves a little bit. However one thing that game to mind is stale air. Coz its in a basement the air is quite stale so i may be thinking of adding some homemade co2 cant hurt can it. but yeh what do u think? they are sort of cuped or somehting if u know what i mean its not too bad might just be paranoid stoner



Well-Known Member
the yellow color looks like a nitrogen deficientcy which would make the most sense because that is what the plant uses most in that stage of development, but there is some curing of the leaves that doesn't make sense. give it a half strength dose of a balanced fertilizer or something with a good amount of nitrogen. half strength should be plenty


Well-Known Member
that 1 in the pic looks ok but will need minor nutrients soon. try botaniocare organic. READ CAREFULLY what it says for seeding. maybe a 1/2 tablespoon per gallon. keep watching it. that yellowing should go away too. and dont overwater. my babies usually require 600ml. every 3 or 4 days and thats in 3 gallon pots bro


Well-Known Member
It looks a lot lighter than it should, which indicates a lack of nitrogen. I would give it a weak strength grow nute, and see how it responds.


Well-Known Member
well ive only got blue miracle grow which is 15-30-15 and ive been told to use REALLY small amounts so yeh. Cheers guys.


New Member
how close to the light are they?? also " just some commercial compost thats acid loving" ur soil?? maybe u should try some plain jane soil. no ferts. i agree with god ur gettin too much sumthing. good luck man.


Well-Known Member
That ratio seems like it was designed for flowering, not vegging. You need to get some grow nutes.
Yeh it probs is but wont hurt using it mildy in veg for a few weeks. Then when i transport. Kick it up and they will be like yeh this shits yummy. Btw guys thanks for all of the info + rep to all of u